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Moses & Elijah, Come Forth!

The Time of the two witness's of Revelation is now! What can we expect?
Moses and Elijah, Come forth!

I have put my spirit upon you to bring forth my body, my man child, my International Branch of The Lion of Judah. Rise up my sons for I have anointed you for this purpose. You will stand before my people and proclaim my words unto them. The bonds will be broken from my people when they see the great anointing that I have placed upon you. Step forth my son under my power, and my authority. Remember this my sons, Did not I say, that I have placed myself under your command to do all that I have said. And did I not say command ye the Lord.
Rev. 12:, Is. 10:27, Ps. 89:20, Is. 45:11.

Step forth my sons, the kingdom of the Lord is before you! You are to bring it forth in the name of Jesus. The kingdom has been placed upon your shoulders to be brought forth, by the spirit and power of the Lord working thru you.
Is. 51:4, 5, 9-11

You have totally submitted yourselves to my will. I have become the captain of your souls. I have given you the will to do my will. I have given you the mind of Christ, and I say to you my sons, Thy will be done by me and my will be done thru you. This is our joint venture! Total submission brings forth total power and this power is in my word spoken thru you. My word has again become flesh in you.

My people have yearned and waited for this day. The world is waiting for my arms to come forth. I have sworn by my right hand and the arm of my strength. I will no longer give the wealth and glory to the unjust.
Is. 63:12, 11:10

Go forth and go thru, Go thru the gates, and prepare the way of my people. Lift up a standard for the people. Set a sign before them. I will bring them into the nations of Europe, and the United States, and Canada. My people will respond to my words that you speak and they will be a witness giving a testimony to the nations of the world. And the nations will respond in bringing their wealth to Jerusalem, upon my Holy Mountain.
Is. 11:10

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound the alarm on my Holy Mountain. Call together a solemn assembly. Gather the congregation. My spirit is upon you to lift up the broken-hearted. You will open up all the prisons and proclaim liberty to the captives.
Joe 2:

Before the nations realize, my spirit, my word spoken thru you will bring all my people into unity as a great army. All my people will look to me in total submission and power. I will lead my people upon a highway of holiness. The mountains will become a plain, and the crooked places will be made straight for my people.

This is my anointed Branch, my body coming together in total submission to me and submitting to one another thru me. My people, My Man-Child, thru whom I am able to reclaim this earth to our original plan. We will righteously judge the earth. Every knee shall bow before me, and my people. The kings and priests of God will rule the kingdoms of this earth.
Is. 11:1, Rev. 12:, Is. 45:23

The time for me to righteously judge my people upon the earth has come. Through this judgment my holy name will be known among my people and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord. All those that trust and put their hope in me will be as trees planted by the waters. A Glorious Branch whose roots feed from the river of life. This is my glorious BRANCH.

My Branch will go thru the great shaking of the heavens and the earth, and the sea. Soon everything upon the earth will shake, and my people will be gathered together. The nations will be shaken and their wealth and glory will be given and distributed to my people, the meek and lowly upon the earth.
Haggai 2:4-9

The Great Shaking:

I will overthrow the governments and powers of the nations. Their strength will be broken and their police forces and armies will panic and riot. The will turn their weapons upon their own friends, upon their neighbors, and even their own families.
Is. 41:11

Violence will raise up with great wickedness of the entire earth. But the righteous will remain unshaken. The violence will pass right over them just as it did at the Exodus out of Egypt. But the wicked will be taken. The sword will be in the streets, and pestilence and great famines will devour all dwelling in unrighteousness.
Dan. 11:40

Many of my people will come out, repent of their evil ways and escape. They will dwell in the mountains, hiding in caves, turning from their sins and looking to me. They will feel the shame and will humble themselves, even shaving the hair from their heads and dressing in sack cloth. The shame of the past will show upon their faces.
Jer.. 16:16

People who have escaped the terror of the riots in the streets of all cities upon the earth will throw all their wealth, all their money, all their jewelry and their silver and gold into the streets of all cities. They will see that in the day of the Lord's wrath, all their personal wealth offered no protection or satisfaction. The will see that the wealth was the stumbling block that caused their iniquities.
Is. 60:6-9

From among all this tribulation upon the earth will rise my people, a person in one city or three or four from another city who hear the voice of the Lord. And refuse to react to circumstances, but instead follow that still small voice and move forward in faith. These people submit, and look totally to me for everything.

