Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Peace

ART OF WAR: Dreams of Muhammad

Palestinian boys were gunned down, often by Israeli snipers from fortified positions, that
picked them out of the crowd, using high power rifles with telescopic lenses and
silencers, who shot these boys in the heart, in the head. They were among the more than
140 Palestinians who were killed during the first month the intifada.
killed before there were any suicide bombings in Israel,
killed for daring to throw rocks at Israeli tanks,
killed for wanting their FREEDOM!
ART OF WAR: Dreams of Muhammad

Palestinian boys were gunned down, often by Israeli snipers from fortified positions, that
picked them out of the crowd, using high power rifles with telescopic lenses and
silencers, who shot these boys in the heart, in the head. They were among the more than
140 Palestinians who were killed during the first month the intifada.
killed before there were any suicide bombings in Israel,
killed for daring to throw rocks at Israeli tanks,
killed for wanting their FREEDOM!

DEDICATED TO: Peace Now, Not in My Name, B’tselem, Gush Shalom, Rabbis for
Human Rights, and all the good Israelis (over 100,000 recently met in Rabin Square) and
Jews around world who want peace, who want an end to the killing, who want an end to
the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Muhammad Jamal Muhammad al-Dureh, age 12, from Al-Bureij Refugee Camp,
killed by Israeli security forces live gunfire to the abdomen and chest at Nazarim
Junction/ Gaza.
Khaled 'Adli al-Baziyan, age 15, from Nablus, killed by Israeli security forces live
gunfire to the head in Nablus/ The West Bank.
Nizar Mahmud 'Abd al-'Ayedeh, age 16, from Deir 'Ammar/ Ramallah, killed by Israeli
security forces gunfire to the chest in Ramallah/ The West Bank.
'Iyyad Ahmad al-Khashashi, age 16, from Nablus, killed by Israeli security forces live
gunfire in Nablus/ The West Bank
Samer Samir Sudki Tabanjeh, age 12, from Nablus, killed by Israeli security forces live
gunfire in Nablus/ The West Bank
Sami Fathi Muhammad a-Taramsi, age 17, from Ash Sheikh Raduan, Gaza, killed by
Israeli security forces live gunfire to the chest and back in Gaza.
Husam Na'im Hassan Bakhit, age 17, from Refugee Camp Balata, killed by Israeli
security forces live gunfire to the head in Nablus/ The West Bank.
Muhammad Nabil 'Ali Hamed Dahud al-'Abasi, age 16, from Al Bira, killed by Israeli
security forces gunfire to the head in Al-Bira/ The West Bank
Wa'il Taysir Qatawi, age 16, from Refugee Camp Balata, killed by Israeli security
forces live gunfire to the chest in Nablus/ The West Bank
Husam 'Ali Mahmud al-Hamshari, age 15, from Tulkarm, killed by Israeli security
forces gunfire to the head in Tulkarm/ The West Bank
Muhammad Yusef Za'id Abu 'Iasi, age 12, from Bani Suheila, Khan Yunis, Gaza,
killed by Israeli security forces live gunfire to the chest and back at Nezarim Junction/
Majdi Samir Mussa Masalmani, age 15, from Beit Hanina, killed by Israeli security
forces gunfire to the heart in East Jerusalem/ The West Bank
Yusef Dib Khalef, age 17, from Al-Bureij Refugee Camp, died from injuries sustained 7
Oct. 2000 by Israeli security forces live gunfire to the head in Gaza
Sami Hussein Saalim Salami Salameh, age 17, from Tulkarm, killed by Israeli security
forces gunfire to the chest in Tulkarm
Sami Fathi Abu Jazar, age 12, from Rafah, died from injuries sustained 10 Oct. 2000 by
Israeli security forces live gunfire to the head in Khan Yunis/ Gaza strip
Moayed Osama 'Abed Ali Jawarish, age 14, from Ayda Refugee Camp , killed by
Israeli security forces gunfire to the abdomen in Bethlehem
Tha'ar 'Ali Dahud/ 'Omar Mu'aleh, age 17, from al-Am'ari Refugee Camp, killed by
Israeli security forces gunfire to the head in Ramallah.
Muhammad 'Adel Hassan Abu Tahuna, age 17, from Tulkarm, killed by Israeli
security forces gunfire to the chest in Tulkarm.
Samer Talal al-'Awisi, age 15, from Qalqilya, killed by Israeli security forces gunfire to
the head in Qalqilya.
'Ala Bassem 'Abdullah Bani Namreh, age 13, from Salfit, killed by Israeli security
forces gunfire to the heart in Salfit.
'Omar 'Isma'il/Omar al-Buheisi, age 16, from Deir Al Balah, killed by Israeli security
forces live gunfire to the chest in Kafr Darom.
Majid Ibrahm Hassan Hawamdeh, age 15, from At Tira, killed by Israeli security
forces gunfire to the head in Al-Bira
Wa'al Mahmud 'Imad A-Nashit, age 12, from Jabalyah Refugee Camp, killed by Israeli
security forces rubber coated metal bullet to the head at Erez Checkpoint.
Salah Fawzi al-Nizam, age 15, from Al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, killed by Israeli
security forces live gunfire to the heart in Kafr Darom/Deir El-Balah
Ashraf Ahmad 'Abd al-Majid Habeib, age 15, from 'Askar Refugee Camp, died from
injuries sustained 16 Oct. 2000 by Israeli security forces gunfire to the head in 'Askar
Refugee Camp, Nablus.
Sa'ad 'Adnan 'Abdullah al-Tanbur, age 17, from Nablus, died from injuries sustained
20 Oct. 2000 by Israeli security forces gunfire to the head in Kafr Qalil/ Nablus.
Nidal Muhammad Zohadi al-Dabeiqi, age 17, from A Darj, Gaza, killed by Israeli
security forces live gunfire to the abdomen at Erez.
'Iyyad Osama Sha'ath, age 14, from Khan Yunis, died from injuries sustained 21 Oct.
2000 by Israeli security forces live gunfire to the head in Khan Yunis

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