Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Bush Lied, People are Dying Protest

Announcing a vigil on Thursday, October 2nd, to protest the continuing occupation of Iraq.
The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore and friends will be holding up signs on Thursday, October 2nd, at the south part of the Washington Monument. (Center and Charles streets.) The signs say, "Bush Lied, People are Dying." This will be from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Come on and join in! All peaceful people are welcome.

Are you mad that George Bush has requested $87 billion dollars to continue the illegal occupation of Iraq? How about the widely held belief that he'll GET it from the "Opposition Party" in Congress?

How about the argument that the war on Iraq, with $166 billion spent or requested, already exceeds the inflation-adjusted costs of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish American War and the Persian Gulf War COMBINED:

How about the fact that the Bush administration repeatedly lied in the buildup to the war about Iraq's potential threat to the US? How about the National Security Agency's bugging of international UN diplomats? How about the flagrant violation of the UN Charter with the start of the aggression? How about the tens of thousands of Iraqis who paid the ultimate price for Bush's crimes?

How about the US service personnel who are being stricken with strange and powerful ailments which are widely believed to be caused from Depleted Uranium?

How about Bush's recent speech to the UN where he continued to threaten large population centers with violence if they don't yield to him?

Above all else, are you bothered at the largely free ride that Bush has been receiving from the corporate media? They haven't been all over him like they were with Clinton, have they?

The Pledge is mad as hell over this unlawful, immoral and shameless occupation. The south side of the Washington Monument is a great spot to peacefully tell it to hundreds of commuters. If you're as angry as Pledge members are over this new concept of endless war and occupation then please consider joining us this Thursday (First Thursday) at 5:00 p.m. Thank you.


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