The book was "The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" when these books were entered in as evidence; the media viewing room became very silent, you could hear a 'rat pissing on cotton' why? because Black wisdom was being revealed.
Underground News Network-UNN
Exclusively From The Media viewing area
Circuit Court of Prince William County
Commonwealth of Virginia
"Every body is ignorant only on different subjects" -Will Rogers
There are a few points we will indicate is this our report day 15, which is a special day in many ways, first we will note the words of Will Rogers "every body is ignorant on different subjects" his words are full of wisdom, this brings me to a scene in the trial today, where a spokesman for the Commonwealth as witness read the title of a book entered into the plethora of evidence, these are men preporting great intellects who did not know that Tao is not pronounced with the 'T' sound save with The 'D' sound so it is Dao [pronounced Dow with a short o sound] not Tao; the book was "The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" when these books were entered in as evidence; the media viewing room became very silent, you could hear a 'rat pissing on cotton' why? because Black wisdom was being revealed.
Another point is the numerology revealed throughout this case, like the people who say don’t listen to every thing you read on the internet, but since the trial, every body and their mother is blogging all are competing for the ratings. Let me show you this in the name Conrad Johnson there are 13 letters and we can plainly see that he was the thirteenth victim, look at the ages of his children 15 and seven if we add 1+5+7=13 look at how this number envelopes this man Conrad Johnson. Now another thing, he loved Basketball, coached his son's basketball team and did he not die across from a basketball court. Note here that basketball is a game even grown blackmen play; the message here is that its time out for games, the black man should step up and take his rightful place at bat for the world is serious {World Series-in October}. In the ancient Mayan culture, whose calendar is based on the number 13, the ballgame was very significant. If we do a number letter relationship with the word basketball we will get the number 22 which reduces to the number 4 just as does 13. We should understand that this number is the number of God or Allah and it is Allah who is trying to speak to us through Mr. Muhammad.
Many of you Anglo Saxons by your nature will not adhere to this wisdom; for you are the people who once took Negroes out to the middle of town and roasted him on your open pits and your children enjoyed your fun, and today you say you will not pay. Allah says what goes around comes around, what goes up comes on down. You have all ways been a savage people; this is your history and you dare
Underground News Network to report truth, and you say amongst yourselves this is not journalism, problem is you wish you had the reigns to be as creative, and in some cases; as I have coined this phrase "evil is oft times ignorance not knowing itself to be so"; which reminds me, today a pregnant black woman walked into the media viewing room and immediately we thought, "they have sent someone to spy on us" and lo and behold when all was said and done, we were accosted by Natalie Hopkinson [Staff Writer, Washington Post] at the door as we were leaving for the day "Are you with Underground News Network? My sister lives in Florida and she read your Press Release
FBI Targets Rastafari Journalists" and had passed it on to her. She also stated that she had read our most recent update on the John Allen Muhammad trial. She then asked if we would do an interview as she was interested in the article and wanted to inquire about our interest in the John Allen Muhammad trial. We agreed to talk to her and met shortly thereafter at a sandwich shop called "Zero's" right across the street from the Municipal Center. During the interview we discussed our origin, purpose, and ideals revealing much information to the young woman. As usual at the end of the interview, the old "I think I will be able to publish this" trick, let the air out of the balloon knowing all the time that she was a spy; if she publishes the story good and well, we have been helped if not the Washington Post is still the Washington Post, what can we expect. The girl was in her ninth month of pregnancy? remember that all is number. God is number God is in all-now lets see what another professional has to say about this case of Mr. Muhammad, note that This man is Anglo Saxon:- the follow article in saying a dark force is wrong this dark force is dark as in ancient Anunnaki or Egyptian, the white man is all ways bias towards 'US' but you can learn a lot from the following article:
John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo were unconsciously programmed by a dark faction of ancient sunworship to kill.
The circadian rhythm jumps off this piece of news print and the timing right at elections is interesting. Somnambulism could partner John Allen Muhammad as an adult enabler to manifest John Lee Malvo's deep obsessions and fears.

During the development of the investigations the numbers 21, 22, 23, 11, 14 were flying across the front pages of American papers so there are a few duplications of the numbers in this story of the snipers John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo.

