On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, the 11th anniversary of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Maryland Action Collective is calling for a Nonviolent Anti-CAFTA Air Force and Noise Action outside the final round of planning meetings for the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). We'll make noise so they can hear us, and in the spirit of the Zapatista Air Force's January 2000 nonviolent attack on the Mexican Army barracks, we'll make our resistance visible with paper airplanes.
On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, the 11th anniversary of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Maryland Action Collective is calling for a Nonviolent Anti-CAFTA Air Force and Noise Action outside the final round of planning meetings for the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). We'll make noise so they can hear us, and in the spirit of the Zapatista Air Force's January 2000 nonviolent attack on the Mexican Army barracks, we'll make our resistance visible with paper airplanes.
The U.S. trade representatives plan to use CAFTA to spread NAFTA's devastation to Central America. They lost in the WTO() meetings in Cancun; they had to settle for FTAA() Lite in Miami, which effectively put the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) on hold; and now they are turning their focus to CAFTA and bilateral trade agreements in order to isolate and weaken opposition to the U.S.'s version of FTAA. If they succeed in bullying countries to rally behind their neoliberal, neocolonial trade plans, they will revisit FTAA and make it into the "NAFTA on steroids" they originally threatened us with. YA BASTA!
G21 delegates who walked out of the WTO meetings in Cancun and caused its collapse said that U.S. trade reps hold one-on-one meetings with them, during which they bully them and make them feel stupid because they oppose the U.S. trade agenda. They said one thing that kept them strong in those meetings was hearing the sound of the protests outside in the streets. They knew the world was behind them. The U.S. plans to isolate these reps with CAFTA, but we can't let it happen.
Let your opposition to CAFTA and the FTAA be heard loud and clear! Bring your noise makers and your paper airplanes as the Nonviolent Anti-CAFTA Air Force metaphorically lays siege to the U.S.'s Central American Free Trade Agreement.
What: Protest CAFTA talks
Where: Renassaince Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC, at the corner of Connecticut and L.
When: Tuesday, 9AM December 9th
For more info and other anti-CAFTA actions:
Background article on CAFTA's role in pushing FTAA: