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News :: Right Wing

Counter-Anthrax Effects On Capitol Hill

Counter-Anthrax Effects on Capitol Hill
''And a staff assistant in one of the House Office buildings dons goggles, gloves and a mask to open the mail. Still, her eyes get irritated and her gloves turn yellow.

They are both low-level House staffers. And they live in fear that speaking up could cost them their jobs. But they have come forward nonetheless -- in part because they know that as many as 25 fellow staffers have reported suffering from nausea, headaches, bloody noses and itchiness after having opened irradiated or "over-baked" mail in recent weeks in the aftermath of the anthrax attacks.

There is no medical evidence that such treated mail can cause ill effects, Capitol Hill doctors are quick to point out. On the other hand, there are already enough sick staffers who've handled the mail there to raise concerns.

"I told my office manager that I did not feel comfortable opening the mail and she looked at me in disbelief," said the staff assistant, who spoke to The Hill on the condition of anonymity.''

- The Hill

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