Los Alamos Laboratory Director faced accusations of
They are prolific within human organizations and relate to the basic Masonic symbol, opposing angles or triangles and the numerology of sun worship. The complexity and integrity of the racial histories held unconsciously by the secret societies deserve respect and understanding for their uses of the human mind towards greater sentience. None are aware of the unconscious interaction so this site is not about blame, it is about understanding.
To increase the sentience, LOVE is presented to the people of the secret societies and all others as an evolutionary motive that is superior in its sacredness to fear. Fear is made irrational in the light of clinically oriented language based in simplicity devoted to psychological understandings. What is addressed here in the Truthasaur is an infinitely subtle form of hypnosis and the enhanced natural psychological tendency to repress or dissociate the hypnotic contact with the primordial mind.
Reason becomes my gift in return for the gifts born of courage and love as the secret ones reluctantly reveal their ancient orientations in the unconscious realm. Compelled by the mastery of natural knowledge unconsciously used by Native Medicine people, "they know not what they do". Obsessions fundamental to the functions of our instinctual essence the "biological clock", or the importance/dominance by it of the mind are exploited, naturally in this modern demonstration.
Condensed Transcript of witness testimony
John Minsek, ATF Computer Forensics, responsible for doing examinations of digital evidence. Testified to doing analysis of video surveillance from a computer system used for recording images picked up by cameras called a Digital SPRITE. He identified still pictures taken from the system and entered into evidence as John Allen Muhammad. In cross examination he testified that the whole computer system was seized by his agency and that there was no way to verify the dates and times.
Before the next witness comes into the courtroom Defense Attorney Greenspun renews his objection [which is overruled by the judge] to this particular type of testimony, which is emotional in nature by family members of the deceased.
Denise Johnson, wife of Conrad Johnson [13th fatality and last sniper victim] identifies a photo of her husband for the Commonwealth attorney, she says they have two sons, which are now ages 15 and 7 [again we see the number 13 (1+5+7=13)]. According to his wife, Mr. Johnson left home approximately 5:45am that morning and always said a silent prayer before leaving. She was at home watching television when she learned of the bus incident and later got a call from her mother-in-law learning that Conrad was the victim. When she arrived at the hospital Mr. Johnson was still alive and in surgery; she was not allowed to see him until after he had passed. The Commonwealth then asked her when the children learned of the father's death to which the defense council objects and this is sustained by the judge. The defense has not been cross examining the victims or relatives in this case and thus far have held firm to their word.
Officer Jeffery Miller is called as we have seen him testify many times before identifying diagrams/photos etc. giving detailed descriptions. He enters the courtroom and the judge says, "We will swear you in since it’s a new day." He identified some aerial photos and diagrams as usual of the scene of the Conrad Johnson shooting. There is tree line, playground area, basketball court and an apartment complex. Officer Miller took measurements from behind the basketball court to the point where Conrad was shot to be 55 yards. An objection is made by Mr. Greenspun and is overruled by the judge; in cross examination the witness is asked to identify the 3-story Garden apartments.
Lieutenant Tyrone Dement, a Fire and Rescue technician responded to this shooting and recalls they were just getting ready for the day; his team had been practicing due to the recent sniper incidents and he had previously testified to responding to a shooting. He found Conrad Johnson sitting upright on the floor of the bus with a gunshot wound and a young woman with him traumatized by the events. He describes the actions he took to render aid and prepare Mr. Johnson for transport. There were a few objections made by defense council during this testimony due to irrelevance etc. One instance was where the witness went on to describe the practice of the fire rescue team to which Attorney Greenspun objects and Commonwealth Attorney Willet retorts, "This describes the terrorism caused by the defense's client!" and the witness is allowed to continue. The judge sustained only one objection and this was when Lt. Dement was asked, what he and Mr. Johnson talked about after which council approaches the bench. The witness states that he tried to reassure Mr. Johnson that he would be alright. He also stated that while he was in the presence of Mr. Johnson he seemed to be doing well despite the gunshot wound.
Mr. Greenspun objects to the next witness' testimony which is Medical Examiner, Dr. Ripple which we have heard testify to performing autopsy on a few other sniper victims. The judge overrules this objection and Dr. Ripple describes the wounds, injuries and cause of death of Conrad Johnson. She removed multiple bullet fragments that are entered into evidence. She describes the fragments on an x-ray to the court and describes the snowstorm effect of the bullets which has been apparent in many of the victims in this case.
