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Time to Act

People as soldiers too, are actually, for real
dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to
criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the
next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization
of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for
continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly
hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages
(From Google 'groups' (Humanity is coming around to destroy the unarrested American cop killer) wrote in message news:<>...

Time to Act

/ / (Khayyat) Handing over the services sectors, like
electrical power generation and others, to foreign
investors entails a risk. Isn't this process of
privatizing and handing over these sectors to foreign
companies going to place additional social burdens on
citizens, who are exhausted in the first place, and
cause a problem by increasing the cost of living?

If bremer says that he knows of a better managed method
done by a foreign owned for take profit at any cost
corporation, why doesn't he then just tell US what those
operational skills might be? (Or, is he dreaming on US
some more of his ineptitude?) For, to know so, would
allow the Iraqi People to profit instead of Halliburton
on living's essential services. (Of course, bushite
bremer, as the lying wicked, stupid evil little man he
is, can't.) Look, water treatment for example. You as
Iraq, want the best price for a service that is critical
to our survival. We want the best services that we are
willing to pay for. I know the simplicity of this can
throw some people off, but listen: Is it that the Iraqi
People have no experience working in the oil industry?
Or, did you know that GSM Consulting, a well establish
Texas firm, could do a Halliburton job at half the TAXED
rates? Rates that are American savings? Am I getting
through to you on this channel converter?

(Bigger picture: Who is a private bank managing our
interests for again?)

So, Iraqi management desperately wants to obtain for
EVERYONE, reliable and essential, best cost, quickly
fixed Iraqi public services, (destroyed previously for
no good reason, willfully criminal), and to get it,
waiting for bids now bremer is going to hand over the
responsibility to ANYONE willing to pay him and the
bushmob "cabal" for the luxury, done willy nilly for Our
close friends, the Iraqis? We'd want to see all our
books on this issue, but demon bush in PUBLIC writing as
check cashier, says nope to all as antiChrist God
betrayer. He and his massive CRIMINAL (WorldCom,
Halliburton, Dutch-Shell (invested in death squads for
corporate profit), then robbing the Central bank of
billions in public deposits with ''Kissinger's
Associates'' bremer (IraqGate)) cohorts are going to do
all the unaccountables, behind closed doors, in secret.

Where did they go?

Anyway, the most important thing to know for right now,
is that People as soldiers too, are actually, for real
dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to
criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the
next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization
of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for
continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly
hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages against
American interests, while torturing innocent People at
Guantanamo by sick, sadistic nazi savages as the true
enemies of American Freedom and Liberty.. And frankly,
You can't wait until the fabulously rich corporate heads
debate poorly the true merits of demon bush, because,
see?, the American cop killer, Our Mr. bush Jr., he
doesn't like to have to explain his actions of war
against God, and when does ever, corporate news America,
allow questions to help US poor dying People out? (You'd
think they'd at least investigate the reason for waging
Humanity for the antichrist bush to war criminally, no?)

What are You going to do for Your Humanity's sake
friend? Can you see any benefit whatsoever in halting
bush's Universal criminal transgressions? When
commander buford blount gleefully told You he
intentionally murdered thousands of ourselves for no
military objective, but to create a hatred for all
American GIs to die for, then laughed it off with, well,
"We just wanted to let them know we were here", did you
not too, meditate about the quickest way to destroy that
heinous monster? As a true Loyalist? When you learned
that traitors bush and rumsfeld perpetrated 9/11 to
destroy sworn American values, did you not help Life nab
the evil delinquents from continuing, as a favor to Your
family, friends, and fellow countrymen? Eh?

As God Is,

Johnny Wizard


A U.S. soldier in Iraq wonders: 'How many more must die?'

/ / My time here is almost done, as well as that of many
others with whom I have served. We have all faced death
in Iraq without reason and without justification. How
many more must die? How many more tears must be shed
before Americans awake and demand the return of the men
and women whose job it is to protect them, rather than
their leader's interest?

Tim Predmore is a US soldier on active duty with the
101st Airborne Division, based near Mosul in northern
Iraq. A version of this article appeared in the Peoria
Journal Star, Illinois


/ / At the start, Bush claimed that Iraq had poison gas
and was making nuclear weapons. Soon, they will poison
us all and blow us up. His proof was documents forged
by elementary-school pupils. Still, Bush used it in his
State of the Union speech. Condoleezza Rice said it was
only 23 words in a speech. What are you so concerned

The 23 words were only about nuclear bombs.


White House is ambushed by criticism from America's military community

/ / "I once believed that I served for a cause: 'To
uphold and defend the Constitution of the United
States'. Now I no longer believe that," Tim Predmore, a
member of the 101st Airborne Division serving near
Mosul, wrote in a blistering opinion piece this week for
his home newspaper, the Peoria Journal Star in Illinois.
"I can no longer justify my service for what I believe
to be half-truths and bold lies."

Stretched Thin, Lied to & Mistreated
On the ground with US troops in Iraq

/ / The patrols aren't always peaceful. One soldier
mentions that he recently "kicked the shit out of a
12-year-old kid" who menaced him with a toy gun.

Afghanistan, the Forgotten War

/ / The agreement had been negotiated between the
heads of two Pakistani religious parties and Mulla Omar,
the Taliban head of state, and was explicitly approved
by Osama bin Laden himself. General Pervez Musharraf,
the Pakistani head of state, turned down the
arrangement, under pressure from the U.S., which was
interested not in catching Osama bin Laden but in
occupying Afghanistan.

"The Crazies Are Back"


/ / ....Let me just say one other thing about that
speech. Among the things he said was that we have
learned that Qusay, Saddam Hussein's son has ordered the
removal of prohibited weapons from the presidential
palaces. OK? Interesting. OK, so we've learned,
that's pretty solid information, it sounds like solid
information. Well, a couple of months later, we find
Qusay, right? Now, if we are interested in finding out
where those weapons of mass destruction are, it would
seem to me that someone would have thought, for god's
sake, capture this guy. He knows where they are. He
ordered their removal. Instead what did they do? They
fired ten anti-tank missiles into Qusay and his brother
and a nephew of Qusay. Not my idea of how you get to
the bottom of the story on weapons of mass destruction.


/ / Black Box Voting has had a robust following among
those enlisted in the United States military.
Surprised? You shouldn't be! The military is soon
going to be subjected to the most questionable Black Box
Voting of all: Internet voting, through the Pentagon's
SERVE project. From the Colonel: "There is a DD
Underground Railroad. (NOTE: Go to forum for more info
on it)

"Take the Diebold memos to your state attorney general. Diebold machines may be known
as Global Election Systems, AccuTouch, Accuvote, or AV machines...

