Teach-in on November 5th at Towson University on "free" trade vs. "fair" trade. Includes videos, speakers, and refreshments.
"Free" Trade vs. "Fair" Trade
A Teach-In on Free Trade within the Western Hemisphere
In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect. Political and business leaders said that his agreement would be good for America's workers by opening new markets for our products and helping workers elsewhere by raising their wages. They lied. NAFTA resulted in:
The export of over 350,000 U.S. jobs to Mexico and Canada
An increase of industry-related pollution and destruction of natural resources
An increase in poverty in Mexico despite sky-rocketing productivity
A decline in the social "safety net" in NAFTA countries as tax bases are depleted
New attacks on the gains of women and people of color, more exploitation of immigrants
Despite the devatstation of NAFTA, corporations and their political puppets are at it again. They want the U.S. to enter into a new trade agreement called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). This would be NAFTA on Steroids!, extending "free trade" to 31 more countries in Central and South America. Trade ministers are meeting in Miami, Florida from November 17-21 to work on finalizing this agreement.
Wednesday, November 5th
1pm - 4pm
Chesapeake Rooms
3rd Floor of the University Union
Video presentation of "Global Village or Global Pillage":
The global economy means big business for those with wealth and power, but what does it mean for the rest of us? This 25 minute documentary explores what the global economy means to ordinary people and what we can do about it.
Panel Discussion with:
Len Shindel: (United Steel Workers of America) will be speaking on the affects on U.S. industrial jobs, in particular the steel industry, since the enactment of NAFTA and what the FTAA will do to speed up that process to all sectors of employment in the U.S.
Tom Ricker: (Quixote Center) will be speaking on the importance of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in regards to NAFTA and the FTAA and discuss resistance that is going on against these policies within Nicaragua.
Howard Baejter: (Professor of Economics, Towson University) will be speaking on the positive aspect of neo-liberalism and Free Trade from an economist's perspective.
And more
Refreshments and Fair Trade Coffee will be provided!
Sponsored by NO FTAA Towson, for more information see: