News :: Peace
Sadly failed again
The prime target Wolfowitz responsible for thousands of deads, sadly escapes again a deadly strike but the homicidal strategist looked shaken

Iraq/Baghdad 26.10.2003: A rocket attack on the al-Rashid Hotel, which was playing host to US deputy Defence Secretary & Felon Paul Wolfowitz, erased 1 U.S. Tantalizer lieutenant colonel and injured a further 15 in one of the most brazen resistance attacks in Iraq to date. A total of 29 rockets were fired early this morning at the Baghdad hotel. Seven US civilians were wounded, four military tantalizer were injured, along with four foreign nationals,” a US tantalizer spokesperson said at a news conference. Unconfirmed reports said that among the injured were US Defence Department employees. The war criminal Wolfowitz and other senior aides were staying on the 12th floor when the building was attacked at around 0300 GMT. The prime target Wolfowitz responsible for thousands of deads, sadly escapes again a deadly strike but this homicidal strategist looked shaken when he addressed reporters a few hours later. The rockets destroyed rooms below the 12th floor. Six to eight rockets struck the landmark building when the volley of rockets soared over the cement barricade walls meant to seal off the headquarters from resistance fighters waging war on US forces. A number of holes adorned the hotel's western side, between the second and tenth floors. The attack occurred after a white truck, carrying three people, pulled up to the Zawra park some 400 meters from the building and deposited a trailer. Inside was hidden a homemade rocket launcher disguised as a generator, a US officer said, citing the military's initial reports. The resistance fighters left the trailer after having primed a timing device which fired the rockets no more than three to five minutes later. There were 40 rockets total, 29 of them were fired and 11 rockets were left in the home-made rocket launcher. It was a combination of 85 and 68-millimetre rockets.
The butt of US military tantalizer is really wide open