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Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality

Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution

Legitimating prostitution as "work" does not empower the women in prostitution.
As countries are considering legalizing and decriminalizing the sex industry, Janice G. Raymond urge us to consider the ways in which legitimating prostitution as "work" does not empower the women in prostitution but does everything to strengthen the sex industry. Read

The Legalisation of Prostitution : A failed social experiment, by Sheila Jeffeys

Sheila Jeffreys shows that the social experiment of legalising brothel prostitution which took place in Australia in the 1980s and 1990s has failed in all of its objectives i.e. stopping the illegal industry and police corruption, reducing the harm to women, stopping street prostitution. Read

"Legitimating Prostitution as Sex Work : UN Labour Organization (ILO) Calls for Recognition of the Sex Industry (Part One and Two)", by Janice G. Raymond.

Janice G. Raymond analyses a controversial 1998 report of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the official labor agency of the United Nations, calling for economic recognition of the sex industry. Citing the expanding reach of the industry and its unrecognized contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of four countries in Southeast Asia, the ILO urges official recognition of what it terms "the sex sector." Read

English articles on Sisyphe


- Ten Raisons for Not Legalizing Prostitution, by Janice G. Raymond
- Legitimating Prostitution as Sex Work: UN Labour Organization (ILO) Calls for Recognition of the Sex Industry- Part One and Two, by Janice G. Raymond
- The Legalisation of Prostitution: A failed social experiment, by Sheila Jeffreys
- Prostitution: Rights of Women or right to women ? by Elaine Audet

Feminism Critics

- Elisabeth Badinter distorts feminism the better to fight it, by Elaine Audet
- A report from Status of Women Canada about the discursive denial of gender inequalities, by Micheline Carrier
-The "Stolen Feminism" Hoax: Anti-Feminist Attack Based on Error-Filled Anecdotes, by Laura Flanders


- Friendships between women good for health, by Gale Berkowitz
- Canadian Women's Health Network, by CWHN
- Good clone, bad clone?, by Abby Lippmann
-Hormone Replacement Therapy, the "Magic Bullet" Ricochets, by Abby Lippmann


- Children of divorce need our protection, by Michele Landsberg
- Divorce Bill's flaws inadvertently aid abusers, by Michele Landsberg


- Problem isn't little boys, it's little minds, by Michele Landsberg

Poems for Peace

- Poem for Peace, by Elaine Audet
- Peace Rally Speech of a 12 year old American Girl, by Charlotte Aldebron

- Short cut for all english articles on Sisyphe

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Volontary translators wanted

Sisyphe is looking for volontary translators to occasionally translate texts from french to english or to revise english translations made by some of our french collaborators. Email

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