At first they seem to be few with no power, but over night they become an army. An army who lets me, the Lord thy God, lead them, and we together break in pieces and consume all the governments of the world.
Dan. 2:44,45

The stone cut out of the mountain without hands, the "overcomers", the "manchild", the BRANCH. The International BRANCH of the Lion of Judah. This is my Branch in total submission to me, in unity, acting as a single person, everyone operating through the mind of Christ.
Is. 11:1-5

My man on the white horse, with my crown and my signet ring, I give to thee my Branch. They will go throughout the entire earth in total unity and perfect precision, overtaking kingdoms and establishing the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ. This will not be done by the power or might of men, but will be done by my spirit, sayeth the Lord.
Rev. 6:2, Hag. 2:23, Zech. 4:6

My sons in that day when my people who have escaped out of the world look to me, they will see my anointing upon you to bring my people into unity as a righteous army of God. The Branch of my planting.
Is. 10:27, 11:1-5

Everything that happens upon the earth is under my control. But being a just God I am submitting myself to my people, who are part of all my movements, by allowing the Holy Spirit to use them as channels for me to work thru the power of prayer. My angels are in constant combat to minister my words into the hearts of my people.
John 16:16

We had to wait until the time when my "overcomers" would come out of man's ideas of being religious and would allow me to live my life in them. My life to the point where they allow me to control, and be the head of my people. Now we can work together as a joint venture between heaven and earth. I had to wait for the emergence of my Branch. The woman had to bring forth the "manchild". My body had to bring forth the Branch.
Is. 11:1-5, Ezek. 10:1-18, Rev.12:

The church is now in pain, she is now travailing to bring forth my "manchild". But this is only a part of what is happening. At the same time there is a great war going on in heaven. Things happen first in the spiritual realm, before my people see the events acted out upon earth. Satan in his kingdom has seven heads with seven crowns also.
Is. 66:8, Rev. 12:3

Satan has drawn one third of the angels of heaven and they are about to be cast down upon the earth. He is doing everything he can to stop my church, my body from bringing forth the "manchild", but to no avail. My Branch, my "manchild" is coming forth to rule the nations in my kingdom with a rod of iron.

After the "manchild" is delivered, satan will know that he is about to be cast upon the earth and he will persecute the church, or the mother of my "manchild". But the mother will be taken into the wilderness upon wings supplied by my anointed ones. There my body will find rest, but satan's anger will raise up against others of my body, but will not prevail.

My sons, encourage my people with the anointing that I have placed upon you. You are the ones anointed to boldly stand up in the name of the Lord. Rise up my sons! You will stand up, and be my extended right hand, just when my power worked through you in bringing fire from heaven and parting the sea. You will stand up and break the yoke of anti-christ. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from the shoulders of my people, and his yoke off their necks. The neck shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Encourage my people, tell them not to be afraid.
Is. 10:26,27, 63:12

Stand up my sons, you are my arms that I will use to chop off the terror, the powers of the high ones and leaders of world powers.
Is. 63:11, 10:26

When my Branch comes forth, my word and power will become flesh in my body, my corporate Christ. The people of my planting around the world, properly called the International Branch of the Lion of Judah. My spirit will be upon my people. These are my eyes sent forth over the earth under the power of my seven spirits within my Holy Spirit. The spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of power, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of reverence for the Lord and the spirit of judgment.
Is. 11:1-5

When my people totally submit to me, then I am able to live my life in them and anoint them with these seven spirits of my Holy Spirit. This sevenfold spirit manifested in you my sons will bring down all problems that come before you. So that we, not by might, nor by power but by my spirit will go forth proclaiming that the kingdom has come.
Is. 10:27, 11:1-5, Zech. 46,7

My sons, you have been obedient, and by faith have acted to lay the foundation of my kingdom through your obedience and understanding of what I have revealed.

The little book that closes time and opens up eternity. The little book that tastes sweet but makes the belly bitter. The word that must be prophesied again before many peoples, and nations, languages, and kings. All my people will know that I have sent you forth for this purpose.
Re. 8:10

My international Branch of The Lion of Judah will proclaim to the world, WE COME IN THE NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD. HE ALONE IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. My Branch will cover the entire earth giving fair judgments to the poor and re-claiming the wealth and equity of the meek of the earth. And I will speak through my Branch to slay the wicked with the breath of his lips, and smite the earth with the rod of his mouth. My glorious Branch robed in righteousness and integrity.
Is. 11:1-5

Then my name will be lifted up, and I will be known to all people. Jesus the Christ will draw his people. All people will come to me to be a part of my glory and rest. Then in that day I will set my hand again the second time to gather the people out of the nations of the world. Exodus number two will even be more glorious than our coming out of Egypt.
Is. 11:, Jer. 23:5-9

I will also free my people from all bondages that have been placed upon them in the name of religion. All that seems righteous to the world religions may not be righteous in my sight. Woe to the pastors and church leaders that scatter my people, the sheep of my pasture. Let it be known that I will visit upon those church leaders the evil of their own doings.
Zech. 13:7-9

Then I will gather the remnant of my people out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will again bring them together and will bless and prosper them. I will set up new leaders that will love and care for my people. My people will learn to trust and won't fear, nor will they lack anything at all.

