Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: International Relations

The Rutgers Palestine Divestment Conference is ON and GOING STRONG! Register and Endorse!

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!!
OCTOBER 10-12, 2003 - Rutgers University - NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration,
from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the
Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is

We have over 1098 letters to the Rutgers administration written in support
of the conference, 467 registered participants, 163 organizational
endorsers, 1253 individual endorsers of the conference and many more still
going on, and an exciting and growing schedule of workshops and speakers!
(Please see for more specifics!)


The conference IS taking place on October 10-12, 2003! Make your travel
plans now - book your plane, train and bus tickets, reserve your hotels
and plan to be at Rutgers University for the Third North American
Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement!

Now is the time - JOIN US!

Register, endorse and learn more online at:

Email registration:
Email endorsements:

Show your organizational support and endorse the conference! Sign on to be
there and participate in an exciting, important moment in our movement -
uniting the solidarity movement, expressing our solidarity as it is
desperately needed with the Palestinian people, and uniting our struggles
with those of the Palestinian people - for justice and liberation, against
oppression and exploitation.


As part of the conference, as a demonstration of solidarity with the
Palestinian people, an expression of our denied rights to be heard, and a
clear confrontation for justice and liberation against the Zionist forces
who support slaughter, terror and eradication of the Palestinian people,
we will hold a MASS RALLY at Rutgers University on Saturday, October 11!

Saturday, October 11
5:00 PM
College Avenue
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

We will have numerous speakers and contingents from the conference and
around the region! Bring your buses, vans and cars to join our voices
together for justice in Palestine, in the US and around the world!


Your support is enabling our conference to continue to grow! Due to the
series of attacks suffered by the conference, we need your support now
more than ever. Please, help make the conference a strong success and
donate! Donate online at:
or make checks out to "New Jersey Solidarity" and send to:

New Jersey Solidarity
SAC Box 52
613 George Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

There are many local hotels in New Brunswick and the surrounding areas, as
well as students willing to share their living quarters with traveling
activists! For assistance with housing and hotels, please contact our
housing coordinator at !

If you are looking to stay at a hotel, please reserve at the:
North Brunswick Ramada Inn!

Ramada Inn
999 US Route 1 South
North Brunswick, NJ 08902 United States of America
Phone: 732-246-3737 Fax: 732-448-9670
Mention "NJS" or "NJ Solidarity" to get the group rate!!

Other local hotels include:
Motel 6 on Rte 18/East Brunswick: (732) 390-4545
Hilton East Brunswick: (732)-828-2000

The Third North American Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement
seeks papers, documents and other written materials that memorialize
historical and present experience in building Palestine solidarity and
divestment movements. We welcome materials about research, experience in
setting up student groups and campaigns, developing divestment calls, amd
outreaching to others.

We welcome papers with a historical focus, overviews of current movements
and situations, and documents looking toward the future. These papers will
be distributed at the conference, at Rutgers University on October 10-12,
2003, and beyond, published together as a record and a guide to
movement-building. All SJP chapters and individuals are invited to submit
papers and documents.

Please submit these papers and documents before September 27, 2003 to
Snehal Shingavi at

We'll see you, at Rutgers University, on October 10-12, 2003!!

