Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Media

Second phase of IMC organizing for FTAA/ALCA-Miami convergence

IMCistas organizing to cover FTAA/ALCA-related events in Miami in November.

Be the media!

Work is being done on setting up an IMC house in Miami area for the FTAA/ALCA November convergence, a dedicated web site is planned, etc. The following working groups have been established to help organize all this:

  • space

  • tech-equipment

  • tech-website

  • editorial

  • video

  • radio

  • print

  • communications

Get involved! These groups need volunteers. At minimum, it would really help to have an idea of how many IMCistas plan to converge on Miami. Please email info (at) if you plan to be in Miami for the convergence.

Also see:

Next IRC meeting: Sunday, Oct 5th @ 2p EST on #ftaasoa channel on

Be the media!


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