There is a twenty minute recess before the next witness Officer Gary Arter for Montgomery County Forensics. He brought a large notebook to the witness stand and referred to his notes during his testimony. He arrived on the scene at approximately 11:00am and collected a black duffel bag from the woods and some foam padding. A large Lowe's paper shopping bag is placed upon the witness stand, the contents of the bag are entered into evidence, and the witness describes the various items found. During cross examination by defense council Officer Arter admits that he himself did not find the bag but it was pointed out to him by another officer on the scene.
Officer David McGill, Montgomery County Forensics describes the aerial photo of the crime scene and the inside of the bus. He points out bloodstains and a bullet hole on the victim's T-shirt and work uniform shirt. He identifies a glove found on the scene unsure of whether or not it was the right or left hand. He also identifies a note found inside of a zip loc bag inside of another sealed bag in which a note was found; the note is entered into evidence and read to the court. The note gives instructions for the police to say "we have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose" and also had 13 stars affixed to the note itself. IN cross examination he testifies that he did not search the wooded area for several hours after he arrived on the scene, he had not located the items himself, and he had no knowledge of the condition of the items before his arrival.
Whitney Donahue, a Supermarket Refrigeration repairman, from Green Castle PA testifies to the reactions he received because of the vehicle he uses for work. He states that he drives a white Ford Econo Van, with company name written on it and that whenever he went into a shopping area for work women would run in terror. Defense council objects to much of his testimony to as Mr. Donahue is asked by the Commonwealth to describe the look of terror in women's eyes, and how some people actually tried to call the police on him. The objections are overruled until the defense council asks to approach the bench. He then goes on to testify but the sound is cut off in the viewing room. When the sound resumes, he is saying he did not want to be a target and when asked of any other concerns he says he draws a blank.
After all this we finally get to the real reason of this witness testimony and he is the person who called 911 at the rest stop to alert authorities of the vehicle they were looking for of the alleged snipers. The rest stop is located on Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway 70 west between exits 35-42, and the witness referred to South Mountain. He had written the description down after hearing it on the radio and eager to learn of it since his type of vehicle had been suspected previously. He dialed 911 when he spotted the Chevy Caprice stating that he had actually pulled up in front of it. He then pulled farther out of the rest area and the 911 operator asked that he verify the vehicle license plate. Not wanting to go back any closer to the vehicle he asked another motorist to toot his horn if the license plate was NDA-21Z, he does this without alerting the unsuspecting motorist that this vehicle could in fact be the snipers. The motorist obliges and shortly returns from the rest area tooting his horn. Mr. Donahue verifies the tags to the operator and she advises him authorities are on the way. Shortly thereafter, the cops arrive and knock on each trucker's door to get them to form some type of barricade with their vehicles. [Note:- the sniper is now caught like a duck in a noose, he is tied in by other vehicles near a McDonalds, think of 'Donald Duck' this is the place the task force used as their point of operations, in this code Mr. Muhammad was using ancient Egyptian encryption coding, still a way of thinking use by informed black people today] Mr. Blank the rest stop caretaker comes out after having listening to his police scanner to inquire as to what is taking place. Mr. Donahue tells him to come into his van and he explains what is taking place. He testifies that he stayed on his cell phone with 911 operators from 12:47am to 3:30am and did not leave the area until 4:30am after giving statements to officers and arrests had been made.
The 911 called placed by Mr. Donahue is played and entered as evidence after his testimony to which the defense objects to the tape being played; reason being the witness had describes his call with 911 operators in detail. The judge overrules the objection and the call is then played.
Charles Pierce with the FBI Hostage Rescue Team Supervisor is asked to describe his job and special training. Defense Attorney Shapiro makes an objection to both questions and their relevance; the judge overrules both. He goes on to describe his work and training before going into the events that led to the arrest. He is then asked what type of equipment did he and his team carry. Mr. Shapiro objects and states it is not necessary to describe their equipment. "The witness could testify without the drama." Of course this is overruled by the judge and the witness describes having .223 caliber rifles (same caliber as the alleged sniper rifle), flame retardant black suits, tools for breaking glass, batons etc. He tells how his team took cover in the woods before sprinting down to the vehicle on his command.