"The memos show they've been using different software in elections than the versions
submitted to the state and national certifiers.

"The memos show they know that their central count system is easy to tamper with. "The
memos show they are doing things like using cell phones to capture and send vote data,
which has never been approved by anyone.

"The memos show they made fraudulent claims in their Georgia R.F.P. sales documents.

"The memos show they fake their system integrity report.
CLARK: "Being able to end-run the database has admittedly got people out of a bind
though. Jane (I think it was Jane) did some fancy footwork on the .mdb file in Gaston
recently. I know our dealers do it. King County is famous for it. That's why we've never
put a password on the file before."
Diebold's own memos authenticate the security flaw Harris wrote about on July 8, 2003


The Death of Literacy

/ / As this graph indicates, the ratio of consumer and
mortgage debt to disposable personal income is now at
105%. Would anybody argue that a rise in housing prices
of over 20% is not inflationary? Inflation has been
with us. It's just that we no longer have the
intelligence to call it what is.


New York, You've Been Used
By William Rivers Pitt

/ / So what, you may say. September 11 happened. We
have to respond.I would answer with the following:
First of all, understand that these ideas were
formulated well before September 11. These officials
within the Bush administration did not cobble these
concepts together in the aftermath of that attack, but
had them waiting before the attack ever came, and used
the attack to bulldog these ruinous policies out into
the world. That is disturbing on its face. In a
moment, I will share with you the most disturbing part
of all. But first, this.



Seeking Honesty in U.S. Policy

/ / In other words, we're now supposed to believe
that we went to war not because Saddam's arsenal of
weapons of mass destruction threatened us, but because
he had scientists on his payroll.


The Latest Bush Gang Whoppers

/ / Rumsfeld was pegging the needle on the duplicity
meter. The UN inspectors never concluded that the
inspections process wasn't working. They had identified
problems and complained about aspects of the process,
presenting mixed reports to the Security Council on
their progress and Iraq's cooperation. And their
complaints mostly concerned Iraq's reluctance to account
for past WMD materials, not the lack of access to
suspected sites."

2004 Deficit to Reach $480 Billion, Report Forecasts

/ / The truth: Factoring in the cost of reconstruction
in Iraq and other laws that are set to be enacted, the
federal budget deficit will be close to $5 trillion over
the next 10 years. The President's latest request to
make his tax cuts permanent would add another nearly
$1.6 trillion to the federal debt through 2013. That's
$41,300 for every man, woman and child.

GW Bush: Heir To The Halocost

/ / A classified Dutch intelligence file which was
leaked by a courageous Dutch intelligence officer, along
with newly surfaced information from U.S. government
archives, "confirms absolutely," John Loftus says, the
direct links between Bush, Thyssen and genocide profits
from Auschwitz.

...A case can be made that the inheritors of the
Prescott Bush estate could be sued by survivors of the
Holocaust and slave labor communities.

[JW: from before those last, these following are found ]

President Bush, appearing almost uncomfortable, read a
statement that said that humanity was "bound by
conscience to remember what happened" and that "the
record has been kept and preserved." The record, Mr.
Bush stated, was that one of the worst acts of genocide
in human history "came not from crude and uneducated
men, but from men who regarded themselves as cultured
and well schooled, modern men, forward looking. Their
crime showed the world that evil can slip in and blend
in amid the most civilized surroundings. In the end
only conscience can stop it."

But while President Bush publicly embraced the community
of holocaust survivors in Washington last spring, he and
his family have been keeping a secret from them for over
50 years about Prescott Bush, the president's
grandfather. According to classified documents from
Dutch intelligence and US government archives, President
George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush made
considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. In
fact, President Bush himself is an heir to these profits
from the holocaust which were placed in a blind trust in
1980 by his father, former president George Herbert
Walker Bush.

Chaplain arrested to protect lives

/ / The State Department two years ago hailed Capt.
Yee's appointment. "The newest Muslim chaplain is James
Yee, a Chinese-American and a graduate of the West Point
military academy, who was born into a Lutheran family,"
the State Department said. One month after the
September 11 attacks, Capt. Yee said, "An act of
terrorism, the taking of innocent civilian lives is
prohibited by Islam, and whoever has done this needs to
be brought to justice, whether he is Muslim or not."

Baghdad, Birmingham and True Believers

/ / And as to whether the next Iraqi government is
"responsible," who gets to decide: the Iraqis or George
W. Bush?

The true believers need to know.

Another Day, Another Death-Trap For The US

/ / ...."They opened fire randomly at us, very heavy
fire," Adel, the mechanic with the oil lamp, said.
"They don't care about us. They don't care about the
Iraqi people, and we will have to suffer this again.
But I tell you that they will suffer for what they did
to us today. They will pay the price in blood."


Ask a bushwhore, why innocent, good honorable people are
tortured to death by sadistic, nazi savages at
Guantanamo Bay, while the 9/11 perpetrators are escaping

Fuk, don't you just hate the treasonous evil bushite
nazi goons who torture and murder innocent people for
nothing but to please their false idol antichrist, the
American cop killer demon bush, the God betrayer? Fuk,
ten cents. Ten cents I'll pay for a real American
Patriot to end the criminal life of
Our Mr. bush Jr..


