Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Culture : History : International Relations : Labor : Media : Middle East : Military : Peace : U.S. Government

Free Occupied Palestine

The University of Baltimore Progressives will be hosting "Free Occupied
Palestine" a forum with panelist Adam Shapiro, founder of the International
Solidarity Movement (

The ISM is a coalition of organizations and individuals who use nonviolent
direct action as a means for helping to end the Israeli occupation of the
Palestinian territories, and assist the Palestinians in their daily lives
(which was what 23 year old ISM activist and Evergreen State student Rachel
Corrie sought to do before she was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver
on March 16 of this year).

Shapiro, along with activists from SUSTAIN (Stop US Tax Funded Aid to Israel
Now will give account of the plight of the
Palestinian people and their quest for liberation from the US-backed Israeli

Free Occupied Palestine will take place on

Wednesday October 8
6:30 PM
Moot Court Room
University of Baltimore Law School

For more information, please contact the UB Progressives:

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