As the witness is describing what took place, Prosecutor Willette stops the officer from speaking and says that some of the jury members were looking at defense council talking. Mr. Shapiro stands up to apologize but says that it is necessary for defense council to consult with one another from time to time during testimony. Willette then says he just wanted to make sure the jury was paying attention. The officer continues where he and another officer bust the windows out of the Chevy Caprice before pulling Malvo out the front seat and Muhammad from the backseat. He testifies to being concerned after learning of Muhammad's military background and feared they may have makeshift bombs and explosives. Defense objects, speculation says Mr. Shapiro and Commonwealth attempts to rephrase the question and says without telling source of information what were your concerns, which had already been stated. The officer states they had one officer on their team who was a bomb technician and search the trunk and duffel bags during cross examination he admits that there were none of the things he had been concerned about present in or around the vehicle. The witness identifies a photo of the vehicle and broken glass on the ground along with items that had been removed from inside.
Neil Whittfield Darnell another member of the Hostage Rescue team was part of the assault team assigned to remove the passenger side of vehicle with his partner providing cover. His job was to break the rear back window of the vehicle. He described the path he took from the woods to the vehicle with his partner providing cover. He testified to using a collapsible baton to break the window and this was delayed a few seconds due to the heavy tint on the windows. He identified John Allen Muhammad as the African-American male at the defense table and he said when he encountered Muhammad in the rear of the vehicle he identified himself as John Williams and the person in the front as his son. After this witness' testimony, we recess early for lunch at 12:17pm instead of the usual 1:00pm.
Court resumes at 1:40 pm and Judge Millette reminds the jury members not to discuss the case amongst themselves until it is time for deliberations.
Timothy Curtis, Supervisor for the Firearms Section of the ATF Maryland lab describes duties as a firearms examiner, his training and experience. HE responded to the rest stop after receiving a call at 1am and he and his teamed came in with their mobile lab. He testified to not entering the vehicle until a search warrant was obtained. He then identified the seat construction in the Chevy Caprice and how it folded to reveal the Bushmaster Rifle. He identified the rifle in a photo entered as evidence and some bungee cord that was hanging from it. He noticed that the selector switch was on fire and he took actions to clear the weapon and place the switch on safe. He recovered a bullet from the barrel and placed it in a box provided to him. He testified that he did not handle the magazine or bullet that ejected from the weapon.
The next witness identified numerous items entered as both physical and photographic evidence in the case. This particular testimony was extremely tedious; a little more than halfway through defense asks can the photo descriptions be given of each item, in lieu of the witness giving the photo description along with opening each item from its package and describing once more. The judge overrules this and allows the Commonwealth to continue with the thirteen remaining.
Officer David McGill, Montgomery County Police Department, testifies to arriving at 4:41am on the scene and that at this time the rest stop is completely shut down by law enforcement officers. Out of all the officers on the scene he is selected to be in charge of evidence collection, each item is photographed before collection. The list of items is as follows and are identified in a photo and later entered separately as evidence:
1. mittens
2. a quarter
3. Jeans
4. duffel bag green (military style ruck sack) describes it as having a lock affixed to it and various vitamins/toiletries and other items that will be entered as evidence.
5. paper towels
6. CD cleaning case
7. Dunlop duffel bag – stated appeared modified dividers cutout
8. wallet
9. ID card John Allen Muhammad
10. Walmart Phone Card w/ US Flag Logo 120 Minutes
11. .223 cartridge stamped FC223REM (3) rounds collected, one found in chamber and two in the magazine (magazine turned over to the ATF)
12. Bushmaster Rifles SN 1D
Witness then asked was he aware that Hostage Team Used the same ammo, defense objects and it is overruled. The witness states no, he then describes hinge mechanism on the seat where Bushmaster Rifle was found and the concern they had that the bungee cord hanging may be a booby trap. There is a photo entered of the rear of the vehicle showing the trunk where the hole was apparently cut out and stuffed with a glove there is also a close up of the interior of the trunk entered. At this point, the judge calls for a 15-minute recess, as it has been a very lengthy, detailed testimony thus far. When asked how much longer with this witness, Prosecutor Conway happily announces, "Oh, he's here for a while."