> (Warrior) wrote in message news:<>...
> Believe
> "Kennedy said a recent report by the congressional
> budget office showed that only about $2.5 billion of the
> $4 billion being spent monthly on the war can be
> accounted for by the Bush administration."
> Remember, the money we can account for, is bush's
> america paying commi Halliburton, more than double it's
> nearest American competitor, to hire cheaper,
> non-unionized foreign labor. Then, of course there's
> the American pension thieves WorldCom, cashing in
> further the undefended People as the dying American
> dimwit cowards. Demon bush has made no mention as
> illegitimate leader to be concerned of, on where almost
> half of the monthly American tax payer bill is going,
> while teen soldiers actually fall grimly dead for
> something they couldn't mention truly if they tried. No
> surprise there, (bush personally stole 10 billion early
> on through an energy scam that could have been spent on
> their education..) but wait.... what's the point of me
> continuing when WE can't find one real American Patriot
> to bill the unarrested bush and rumsfeld immediately as
> American cop killers..? Where are the American Patriot
> soldiers to fight the unarrested torturers of God at
> Guantanamo, who are threatening ALL of US as the
> innocent, US, who want to punish the actual perpetrators
> for 9/11? Remember, the FBI informs US that bush's
> business partner, General Ahmad funded Atta, the 9/11
> mastermind. In addition to that, Ahmad also assisted in
> the invasion of Afghanistan for Enron plan DIRECTLY with
> the bush administration up until, two days PRIOR to 9/11
> at the Whitehouse, then again, served for antiGod demon
> bush to personally negotiate the non-surrender of Laden.
> A signed TOP SECRET presidential directive strategy
> confronted by the Whitehouse in March to MSNBC, as
> having been fully implemented, with a deliberate
> criminal strategy to not offer evidence publicly against
> the accused, as a criminal tool to secure invasion.
> Remember: As planned before hand for Enron. (Sideline:
> Clinton couldn't convict Laden under the Taliban when he
> was behind bars awaiting extradition. Clinton said when
> asked, there actually wasn't any evidence hidden either,
> but that the bushites just make bullshit up to steal
> from American values, while terrorizing our world in an
> unholy matrimony. (Are men that masterbate gay then?
> Or, what are you doing for dinner sailor?, means what
> when? Living is dynamic, equal rights for all, however,
> Women should rule the Universe. (A mutual caring of
> another through love shall be celebrated, not bound for
> decasting. What does it harm anyone's freedom what two
> humans do legally? See nazi Germany and the American
> ugenics program for further details on where the bush
> lineage truly comes out of.))
> CNN's America would have none of this God business, just
> like when THEY refuse to show, COMPLETELY INNOCENT hard
> working loving families, directly robbed of everything
> they own, then forced to live in a getto for terrorist
> sharon to tax further billions on us all as the
> misunderstood victims. [God is friend to all.
> Therefor, crime perpetrator antiJew sharon is enemy to
> all, and written of extensively through Jewish biblical
> teachings as unworthy, blind, and currupted.]) In other
> words, the bush administration has confessed completely
> to US, the People, to have absolutely no political
> interest in following the primary crime scene evidence
> surrounding the murder of thousands of American
> citizens. Golly G, I wonder why that might be.(Evil is
> just the deceived disguised, and we know everything.)
> Also, the CIA, through European press, have explained
> insider trades were made on the terrorist act, before
> the fact. Of which, Tenant, has made no mention like
> mueller, while they hide behind Our American flag as
> traitors to Humanity. See? Tenant and mueller would
> have US believing they would purposefully leave such
> fine outstanding LOYAL American Police officers
> unprotected from the criminals they are pursuing. In a
> global battle of Good against evil, where revisionist
> bush plays the antiChrist of biblical folklore,
> lawlessly warring the innocent as God is, on beliefs
> Jesus wont really come down and condemn the demon that
> enslaves all of which is divine sacrilegiously.
> Spread the news, Humanity is coming around to destroy
> the unarrested American cop killer, Our Mr. bush Jr..
> Guess who's back in town?
> Your friend,
> Johnny Wizard
> P.S.
> I could suggest some American soldiers overtake CNN, and
> demand the truth be spoken for American Justice, but
> could there even be two or three that actually exist who
> truly believe? In America. Hard to say. Mr bush's
> america has the lowest literacy rates of the developing
> world, far, far, far below the rest of US who can read.
> Which reminds me... Who is going to be commissioned to
> write the ideals of the Iraqi Constitution, while the
> likes of buford blount still criminally stand as
> bremer's partners, like Dutch-Shell taking their 25%
> minimum off the top for future (BREMER'S (american can't
> speak of it as slaves) SECRET) oil commissions not of
> the Iraqi interests? Is the excuse that Iraqis don't
> have the expertise in protecting themselves from war
> criminals? Dumfuk bushite PLUNDERER bremer (Director of
> ''Kissinger Associates'' (Iraqgate)), has publicly
> touted, with news cameras rolling, that he and his gang
> are only going to pocket 5% for Kuwait, he actually
> said. I think bremer figures the, LIE DIRECTLY
> dictatorship Uzbekistan plan has worked before, sort of,
> (torture and enslavement of Patriots tax funded by
> victimized nazi bushite slaves, why not give it a go
> OFFICIALLY to America now, God is weak and stupid not
> existing, and will tolerate just about anything but...
> insulted directly. Everyone loves God. The traitor
> bushite bremer, to mislead America so he can plunder US
> all as Loyalists, is going to anger Johnny off to no
> end. Let alone, Americans who have had all that we can
> take from stupid tyrants who carry Our guns in treason.
> Praise the Lord, and pass the Ammunition.
> --
> Onward Christian Soldiers
> / / How can Christians stand by, mute, and allow the
> world to be savagely sodomized, allow millions of
> innocents to be slaughtered - and allow it all to be
> blamed on the spotless and gentle risen Savior? How?
> >
> >
> > US army was told to protect museum
> >,2763,940082,00.html
> >
> > General Jay Garner, the head of ORHA, is said to be 'livid'. 'We
> > asked
> > for just a few soldiers at each building or, if they feared snipers,
> > then just one or two tanks,' said one ORHA official. 'The tanks were
> > doing nothing once they got inside the city, yet the generals
> > refused to
> > deploy them, and look what happened.'
> >
> >
> >
> > The story. Jay, with the ORHA, prior to the irrational, unneeded
> > criminal invasion of Iraq to murder untold thousands of God's children
> > for generations with toxic, radio-active depleted uranium, submitted
> > the "official" American war strategy to ALL involved war generals. A
> > strategy that has been publicly confessed as ignored under rumsfeld.
> > For, it wouldn't allow the (criminal) fleecing of America, by
> > sacrificing dumfuk, leaderless teen soldiers for WorldCom and double
> > billers, commi Hallliburton. See, Jay's group figured, wisely,
> > destroying vital Iraqi infrastructure, that served the Iraqi populace,
> > would be stupid because, one, it would clearly, be an hanious evil
> > crime against God and Humanity, but more importantly to godless
> > corporate america, would cost billions of American tax dollars to
> > correct. (Like paying cheney's crew, 50,000 dollars a day as
> > UNCONTESTED commi infiltrators! (See? Commi Nazi Network doesn't find
> > American principles as newsworthy by refusing to take open line
> > calls.)) Again, no women or children were needed to be murdered by
> > the, war profiteering bushite nazi forces because, we had one
> > hundred percent access, without any restrictions.
> >
> > / / What can be changed now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the
> > stable Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal thefts of
> > Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that innocent prisoners not be
> > tortured, or at the least, be granted their day in a public court to
> > face some sort of accusation? Does the forced bush mandate
> > articulate somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
> > prerequisite to
> > determine what is evil to all humanity?, now that he tyrants as demon
> > antichrist? \
> >
> > Bush eating words on war's end
> >
> >
> > / / "What was the planning?'' asked Kennedy. "And how do you possibly
> > explain the inadequacy of that planning, and who's going to pay the
> > price for the inadequacy of that planning?
> >
> >
> > Now we have the demon bush gang, spewing that, no need to worry about
> > being robbed and left for dead America, cause, LOOK, corporate america
