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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Globalization

Cascadia Media Collective: A Year In The Streets

Cascadia Media Collective (Eugene, OR) Presents: A Year in the Streets. From the WTO to the Bush Inaguration. Tuesday, February 5, 7pm. @Black PLanet Books, 1621 Fleet St., Fells Point Baltimore.
Tuesday, February 5, 7pm
@ Black Planet Books, 1621 Fleet St., Fells Point

The Cascadia Media Collective Presents:

A Year in the Streets

WTO Seattle to the Bush Inauguration.
A new generation of activists rises to expose the atrocities of neoliberal
economic globalization and to confront the violence of the capitalist
police state. In the belly of the beast, people are hitting the streets in
mass actions, struggling for a future in which domination, exploitation
and ecocide will be sad memories of a bygone era. Their message is a
vibrant, raging cry for justice and a free humanity. From WTO Seattle to
the Bush inauguration protests, A Year in the Streets criss-crosses the
country, providing a street-level view of the clash between activists who
recognize the need for urgent radical change and a state apparatus engaged
in the widespread repression of free speech and assembly.

"85 minutes of glorious footage from the revolutionary movement against
capitalism and globalization."
--AK Press

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