Iraq, Bin Laden, 911 and our Soldiers.
How is Iraq, Bin Laden, 911 and our Soldiers connected? When public figures, the media, or people in general, take a position on an issue it often becomes more important to be “right” than to be emotionally intelligent enough to seek the truth. It appears that so much information is being swept under the carpet by the media and politicians who protested the war and by the Bush Administration’s withholding of information so intelligence collection is not jeopardized. It has become very difficult to know what to believe at times, so let’s review 911 and the war in Iraq.
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America was attacked. When Bush says we are at war, that is not just a “political term”, America was attacked and we literally are at war. The war is with an organization of jihad terrorists who do not abide by the Geneva Convention, Rules of War. It is unpredictable where they will strike next but it is inevitable they will. We watched with disbelief as those planes hit the Twin Tower’s. Three Thousand innocent civilians killed. That morning seemed almost surreal. Why, if America is attacked does the world believe America should just “talk” some more and not have the right to defend itself from further atrocities? Since when is self defense being a “bully”? If one of your children was murdered and the perpetrator promised vigilantly that wherever you were they would murder your other children, would you try and negotiate with them? If there was no police force what would you do? Would you take a gun and hunt them down rather than have your children hunted down and murdered because they do not believe in Allah? It is a sad and cruel world…
We are at war first and foremost. Many of those who feel their government should protect them also stop the government in many ways from doing what needs to be done. In life it is wonderful to have the luxury of “liberty and freedom” (and it is a luxury) through good economic times when a country is not at war, but that morning on Sept 11th removed America’s status of “luxury” to put us back towards the second layer of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, to “security”. The population needs to recognize our new world paradigm so we can adjust both emotionally and as a super power, to adapt and defeat our enemy. People claim they don’t want their life to change or the terrorists win. Well if certain security measures that are merely a minor inconvenience are not implemented, the terrorists really will win and your freedom and liberties will not only be slightly affected, they will not exist. We are talking about National Defense.