> > will steal the Iraqi resources to pay even further to the bush demon
> > who committed 9/11. Fuk, I hate that God betrayer demon antiChrist,
> > Our Mr. bush Jr. with everything I am, or ever will be as human...
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > "Widow Lorie van Auken, when reflecting on that tragic day, said, ``I
> > couldn't stop watching the president sitting there, listening to
> > second-graders, while my husband was burning in a building.''"
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > Mr. cheney, on MEET THE PRESS, talking on his complete ignorance of
> > Our intelligence community regarding the TRUE Saddam threat to World
> > Peace, stated something like only bush could say- "Yeah but, who's the
> > CIA, I don't know."
> >
> > He also told US, HE KNEW Saddam already had TONS of yellow cake prior
> > to the false Niger claim, but still insisted, the unproven ludicrous
> > demon bush lies were true as unsubstantiated by American Intel, or the
> > facts on our ground. Too dumbly informed cheney CLAIMS to be unaware
> > of his own speaking in public now. (Or American front page stories on
> > his documented and frequent personal meetings.) Hmm.
> >
> > The war criminal bushmob conduct, profits off instability to further a
> > Nation's weakness for easier victimhood as the "portrayed" undefended.
> > The lawless demon antiChrist claims US humans have no rights equal to
> > his own as mass murderer. If a Nation should arrest bin Laden and
> > openly try him innocent, or follow the ample public leads up to bush
> > and rumsfeld, found guilty, will then America become the America we've
> > all learned so much about as the People's?
> >
> > --
> >
> > Dems Scrap Plans To Look Into Claims White House Manipulated Intel On
> > Iraqi Threat
> > by Jason Leopold
> >
> >
> > "Obey, who this week called for the resignation of Defense Secretary
> > Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, wrote a
> > letter to the General Accounting Office last month to try and get the
> > agency to investigate a secret Pentagon committee known as the Office
> > of Special Plans."
> >
> > --
> >
> > Bush Administration Wants Subpoena Power That Doesn't Require Approval
> > From Judge or Grand Jury
> > The Associated Press
> >
> > / / "It's just a grab for more and more power," said Gerald Lefcourt,
> > a New York attorney and past president of the National Association of
> > Criminal Defense Lawyers. "They want to do things that they know a
> > judge won't approve of."
> >
> > --
> >
> > Have thugs will travel
> > Bush Administration puts former Hussein torturers, executioners, and
> > rapists on America's payroll
> >
> >
> > / / According to Floyd, America's tax dollars are now being used by
> > the Bush Administration "to hire the murderers of the infamous
> > Mukhabarat and other agents of the Baathist Gestapo -- perhaps
> > hundreds of them. The logic, if that's the word," writes Floyd, "seems
> > to be that these bloodstained 'insiders' will lead their new imperial
> > masters to other bloodstained 'insiders' responsible for bombing the
> > UN headquarters in Baghdad -- and killing another dozen American
> > soldiers..."
> > ...
> > As Chris Floyd points out, this isn't the first time the U.S. has
> > embraced world class thugs and killers and put them in service of the
> > homeland: It appears to be "business as usual for the American
> > security apparatus, which happily incorporated scores of its Nazi
> > brethren into the fold after World War II, and over the years has
> > climbed into bed with many a casually raping and murdering thug --
> > such as, er, Saddam Hussein, who spent a bit of quality time on the
> > CIA payroll."
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > Some more Johnny splats:
> >
> > Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
> > to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
> > blindly stolen from?
> >
> > ...
> >
> > What is publicly awarding WorldCom tax payers money, but
> > a further continuation of the secret bushite's criminal
> > plan, a criminal plan of having US made also without
> > questions asked, to blindly overpay tricky Halliburton,
> > Dutch-Shell, along with Suharto and the Pinochet
> > business partners billions of American dollars in
> > overhead for nothing, while with what is left as a
> > pittance is promised for sometime in our future to
> > rebuild what bush and rumsfeld criminally destroyed,
> > after murdering so many in New York City with 911, like
> > Firefighters, and a wise, God loving, Holy Reverend.
> > Where is the HELP for IRAQ as promised after
> > victimizations from an imposed criminal dictatorship
> > that is stealing the resources of US People as Iraqi?
> > After bombing most public institutions with radio-active
> > nuclear waste, then encouraging looting while allowing
> > the ransacking of museums, soldiers still refused to
> > protect nuclear facilities as the threat we were told
> > they were going to die for as parasites. To witness
> > bush bringing further hardships with his inaction in
> > Afghanistan, and now in God's love, Iraq, brings me to
> > great anger. To have Iraq worse now falling plundered,
> > than when Iraq was under the relatively stable, food,
> > water, and security provisions of Saddam's, who was
> > communicating, is a further blatant insult to all those
> > American Soldiers now dead from fighting for something
> > they could never articulate publicly as bushite slaves
> > to willful ignorance they bay as the asinine in secret.
> > While bush tells US as the public, the UN sanctions plan
> > for spending for the governed on continuing health and
> > welfare, is something he, and Jay's replacement bremer,
> > wish to politically appose without question or law?
> > Still?
> >
> > ...
> >
> > Expect more casualties, warns Rumsfeld
> >
> >
> >
> > See how evil rotten rumsfeld is. He plays like dictator
> > bremer is working for the Iraqi People by stealing our
> > public assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while
> > criminally persecuting the unjustly persecuted. Taking
> > as alleged, from Iraqis as the completely innocent
> > bremer boasts him and 911's rumsfeld will continue
> > protected, hiding behind the growing more disturbingly
> > ignorant as cowardly, uninformed traitorous American
> > Patriot Soldiers? How long my friends? How long must
> > Our God wait for One true Patriot to whom we are all
> > relying on maybe existing, to stand for Justice as
> > Freedom?, you know, the good old red, white, and blue as
> > Salutable? Evil bremer tells US he wants to criminally
> > harm those who tried to make Iraq something better as
> > secularists in a one party only government, those of
> > whom we were told, were restrained as victimized under
> > Saddam's edge as tyrannical. Now bremer, as war crime
> > director, wants to further persecute ourselves without
> > public charges? Like in bush's personal america under
> > ashcroft issues? While demon bush now goals to invite
> > the corrupt Wahabbi's Vinnell, the repressive Allah
> > haters, the dark evil side to Jihad, to suffer ourselves
> > even more hardships against freedom everywhere? How
> > long must the People of our World die for Americans to
> > stand up against the bush demon God betrayer? Where are
> > the CNN and CBC producer voices, (who refuse as
> > supporters of tyranny, to respond to any community
> > interaction on our top priority issues) as our OWN
> > regarding the concentration camps where evil nazi forces
> > murder our friends and family as the completely
> > innocent?
> >
> > Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US
> > military interrogation base
> >,1284,909294,00.html
> >
> > Where are we STILL?, with the LOYAL FBI and CIA 911
> > investigations made public?, while corporate news
> > control continues to deny Justice a voice for YOUR
> > freedom actually dying my friend? I am really the
> > fictional Son of Man, Johnny Wizard, and bush as
> > AntiChrist, is actually, for real, actively destroying
> > Our innocent lives as an enemy to all People, especially
> > Americans, as they fall further unjustly as victims
> > enslaved by their own cowardice to stand strong as an
> > army for love. I, as King, need your help to request I
> > be spoken of, for by myself, you sound like someone
> > nobody could care less for. As the benevolent, haven't
> > asked for much yet King of this Universe, I am
> > legitimately pissed off with the unarrested demon bush
> > and his murder rampages against Our Eternal Creation, so
> > destroy bush for Love my friend, or for Justice as
> > Freedom, or, for Yourself even as worth something to
> > consider... please?
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > The American mass murderer demon bush will judge US unfairly?, in
> > comtempt for
> > Freedom and the American Constitution? For feeding what to whom was
> > it as bad as letting the true 9/11 planners escape to recommit mass
> > murder against US as anyone? I ask You, Who ultimately pays for demon
