Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Veterans For Peace National President to speak to Baltimore

VFP President will address VFP members, associates and the public at the inauguration of an independent Baltimore chapter.
Veterans for Peace national president David Cline will address VFP members, associates, and the public at the inauguration of an independent Baltimore chapter on Wednesday, September 24 2003. Dave -- a decorated, Vietnam combat vet and nationally recognized peace activist -- will speak on the VFP's philosophy and current plans for action and will celebrate the advent of our new Baltimore chapter to be named in honor of the late Rev. Phil Berrigan. Heretofore subsumed under the Maryland-Washington DC-Northern Virginia chapter, this event will recognize Baltimore Vets' growing determination to take more vigorous action in our city and state and set the stage for that action in the coming period. The Wednesday evening meeting will provide Baltimoreans an opportunity to learn about Veterans for Peace and its special perspective and activities.

For more information, please contact Dr. Peter D. Molan, Veterans for Peace, Baltimore at 410-467-9149 or .

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