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Interview :: Health Care
Have You Been Injured by Peg-Intron?
Have you been permanently injured due to PEG-Intron / Rebatron?
September 15, 2003 |
Have you been permanently injured
due to PEG-Intron/Rebatron?
Here is your chance to
do something about it.
A class-action lawsuit is finally now in the works!
If you have medical documentation regarding any injuries, we would like
to talk to you. We are specifically interested in any injuries diagnosed
as auto-immune, such as: muscle/joint/nerve (Rhuematoid Arthritis, Lupus,
peripherial neuropathy, etc.), eye damage, thyroid malfunction, multiple
sclerosis, skin disorders, breathing/lung problems, etc.
If you feel you were injured and never properly warned, please join us
in making sure this never happens to anyone else, as well as making sure
we are listened to.
Please contact Lloyd Wright with your name, address, and phone number
Phone: 1-877-676-1615
Lloyd-AT-HepatitisCFree.com">E-mail Lloyd |