After the recess the witness continues with the gloves which are two now, the one from the trunk's hole in the rear and another from the Conrad Johnson shooting they fit together as a pair.
13. gloves
14. Manual Sharp electronic organizer
15. earplug (cream colored)
16. Map of US including some parts of Canada, British Columbia and Alaska. DC Metro Area w/ some areas circled in ink
17. Socks containing rifle scope
18. earplug cream colored
19. empty .223 cartridge
20. 8 books are entered as evidence from a makeshift bookshelf in rear dash. Only two of these books could we clearly see the titles of to identify (Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity which there were 2 copies; Black Power; another book which we could not see the entire title began with Healing)
21. Sony Lap top computer/case
22. Cobra Microtalk Walkie Talkie
23. Title and registration cards for vehicle owner: John Allen Muhammad co owner: Nathaniel Osborne
This is the point where Defense Attorney Greenspun could the Commonwealth just describe each item in the photo in lieu of the photo description and opening each and the judge allows the Commonwealth to continue.
24. Another Cobra Microtalk Walkie Talkie
25. AC power converter
A photo is entered of miscellaneous items in the glove compartment consisting of batteries, manuals, rocks, Neosporin, an undetermined amount of money and some paper with phone numbers. A phone number is recognized and identified as the number to the Sniper Task Force Tip line. Another photo of batteries, minimag flashlight, glove finger cut off, nylon stocking, Piggly Wiggly receipt and the reverse side photo of the paper with phone numbers these items are too entered as evidence.
25. Case Logic containing receipt for duffel bag dated 10/23/02
26. Largo Maryland restaurant receipt
27. Digital Voice Recorder
28. Solar charger along with photo depicting cord run under hood from charger
29. Colgate toothpaste – identified in photo
30. toothbrush – identified in photo
31. An empty snack bag identified in photo
32. Sharp Electronic Organizer
33. Receipt Sav-A-Lot Store Baton Rouge, LA dated 9/23/02
34. Blue paper with names of schools found under headrest front/back this particular item was handed to the jury to view up close.
35. Photo trunk showing bungee cord, tire
36. Photo of items from trunk various tools, empty Big Lots bag
Finally, two diagrams (on which the Commonwealth makes handwritten adjustments) are entered as evidence it depicts all items collected and captions depicted the area in the vehicle where they were found. During cross examination by Defense Attorney Greenspun there is some question to items inventoried but not entered as evidence. The witness admitted to some items being on the inventory list having an error in description. He testified that no one moved anything without his direction but then said he had no part in the inventory list that done by another officer. Even after showing the witness a list of the completed inventory Officer McGill had no recollection of it or the items in question. There was also a question as to a photo entered into evidence of some Allen wrenches displayed on top of a Big Lots bag and one of the trunk of the car which had been taken after the vehicle was taken into police custody at a later time and location and the weather stripping had been cut. During redirect by the Commonwealth the witness states the Allen wrenches were not found in the Big Lots bag and were not listed in reference to the bag on his list. He also testified he had no part in the inventory list presented to him by defense.
There is a ten minute recess before the next witness Officer Miller. We have heard from Officer Miller quite a few times now. He is questioned about responding to the FBI lab to review evidence on 1/18/03 where he found paperwork in the computer case found in the Chevy Caprice. He is asked to identify Muhammad's birth certificate, computer game manuals, a wristwatch, Day Planner, pamphlets and asked did he observe any books. A photo of the same books entered earlier is shown for identification and Officer Miller identifies the Tao of Life, Sex and Longevity as having a folded sheet of paper inside. The paper is a computer printout of a book inquiry from Barnes & Noble in Bowie, Maryland for two books, How Not to Eat Pork, and Life Without the Pig by Shaharazad Ali; no date or time was on the sheet.
The jury is dismissed for the day and there are some inquiries by the Defense as to when the Commonwealth will be done presenting their case as they have witnesses arriving from out of town on November 10. The Commonwealth says they should be done this week and their portion of the penalty phase of the trial should last three days.
We will bring you more as we get it live from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The Underground News Network Team