Organizational Endorsers
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition ActionLA
Ad-Hoc Nepal Solidarity Committee
Al-Awda Los Angeles
Al-Awda NY/NJ
Al-Awda Orange County
Al-Awda San Diego
Al-Awda, San Francisco Area
Al-Bireh Palestine Society - California
All-African People's Revolutionary Party
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Fresno Chapter
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Greater Sacramento Area
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Los Angeles/Orange County
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - San Francisco Bay Area
Americans for a Just Peace in the Middle East
Americans for Social Justice
Amnesty International of Park Falls, WI
Ann Arbor Coalition Against the War
ANSWER Coalition, Boston
ANSWER Coalition, Los Angeles
ANSWER Coalition, Orange County
ANSWER Coalition, SF Bay Area
ANSWER Coalition, Western Mass
Arab American Caucus of the California Democratic Party
Arab American Press Guild
Arise Bookstore Collective
Arise for Social Justice
Augusta Coalition for Peace and Justice
Bay Area United Against War
Bayan International - U.S.A.
Bayan International - Los Angeles Chapter
Bridgewater State College R.E.A.P.S. Restoring Environmental And Political
Brisbane Free the Five Committee
Bus Riders Union/Labor Community Strategy Center
Campus Greens at The Ohio State University
Casa las Amricas
Central New Jersey Coalition for Peace and Justice
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
Christians and Muslims Establishing Peace
Citizens for Fair Legislation
Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace
Colorado Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Committee for Justice to Defend the LA8
Committee for the Release of Farouk Abdel-Muhti
Committee to Defend Palestinian Human Rights
Communist Party, USA's, Frederick Douglass Club
Communist Party of Argentina
Conscious Roots (San Francisco)
Dallas Peace Center
Deir Yassin Society of New York
Dream Dancer Design
Egyptian American Professional Society
Ever Reviled Records
First Nations North & South
For a Better World
Forum of Indian Leftists
Free Palestine Alliance - USA
Grandmothers for Peace International
Green Party of Dallas County
Hawaii Solidarity Committee
INCITE! Women of Color against Violence
Indigenous Student Alliance at Occidental College in Los Angeles,
International Action Center
Int'l League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS-US)
International Socialist Organization, USA
Islamic Association for Palestine
Islamic Center of NYU
Jews for a Free Palestine
Just Peace: An Action Group for Justice in the Middle East
Kabataang maka-Bayan (KmB)
Korea Truth Commission
La Raza Unida Party
LAGAI -- Queer Insurrection (SF Bay Area)
March For Justice
Marin Center for Peace and Justice
Marshall Action for Peaceful Solutions - Marshall University
Maui EARTHDAY Collective
Mexican American Education Foundation
Mideast:Just Peace
Minnesotan's for a United Ireland
Minority eXperience Network
Modesto Committee for Peace in the Middle East, California
Morton County Citizens for Repsonsible Government
Movement In Motion Arts Collective
Movimento Democratico Pela Anistia
Muslim Student Association - National
Muslim Student Association at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Muslim Student Association - Sacramento
Muslim Student Association - San Francisco State University
National Committee to Free the Five Cuban Political Prisoners - Los
National Lawyers Guild - Los Angeles
National Lawyers Guild - University of Texas School of Law
New England Committee to Defend Palestine
New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine
New School Aikido
New York Committee to Defend Palestine
New Zealand Peace Council
Not in Our Name Mxico
NYC Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Orange County Peace and Freedom Party
Orange County Veterans for Peace
Palestine Action at Union Square
Palestine Aid Society
Palestine Children's Welfare Fund
Palestine Solidarity Committee of South Africa
Palestine Solidarity Group - Chicago
Palestine Solidarity Group - Vancouver B.C. Canada
Palestinian American Congress
Palestinian American Women Association of Southern California
Palestinian - Canadian Student Society - University of Calgary, Canada
Palestinian Council for Justice and Peace - Ramallah, Palestine
Palestinian National Association for Youth - Gaza
Partido Comunista do Brasil
Peace Action - Sacramento Area, California
Peace and Justice Alliance (Central Washington University)
Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County
Peace and Justice Network of San Joaquin County
Philippine Peasant Support Network (PESANTE)
Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee
Progress Acadamic Group - An-Najah University, Nablus, Palestine
Proyecto Common Touch
Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change
Queers For Peace And Justice
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!) (SF Bay Area)
Reform Party USA - Action Group
Revolution Youth
Rutgers Pakistan Student Association
Rutgers University Queens Chorale
Sacred Roots
SNAFU - the Support Network for an Armed Forces Union
SOA Watch West San Jose
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - Concordia
St. Pete for Peace
Stony Brook Coalition Against War
Students for Corporate Responsibility - University of Wisconsin -
Students for Justice - San Jose State University
Students for Justice in Palestine, California State Univ. Sacramento
Students for Justice in Palestine, Sacramento
Students for Justice in Palestine, UC Berkeley
Students for Justice in Palestine, UC Davis
Students for Justice in Palestine, University of Illinois-Chicago
Students for Social Justice
Students Movement for Justice
South Jersey Earth First!
Suburban Outreach
Sudanese American Society
SUSTAIN - Northwest Suburban - Chicago area
SUSTAIN, St. Louis
Third World Forum
Third World Majority
UC Berkeley Arab Student Union
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento
Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land
We The People United
Weekly East West Link & Urdu Times
Women Against War
Women of All Red Nations
Youth Solidarity Summer

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