> > bush and rumsfeld to nakedly continue unarrested as traitors to US
> > all?
> >
> >
> > Who will
> > ultimately suffer for American cowardice to protect
> > themselves as equals? Israel the terror nation funded
> > by the American tax payer, murders and steals from
> > innocent civilians, US people, as criminals. What can't
> > you figure nazi slave dying corporate sell outs to
> > yourselves losing?
> >
> > ... It's like we're being forced against our dying wills, to be
> > promoted
> > as sold, bush's fantastical shenanigans, outright guffaws, or blushing
> > embarrassments of dying US as MASS MURDER victims. A liar who
> > criminalizes America as really destructing by self contempt through
> > his own private delusions of grander in God's presence as the deceived
> > evil antichrist. Apparently, here in america, we're either with
> > criminal bush as slaves working for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom,
> > or he'll bomb US whom believe in fighting to preserve freedom for all
> > people. Freedom like standing firm politically on the evidence
> > requirement for arriving to guilty verdicts as our public
> > representation. We do want to follow the criminal leads for 9/11
> > actually, while bush and rumsfeld do wish that we not find them as the
> > treasonous prime perpetrators. Lies of injustice
> > and slavery bush would make US believe we are without speaking of
> > real power. Tyranting our caution, our beliefs, our creeds, into
> > coercing the sacrifice of leaderless teen soldiers, our brothers, our
> > sisters, to rob The People of our Constitutional values. Our freedoms
> > as Justice in America, in Iraq, and at Guantanamo. Done in america's
> > name all for the doubly paid, pinko commi Halliburton, WorldCom,
> > bremer, rumsfeld and Our Mr. bush Jr. Mr. bush, the demon who does
> > all our talking without questioning for answers, who knows better than
> > everybody else put together, the CIA and FBI included, doesn't deserve
> > your blind praise as a war criminal I would say in defense of anyone.
> > Can we afford to leave more to fall "embarrassingly" dead by his
> > criminal un-American exploits, as a demon God betrayer, human hater?
> > What are you going to do about this Freedom of Yours shared with all
> > here then friend? As of God or the Universe I mean? To not stand with
> > Humanity against the injustices committed against ourselves at
> > Guantanamo, is a failure to love anyone as being alive even. Those are
> > US innocent People being criminally treated by evil sadistic nazi war
> > criminaling bushite goons, savages who are protecting the 911
> > perpetrators from incarceration as traitors. Positioned to die as
> > sacrificial, trading spots for the bush demon despot, because he
> > frightens most men into willful submission and blind servitude
> > unthinkingly. Not me however as whomever. Instead of murdering our
> > own families as war criminals for bush to pilfer the undefended
> > wallets of our grandparents, why don't we all smarten up, and just
> > kill the unarrested demon bush instead as something truly Patriotic?
> > What'd ya say? I say, let's just destroy evil bush instead for
> > escaping arrest at 911, stay loaded if necessary for cheney, then
> > demand
> > a
> > change in altitude down at CNN headquarters for our benefits to be
> > included in future broadcast material. Examples to start on: DU is
> > radio-active (millirems) and toxic like in poisonous. Americans would
> > want their stolen pension money back from Enron and WorldCom, thank
> > you very much, and, we'd think you didn't know this yet at CNN command
> > but, Mr. bremer,... shockingly,.... is the Director of
> > the notoriously un-American "Kissinger Associates". Mr. bremer,
> > officially, professionally, takes money from Humanity through
> > privately profitizing off criminal dictatorships that STEAL from "The
> > People" our Rights and Freedom to achieve something greater. To take
> > the US authority at word in Iraq, would compel a demand for the
> > immediate confiscation of all bremer's assets, to be given back to
> > those whom were stolen from, and the immediate arrest of
> > bush, rumsfeld, and blair for instigating heinous war crimes against
> > our better judgements. It does not matter what evidence was then or is
> > available to justify the unjustifiable Iraq war. LISTEN TO THE SON OF
> > MAN: we had one hundred percent access, to change anything we wished,
> > by public persuasion at a publicized international level, promised to
> > be broadcasted nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
> > now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable Saddam regime
> > communicating? Outside of the criminal thefts of Iraqi assets? Could
> > bush have demanded that innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the
> > least, be granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
> > accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate somewhere in
> > secret that evidence will no longer be a prerequisite to determine
> > what
> > is evil to all humanity?, now that he tyrants as demon antichrist?
> > Strangely funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think
> > again:
> > Can we easily change the microscopic, radio-active waste that will be
> > around for GENERATIONS harming anyone for no reason but madness? We
> > seem to be suffering something horrible when it comes to communicating
> > the seriousness of the depleted uranium situation. It seems we're too
> > afraid to face that such a disastrous decision could continue
> > happening
> > without our screams for sanity, so we continue to bury our heads in
> > the
> > radio-active sand devolving. At least until the, faint hope clause,
> > Johnny Wizard fellow makes a, oh so cute, starving man entrance, on
> > hopes to earn a donation or two to cover living on top of these real
> > world expenses. That's right, I'm only in this for me.
> >
> > Help God please.
> >
> > The bushmob takes with the bush war crimes of death and destruction,
> > is bush vicimizing our World with hardships he continues to wish
> > imposed further, and frankly, I think he needs to be stopped for all
> > concerned, like immediately, now. What do you think?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Johnny Wizard
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Oh, and the 45 minute claim was actually referring to
> > > small caliber weaponry, not sexy WMD... Never mind for
> > > the moment about those other forgotten lines from the
> > > false plagiarized dossier, where "monitoring" foreign
> > > embassies, becomes "spying" on them and "aiding
> > > opposition groups.." becomes "supporting terrorist
> > > organizations...". Anyway, unmistakable repeating
> > > conduct that Blair told US he should resign over. Or be
> > > immediately arrested as war criminal. Simple.
> > >
> > > Why has Blair worked diligently to make this more
> > > complicated than it is? Makes our lives too easy that's
> > > why. When you think about it, who is going to recall,
> > > or fire the antiChrist demon bush?, as the American cop
> > > killing, innocent people torturing, heroin pushing death
> > > squad advocate he is by not listening, (so he says) as
> > > the top 9/11 instigator with rumsfeld, propped as
> > > puppeteer false leader in America being traitor to God
> > > and Johnny? Who but you can read this? Americans are
> > > too stupid, weak, and cowardly as dying to be enslaved
> > > individuals, to stand up as a brave People for the FBI
> > > investigators. At least that is what CNN tells US in
> > > silence and contempt for themselves, and their own flag,
> > > while they watch their very own brothers and sisters,
> > > friends and neighbors be needlessly sacrificed for the
> > > demon bush to steal even more as left for further
> > > plunder, wasting away. Just like corporate America
> > > expresses no human sympathy for the THOUSANDS of
> > > innocent families bombed NEEDLESSLY to please and
> > > glorify bush and rumsfeld. Or American Patriots billed
> > > billions in criminal over payments for Halliburton, and
> > > a soldier's grand dad's pension lifters, WorldCom. (Too
> > > complicated, and besides, who cares right?) What do the
> > > bushites care about The People in Iraq, when they
> > > sacrifice the lives and wages of America so easily, for
> > > nothing but stolen gains by increasing our hardships as
> > > suffering? True terrorists. Just watch CNN...
> > > Refusing to allow America to know the evil demon bush
> > > and rumsfeld dumped thousands of tons of radio-active
> > > toxic waste to kill People for generations, as enemies
> > > of life, they are enemies of God as all of our Humanity.
> > > America's Arron Brown would watch soldiers die for
> > > nothing but to steal more from American savings, and say
> > > nothing of it while driving to the club to shmooze as
> > > something special. CNN has directly refused to discuss
> > > the CIA investigations into the 9/11 insider stock
> > > trades, like America shouldn't be interested in Justice,
