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Global Women's Strike March 8

The Global Women's Strike will take place for the third year in a row on March 8, International Women's Day. In 2000 and 2001, women and girls in over 60 countries took actions to "Stop the World and Change It". The theme of Strike 2002 is "Invest in Caring, Not Killing" to protest more than $800 billion a year spent on the military worldwide.
Global Women's Strike March 8, 2002

The Global Women's Strike will take place for the third year in a row on March 8, International Women's Day. In 2000 and 2001, women and girls in over 60 countries took actions to "Stop the World and Change It". In 2002, women all over the world will again take action to demand: "Invest in Caring, Not Killing" - to protest more than $800 billion a year spent on the military worldwide and the additional $40 billion for "America's new war", when $80 billion would provide the essentials of life and a minimum income for all.

International Strike demands include payment for caring work; pay equity for all; paid maternity leave and other benefits; abolition of the Third World debt; accessible clean water and non-polluting technology; accessible healthcare, housing, transport, literacy and information; protection and asylum from all violence and persecution; and freedom of movement.

Strike actions are planned in cities across the US, including Philadelphia, NYC, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, as well as in smaller towns. Taking their lead from grassroots women in Argentina, women in several cities are planning "cacerolazos" - pots-and-pans demonstrations at different government, corporate and other offices. Street theater, costumes, music, poetry, art and lots of noise will register women's serious demand to redirect military spending to caring, feeding, healing, learning.

The Global Women's Strike is coordinated by the Wages for Housework Campaign. Payday is coordinating men's support. To learn about strike actions in different parts of the country and for more information, call the Crossroads Women's Center in Philadelphia (215) 848-1120. The Strike website has news from around the world and includes photos and reports of last year's stike.

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