Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Environment

The Environment/Energy Balance

YES, I am a tree hugger. I drove down the Western Australian Coast with my feet up on the dash board, meditated and danced joyously by the rivers, strummed my guitar by the ocean and sang “Imagine” with my mates… Those days were much simpler; the environment/energy balance was really just a single issue then. Social balance was achieved by the extremes on both sides, the greenies against the capitalists. The environment cannot be looked at as a single issue anymore as the complexity of global war has heated up. A whole new paradigm of cause and effect is relevant on how we address the energy/environment balance.
Picture volunteers cleaning up oil stained coast in Spain. America has much more rigid regulations so the although this may happen, the likelyhood is greatly reduced compared to oil production in less regulated societies.

911 was the wake up call of the free world that Islamic Extremists were coming after us. Technology and transportation has created a whole new world. The internet operates as the lymphatic system of this global cancer of fundamentalist jihad terrorism. Last week the Jihad Terrorist’s declared war on all human aid organizations and they will not only kill the West but any Muslim that does not follow their STRICT fundamentalism. They made there threats clear with the bombing of the Jordanian Embassy, the UN Headquarters, and the Shiite Mosque. The terrorist infrastructure that has been put in place globally is very extensive as they have trained students in school to aspire to reach paradise by killing those who not claim Allah and fundamentalism. The next twenty years will only see an escalation of terrorism as these children mature and fight a jihad war as they have been brainwashed to do.
The spread of terrorism from Saudi Arabia

has proved that many countries have been duped by Saudi Arabia over the two decades in particular. Now the Saudi’s are trying to strike at our economy to further weaken our position to fight terrorism by reducing the supply by one million barrels a day and reaching a new agreement to control oil with Russia. Energy is at this moment in history not about a booming economy but about security of our nation and global stability. 15% of our oil comes from Saudi Arabia. The money that we give Saudi Arabia goes to supporting terrorist’s that blow up the UN headquarters in Iraq. So it is ESSENTIAL for global stability that reliance on foreign sources for oil is removed and we start using the resources we have available here. What does that mean to the environment?

From a global perspective the oil has to come from somewhere so their will be a price on the economy somewhere around the world. There has always been a price on the economy for humans to inhabit the Earth dating back 50,000 years to the Aboriginals of Australian systematic burning of vegetation.

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