> > > or the facts there either? See, all CNN and bush can do
> > > to spin the bodies falling in coffins, is to claim, they
> > > died for nobel causes, namely, to victimize and
> > > persecute innocent people as enemies of American values.
> > > Every time I hear of another soldier casualty, I pray as
> > > death it was a bushite. A treasonous coward, who
> > > instead of killing the unarrested bush and rumsfeld for
> > > 9/11, or voicing concern for murdering a good people
> > > needlessly, side as attackers of the pratically
> > > helpless, starving, and innocent without question or
> > > misgivings. Like buford blount. Demon bush and
> > > rumsfeld's murder rampages against women and children,
> > > to steal American money to fake rebuilding what was
> > > needlessly destroyed criminally, should have him
> > > immediately arrested or shot, before ourselves for.
> > >
> > > An antiChrist, Demon bush quote: "Every nation that
> > > stands on the side of freedom and the value of human
> > > rights must condemn terrorism and act against the few
> > > who would destroy the hopes of the many."
> > >
> > > Does demon bush figure if he just says that, we'll truly
> > > forget about all the people he has terrorized, and
> > > murdered in New York City? (Remember: evil is dumb.)
> > >
> > > Hmmm. I guess bush forgot to mention without following
> > > our facts, or protecting ourselves from tyranny by
> > > Justice for Yourself included in the equation eh?
> > >
> > > Don't forget, Jim at MSNBC reported about the top secret
> > > Presidential Directive documents, they anonymously
> > > received from Condoleeza's office, outlining the demon
> > > bush strategy in detail. To invade Afghanistan for
> > > floundering Enron, bush would blame Afghanistan for a
> > > crime no evidence would TRULY connect Laden to, and as a
> > > result, the God betrayers could then refuse to follow
> > > the criminal leads and not apprehend the actually evil
> > > doers. Christ, I hate that demon bush with a holy
> > > vengence I do.
> > >
> > > What do you think?
> > >
> > > Be a real Patriot, destroy bush today, and be loved by
> > > all as God would.
> > >
> > >
> > > The Lord,
> > >
> > > Johnny Wizard
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Blair Denies Exaggerating Iraqi Arms Threat
> > > By Glenn Frankel Washington Post, August 28, 2003
> > >
> > >
> > > ""It was an extraordinary allegation to make and an extremely
> > > serious one," said Blair, adding, "Had the allegation been
> > > true, it would have merited my resignation.""
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > The Pentagon PR Machine At Work
> > >
> > >
> > > ""There have been some people who have kind of concocted a
> > > goulash of snippets about this team that was working on the
> > > terrorist interconnections and the Special Plans Office, and
> > > they mixed them up when there's no basis for the mix," Feith
> > > said, according to a transcript of the press conference. "!!!
> > >
> > > --
> > > Hutton Inquiry: How Dr Kelly and the Foreign Affairs
> > > Committee were used by the government
> > >
> > >
> > > "An additional safeguard was also put in place, however.
> > > Having tamed Kelly the next task was to ensure that the FAC
> > > did as it was told.
> > >
> > > ..In the case of the FAC inquiry into the allegations that
> > > the government misused intelligence material, the committee
> > > was not even allowed to see earlier drafts of the dossier
> > > it was supposedly investigating.
> > >
> > > ..It is not simply that the government felt able to treat the
> > > FAC with contempt, but that the FAC, or at least its Labour
> > > members, were willing accomplices in a campaign to exonerate
> > > the government."
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "How many people will have to die--Iraqi and American
> > > alike--before this criminal enterprise is finally
> > > brought to an end?"
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Rumsfeld corrects testimony - twice Swore he'd learned uranium charge
> > > bogus only 'days' ago
> > >
> > >
> > > / / Rumsfeld: "I should have said within recent weeks, meaning when
> > > ElBaradei came out" with the revelation that the allegation was
> > > baseless.
> > >
> > >
> > > So, rotten rumsfeld too, made no formal, or informal attempt to
> > > understand the claims he and bush were making to murder countless
> > > people? While, he expects US also not to consider the wealth of
> > > intelligence, that was flayling around from all directions on the
> > > biggest public claims he and bush were mongering for bombing people
> > > indiscriminately with depleted uranium? How about, the ALL bush needed
> > > bio-trucks, or the fantasized IAEA report that failed to materialize?
> > > Tubes? Nope. Niger. Nope. Exact verification of 20 plus year old
> > > burnt remains of a decommissioned anthrax spore, or the elusive
> > > expired VX sludge buckets? No one can ever know still. While now
> > > unjust bush encourages US all to just move on alone, nothing to see
> > > here but US dead folk.. Where's the Tenants of Justice to protect our
> > > Freedoms from the evil bush war criminals? How can we stand in silence
> > > while witnessing WorldCom,. Dutch-Shell, Enron and Halliburton, fleece
> > > the embarrassed politician, who as bush, is persecuting God as the
> > > Innocent taken for granted?, as slaves denied Freedom to be sacrificed
> > > for bush??? Not me as whomever buddy.
> > >
> > > My friends, we need to King this world for my benefits of
> > > communication. We have the technology, and you should be rich my
> > > friends!
> > >
> > > Johnny Wizard
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct. Why Bush Cited It In Jan. Is
> > > Unclear
> > > By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen
> > > Washington Post Staff Writers
> > > Page A01
> > >
> > >
> > > Or,
> > >
> > > Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies
> > >
> > >
> > > / /When the CIA objected to the inclusion of the uranium-Africa
> > > charge, White House officials proposed that Bush cite the conclusions
> > > of British intelligence, rather than the doubts of US intelligence.
> > > Hence the formula that was placed in Bush's mouth January 28: ``The
> > > British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
> > > significant quantities of uranium from Africa.''
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > > So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
> > > understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
> > > positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
> > > murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
> > > communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
> > > agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > CBS News | Bush Knew Iraq Info Was Dubious
> > >
> > >
> > > / / Before the speech was delivered, the portions
> > > dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were
> > > checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News
> > > National Security Correspondent David Martin. CIA
> > > officials warned members of the President's National
> > > Security Council staff the intelligence was not good
> > > enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy
> > > uranium from Africa.
> > >
> > >
> > > The Insiders Are Coming Out
> > > By William Rivers Pitt
> > > From:
> > >
> > > / / Beers' position as special assistant to the
> > > President for combating terrorism meant he saw
> > > everything and knew everything. He was on Nightline for
> > > one reason: He quit his job, walked out the door, and
> > > joined the John Kerry for President campaign as National
> > > Security Advisor.
> > >
> > >
> > > The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray
> > > By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot
> > >
> > >
> > > / / Begg's father, Azmat, insists his son is not a
> > > terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in
> > > Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school
> > > and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat,
> > > a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight
> > > of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul
> > > with his family to start a school for basic education
> > > and provide water pumps.
> > >
> > > .... Begg's father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact
> > > that all his family served in the British army, says his
> > > grandchildren are distraught at their father's
> > > disappearance.
> > >
> > >
> > > Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar
> > > By William Rivers Pitt
> > >
> > > / / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody
> > > lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come
> > > for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in
> > > this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who
> > > live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has
> > > flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George
