Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: War in Iraq


New Anti-Bush, Anti-War Agitation Propaganda graphic and T-Shirt
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I am making an anti-Bush, anti-war t-shirt that has a picture of George W. Bush holding a sign that says "will kill for oil" on the side of the road. The design shows what Bush might reveal about himself and his wars if he wasn't always lying. Not that the war is only about oil. Certainly it was also about empire/global hegemony. But, you can only fit so much onto a t-shirt; and only so much can be expected to be read by passersby who see the shirt on people wearing it.

Would you like one of these shirts?
I will be making a run of these DIY, agitation propaganda t-shirts soon, and I want to know if anyone wants some.
***Please email me at chris@CONTEMPL8.NET if you want one (or more), and include shirt size(s).

Progressive/radical people don't have much space (compared to monied elites) to communicate our ideas to people outside of the choir, but wearing t-shirts with political messages can be a good way to counter state and corporate propaganda in the minds of people who shy away from literature handouts, etc.

I have been making my own original, provocative political t-shirt designs since September of 2001. You may have seen some of my other t-shirts ("Tom Brokaw is Full of Shit", "Protect Freedom... by taking it away", and "WARNING: Men Working Above" (construction-site-style sign, but with a stealth bomber silhouette)).

***I encourage others to create their own designs and make propaganda t-shirts with them. I may be able to help people make their own t-shirt ideas come to life.

Propaganda is NOT a bad word! We all have a point to make, so let's just be honest about it.


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