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Petition to keep Mike Malloy on the airwaves!

IE America Radio Network is about to fold in February. Mike Malloy's voice among others will be silenced. This petition is to get the new liberal-leaning Central Air Media to give him a time slot.
As you might have heard IE America Radio Network will be ending broadcast operations in February.
Their biggest backers the UAW (United Auto Workers) will be pulling their money out of the network.
This is will leave a huge void for an already lacking liberal and left-leaning angle in the media. One of those
voices, Mike Malloy, will be silenced particularly at a time when we need people like Malloy to counter the
Limbaughs, the Hannitys, and the Medveds. Mike Malloy is a passionate, intelligent, fiery, and humorous talk show
host and takes the right-wingers to task Monday through Friday 9 to Midnight (EST) on IE America.

Mike Malloy would be a wonderful addition to the new Central Air Media Network (formely AnShell). It is hard to believe
that he has not been approached by the up-and-coming network. We need people that are passionate and can give the left
to take our country back. I decided to start a petition to get Central to hire Mike Malloy and give him a time slot. Please sign
petition and keep the fighting liberals and left on the airwaves!

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