> > > W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress.
> > > There are a lot of people dead because of it.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman
> > >
> > > / / For example, some commentators have suggested that
> > > Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is
> > > some interpretation of his prewar statements that is
> > > technically true. Really? We're not talking about a
> > > business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
> > > contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a
> > > nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the
> > > nation a misleading impression about the case for war,
> > > close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally
> > > say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
> > > contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case
> > > couldn't stand close scrutiny.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
> > > understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
> > > positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
> > > murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
> > > communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
> > > agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.
> > > While demanding at the same time, he did knew top
> > > secretly better than everybody else does still, leaving
> > > US to forgo our own principles of Justice to be
> > > sacrificed even further unjustly. That evil nazi fuck,
> > > the demon God betrayer human hater, tells US, it was
> > > Tenant (not the CIA) actually that was responsible for
> > > the fraudulent evidence he argued publicly to wage WAR
> > > against our Humanity with. In Our name unjustly
> > > devalued by the criminal bush doctrine. Lies that bush
> > > uses to sacrifice leaderless American GIs for
> > > Halliburton and WorldCom, all the while, robbing from
> > > the American public in a war against our World as an
> > > enemy of all Humanity. While still, LOOK, bush gives no
> > > apology to angry Johnny, or the morning American
> > > families dying as traitors, painted as cowards, further
> > > dying as too easily sacrificial for further criminal
> > > bush exploits continuing in Iraq UNDER the bare naked
> > > war crime funder, the victim robber, Our Mr. bremer.
> > > After disappearing BILLIONS unaccounted as Saddam aid,
> > > including an escrow account through the UN, bush, bremer
> > > and the Dutch-Shell partners, plan to skim a further 30
> > > percent from oil sales for themselves without an Iraqi
> > > Government to stop them as thieves. Mr. bremer is not
> > > trying for a representative democratic governmental
> > > stability for Iraqis, for there is much more American
> > > tax payments in sacrificing bush binded as blind,
> > > American Patriot Soldiers for the criminal likes and
> > > greed of Worldcom, than there is to give to the Iraqi
> > > People as desperately needing. Right? Why should
> > > bremer be spending America's time invested in Helping
> > > Our IRAQ govern herself for the betterment of the
> > > People, if he wont be able to steal as much with
> > > Dutch-Shell ideals, and WorldCom concealments? Do you
> > > really think any form of democracy in Iraq, would have
> > > hired WorldCom above all others to cover up something
> > > likely further planned to be illegal? No? Why take the
> > > stupid risk that American Soldiers might actually learn
> > > of what they are truly dying for as dumb and evil? Now
> > > I know, American GIs are known world wide as already
> > > weak and cowardly, but basic math skills are taught in
> > > early elementary, and actually dying for bush and
> > > dutch-shell to rob from God and America is pushing
> > > things to far.
> > >
> > > Rotten rumsfeld tells US, almost 4 billion American tax
> > > dollars has bent spent per month on something about
> > > Iraq, (4,000,000,000 / 160,000 Soldiers equals
> > > $31,250.00 for example) while bremer tells Iraqis, if he
> > > and Dutch-Shell can secure 5 or 5.5 billion in completed
> > > new oil sales contracts, he'll be sure to promise maybe
> > > 3 billion for the Iraqi Nation expenses, all managed by
> > > whom he and bush have, or will personally appoint for
> > > free perks, from the likes of Dutch-Shell, double
> > > billers Halliburton, or WorldCom pension shysters. That
> > > is if all goes without success in shedding criminal
> > > bremer as an occupying oppressor of US innocent people.
> > > A terrorist Mr. bremer is according to the official FBI
> > > definition.
> > >
> > > All essential civilian Iraqi infrastructure needs
> > > immediate, undivided unending attention, and protection,
> > > like with food and medicines, along with encouraging
> > > public discussion for a fair, wide open elections
> > > process to deal with the serious primary issues of
> > > public accountability. Opened to ALL legal residents.
> > > Criticized openly by corporate America, if it should
> > > feel dictated to do so during the public discussions on
> > > Iraqi's loyalty to God and family. OUR Families! Who
> > > again, in America, I beg, to get off the drugs and wake
> > > up to reality.
> > >
> > > Now I must get heavy.
> > >
> > > What could be agreed upon with ANY civilization here to
> > > contemplate ably? A just rule of law is freedom
> > > unparalleled naturally by design occurring as Universal
> > > chaos is. Example: Would you want to lose your
> > > freedoms for not depriving another of same said
> > > privileges? Truly, Justice for all is Freedom for You
> > > as believing. It matters not what you think of me as
> > > John personally, for You ultimately, reflect also on the
> > > indivisible eternal nature of our suffering Human
> > > condition shared equally as Creation though a desperate
> > > as forgotten, God as our Love forsaken. Murdering US
> > > People for no good reason but to rob from ourselves as
> > > dying sell-out bush thieves, is genuinely wrong to just
> > > about everybody considered. See?, when rumsfeld orders
> > > the dropping of small nukes, or a 14000 pound bomb on a
> > > community, or perhaps cluster bombs in civilian
> > > districts, or maybe a depleted uranium laced Tomahawk
> > > missile, it actually kills US people... and for what?
> > >
> > > From "STOP THE PRESSES!"
> > >
> > > / / We had one hundred percent access, to change
> > > anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized
> > > international level, promised to be broadcasted
> > > nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
> > > now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable
> > > Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
> > > thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that
> > > innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be
> > > granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
> > > accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate
> > > somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
> > > prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,
> > > now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely
> > > funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think
> > > again:
> > >
> > > No representative world body politic, would decide to
> > > purposefully, criminally victimize US as the Innocent
> > > for war monger, American cop killer bush as our official
> > > Democratic decision maker.
> > >
> > > I hope you as anyone else, can agree to find easy
> > > agreement with anyone on our own interest as immediate
> > > need, to have the heinous UNJUST traitor to our
> > > Humanity, the mass murdering Mr. bush Jr., immediately
> > > halted for victimizing Humanity criminally as documented
> > > factual.
> > >
> > > Mr. bush Jr. SIGNED his own name with Condolezza to
> > > the "top secret" Presidential Directive 9/11 Plan. A
> > > plan to invade Afghanistan without using evidence for an
> > > allegation to a crime they would pin on Laden as
> > > innocent of. A documented plan, IN AMERICA'S NAME, to
> > > not apprehend the actual 9/11 perpetrators by following
> > > the ample criminal leads offered through America's FBI
> > > or CIA. Again, all completely planned SECRETLY several
> > > days before the WTC incidents. Planned with bush,
> > > rumsfeld, and atheist General Ahmad, the funder of
> > > 9/11's fall guy, Atta. The very last thing Ahmad, bush
> > > and rumsfeld wanted, was to actually arrest Laden, for
> > > it would have foiled their documented in writing,
> > > criminal war crimes against my America to steal the big
> > > bucks with our funerals. Mueller, franks and Tenant,
> > > would likely be directly involved, like Condolezza is
> > > for sure, and need to be questioned, then immediately
> > > arrested for treason to face public trial in our court
> > > room of popular opinion. Destroy Our unarrested Mr.
> > > bush Jr. my friend, and this Universe of ours will be
> > > forever grateful.
> > >
> > > God is Just,
> > >
> > > Johnny Wizard
> > >
> > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >



"Kennedy said a recent report by the congressional
budget office showed that only about $2.5 billion of the
$4 billion being spent monthly on the war can be
accounted for by the Bush administration."

Remember, the money we can account for, is bush's
america paying commi Halliburton, more than double it's
nearest American competitor, to hire cheaper,
non-unionized foreign labor. Then, of course there's
the American pension thieves WorldCom, cashing in
further the undefended People as the dying American
dimwit cowards. Demon bush has made no mention as
illegitimate leader to be concerned of, on where almost
half of the monthly American tax payer bill is going,
while teen soldiers actually fall grimly dead for
something they couldn't mention truly if they tried. No
surprise there, (bush personally stole 10 billion early
on through an energy scam that could have been spent on
their education..) but wait.... what's the point of me
continuing when WE can't find one real American Patriot
to bill the unarrested bush and rumsfeld immediately as
American cop killers..? Where are the American Patriot
soldiers to fight the unarrested torturers of God at
Guantanamo, who are threatening ALL of US as the
innocent, US, who want to punish the actual perpetrators
for 9/11? Remember, the FBI informs US that bush's
business partner, General Ahmad funded Atta, the 9/11
mastermind. In addition to that, Ahmad also assisted in
the invasion of Afghanistan for Enron plan DIRECTLY with
the bush administration up until, two days PRIOR to 9/11
at the Whitehouse, then again, served for antiGod demon
bush to personally negotiate the non-surrender of Laden.
A signed TOP SECRET presidential directive strategy
confronted by the Whitehouse in March to MSNBC, as
having been fully implemented, with a deliberate
criminal strategy to not offer evidence publicly against
the accused, as a criminal tool to secure invasion.
Remember: As planned before hand for Enron. (Sideline:
Clinton couldn't convict Laden under the Taliban when he
was behind bars awaiting extradition. Clinton said when
asked, there actually wasn't any evidence hidden either,
but that the bushites just make bullshit up to steal
from American values, while terrorizing our world in an
unholy matrimony. (Are men that masterbate gay then?
Or, what are you doing for dinner sailor?, means what
when? Living is dynamic, equal rights for all, however,
Women should rule the Universe. (A mutual caring of
another through love shall be celebrated, not bound for
decasting. What does it harm anyone's freedom what two
humans do legally? See nazi Germany and the American
ugenics program for further details on where the bush
lineage truly comes out of.))

CNN's America would have none of this God business, just
like when THEY refuse to show, COMPLETELY INNOCENT

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