Listen and understand my sons, the days are now come that I will raise up my righteous Branch and I will appoint their king, and he will lead and prosper my people and will execute judgment and justice upon the earth. In his day I will unite Christianity and all its denominations with Judaism and its various groups into one glorious body, my International Branch of the Lion of Judah.
Eze. 37:16-28

Understand this my sons, we are going to do something so wonderful and spectacular that people will no longer celebrate the Passover, by saying that the Lord lives that brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. But, the Lord lives which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country. And from all countries where I had driven them. Then they shall dwell in their own land.
Jer. 23:5-8

My people dwelling in all nations of the world will be brought out of all countries and will become a mighty nation. Both Israel and Judah will be brought together upon the Holy Mountain of Israel. And there I will place my king over them all. Israel as well as Judah, they will no longer be two nations, nor will they ever be divided into two nations ever again.
Jer. 23;38

Rise up Moses and Elijah, my sons, My people must be told and taught the truth of who they are. Rise up my sons. A new voice will be crying, not only in the wilderness, but my voice will be heard over the entire earth. Inside all nations the word will ring loud and clear. My people, Come forth, Come and enter into the kingdom of your God. Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Is. 41:1-4

My people will respond and will learn the truth of who they are. And they will know that I the Lord their God has done this. They will see and understand their beginnings and how their fathers turned from me, and how they were sent among the nations. But now they will know that they are of the true and original seed of Abraham. You will see those that once despised me, are now ashamed and confounded. They will be as nothing in themselves. They will be totally empty, broken and humbled.

Now they are able to be used as my army, my International Branch. Let them know that they have not been cast out, but I their Lord have chosen them as my Branch. Tell them not to fear. For I am now with them. Don't let them be discouraged. Come forth my sons. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will hold your right hand.
Is. 41:15,16

The nations will see my righteous Branch come forth, and they will be afraid. They will see my spirit revealed through my anointed Branch as they come together, helping and encouraging one another in perfect unity and equality.
Is. 41:5

As the poor and needy of my people seek food and water, where there is none to be found, then I the Lord will hear them. I the God of Israel will open rivers in high places, and will cause fountains to open up and will make pools of water in the wilderness and springs of water will appear in dry desserts.
Is. 41:17-19

Listen to me Moses and Elijah, you are my servants whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth. I have put my spirit upon you. You will bring forth the judgment of the Lord, you will do this in righteousness, you will speak tenderly to those that are bruised. Yes, you will judge all things in truth. Rest assured that you will not fail. And don't be discouraged until you have established this judgment upon the earth.
Is. 42:1-7, 30:30,31

The nations of the world are waiting, and through you I will give a new breath of life to my people. They will be lifted up with a new spirit of excitement. My Branch will open blind eyes, and bring out the prisoners from the prisons. I'm telling you these things before they happen. All things will be changed. The old will pass away and all things will become new.
Is. 42:7

Tell my people to sing a new song, and praise the Lord their God for what he is going to do. Let all my people over the entire earth praise the Lord and give him glory. For I the Lord will go before them as a mighty man stirring up jealousy that will cause war to come upon our enemies. My sons, I have been long and patient. I have been still, I have refrained myself, but now I must come forth mightily to destroy and devour. The mountains will be wasted and the rivers will be dried up.
Rev. 15:3, Is. 12:2, 42:10, 41:4

Yet through this I will bring my people, the blind, by a way that they did not know about. I will lead them in paths they did not know and the darkness will become light before them. And the rough and the crooked places will be made straight. This is what I am going to do for my people. I will never forsake them. My people who have been far from me; when they see this will be greatly ashamed of all their self centered pride, and will repent from worshipping their idols of self interests. My people are deaf, and they are blind, but they must see and hear the truth.
Is. 41:16

My people Israel, having become believers in me and my people Judah whom the world calls Jews are all of the same family of God. Can't both of my family trees see that I have redeemed them. I have called each and every one by name. They are mine, they belong to me. When they pass through the deep waters I will be with them, and will even part the rivers of water as they pass through them. When they walk through the fire they will not be burned; the flames won't even singe the hair on their heads.
Is. 43:1-2

