Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization : Peace : Protest Activity

Update on S-13 Baltimore Actions

Update from NO FTAA Towson:

Rally time moved up to NOON. David Rovics will be playing at 12:30 followed by the rally beginning at 1PM.

Rally speakers to include: Rev. John Dornheim (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Pledge of Resistance/Baltimore), Pat Cruz (Baltimore Green Party), Len Shinel (Organizer for the United Steel Workers of America) and more.

Tour of Shame speakers so far include: Chuck Michaels (Author of No Greater Threat: America After September 11 and the Rise of a National Security State), Ron Collins (District organizing coordinator with the Communications Workers of America) and more TBA.

Recent list of endorsers include: Bad Apple Collective (NEFAC Baltimore), All Peoples Congress, Baltimore CAGE (Coalition Against Global Exploitation) and the Baltimore Green Party.

More street theater calls. Call for Bum Bloc, Festive Resistance, Temporary Sweatshop and Patriot Act Chain Gang.

The tour will be ending back at War Memorial Plaza around 3PM. Food Not Bombs will be serving at that time. Art not Ads will have a set up offering free art so feel free to bring art to donate or trade.

As of right now this event is not permitted. We are currently in negotiations with the Baltimore City police to ensure a safe and peaceful event. We were informed that Baltimore City NEVER gives a permit for any sort of demonstration because that would mean Baltimore City endorses the protest. For that matter, we can gather legally and protest legally up until the police tell us to do other wise. Once the police tell us to stop or disperse it then becomes illegal to not follow their orders. For this reason we are presently in contact with them. More on this will be provided as we work things out. There will be legal observers from the National Lawyers Guild on hand.


Keep in mind that the more people present the less likely it is we will be hassled by police.

For more information see:

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