I will say to the north, Give up!, and to the South, Keep not back! Now is the time to bring my sons from far and my daughters from the very ends of the earth. Let all people of all nations be gathered and brought together. Let them speak their peace, and let them hear the truth. Let all my people become a new nation, a one world nation under the direction of God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ, whose spirit works in the hearts of his people. My body, I will rule through my body, my "overcomers", my International Branch.
Is. 43:6

You will look and see all those that I have gathered from far, from the north, and from the west, and from all nations upon the earth. All of them who have come to the land of Israel will be so many that the land will seem too small for all my people to dwell.
Zech. 10:10,11

My sons, at this time you will set up a standard to be established in every position of authority, both civil authority as well as priestly authority in our royal priesthood. The "plumbline", or Branch stand, will be raised before all people. This standard of heavenly authority will draw my people from all countries. This will bring new meaning to my words. If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men to me. This standard will stand for a sign to my people, and they will come and find rest and comfort in the glory of their land.
Zech. 3:7-9, 4:9,10, Is. 11:10

This word and truth will go to all corners of the earth as it is spoken and broadcast from the capital, my Holy City, Jerusalem. This standard of Lord will flow over the entire earth, and the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord. All iniquity and evil will be removed from my land and my Royal City, Jerusalem.

The Temple built for Jesus:

My Temple will be rebuilt upon my Holy Mountain. Did not I say to you Zerub'babel that your hands have laid the foundation of this house, and have I not said that your hands shall finish it? The world may think that you have not acted upon my word. And don't you yourself think this as a small thing? Because my people from all over the earth will see you with the plummet in your hand. The walls and the pillars will be established and the people will see the plummet in your hand with those seven that I have chosen. They are the ones I have chosen to become eyes of the Lord. I will send them and they will criss-cross the entire earth with my people as the army of God putting my kingdom in order. These are my anointed ones, my olive branches walking in total submission to me and my words spoken through my two anointed ones that set up my standard of the Lord over the whole earth.
Zech. 6:11-15, 4:10,14, Rev. 11:1-14

I will give to you, my two witnesses, and you shall prophecy to the world about the coming kingdom over the networks of world communication for one thousand and two hundred sixty days clothed in sack cloth. My two olive branches, and the two candlesticks are what I will channel my power through. If anyone tries to hurt you or stand in your way, by speaking the words that I have put in your mouths fire will come forth at your command and devour your enemies. If any man should hurt you in any way that same person must be killed in the same way. You, my anointed ones stand between me and all the people upon the earth.
Rev. 11:1-14

All the laws and powers of nature I will place at your command, so that you may shut up the heavens so there is no rain in the days that you prophesize. You will be turning water into blood and you will be able to strike the earth with all types of plagues, as often as I have you.

Moses, my son, bringing my people out of Egypt wasn't the main event. The seven trumpet judgments that are to come upon the earth is our next performance.

My sons, you have been given general time frames as to the opening of the book of seals. The book was opened and the first seal was broken on April 10, 1984, which released my body to come into unity as my man on a white horse.

On October 10, 1984, the second seal was broken, and this allowed the forces of evil to take peace from the earth. On April 10, 1985, the third seal was broken to allow the fall of mysterious Babylon so that the wealth of the unrighteous can be transferred into my kingdom. The fourth seal was broken on October 10, 1985, allowing famines, pestilence, and attacks of beasts of the field on people.

Understanding the Tribulation Period:

The fifth seal was broken on April 10, 1986, allowing the world to persecute my body, and many of my people will be slain for their testimony. On October 10, 1986, the sixth seal was broken to allow for the physical signs in the heavens and great earthquakes to take place upon the earth.
Rev. 6:1-15

On April 10, 1987, as I broke the seventh seal a period of silence began in heaven for a half hour. This is not a half hour on earth but a half-hour in heaven where the measure of time is one day in heaven equals 1,000 years on the earth. So a short time of only a half-hour in heaven is what many on earth consider a long time.

The one half-hour in heaven is the same as 20 years and 83 days upon the earth. I explained this to my people in the Bible. So the prophetic time table of earth time was extended rather than shortened while we are in our half-hour of silence in heaven. Even though the prophetic clock stopped, the seals have already been released for good and evil.
Rev. 81-6

You see my sons, I am allowing my BRANCH the time to fulfill all my prophetic words that I have spoken to my people.

This is the time to prepare my people for the tasks that I have set before them. My sons, you must teach my people what I have revealed to you. You must speak this truth to my people. Teach and train my people for war in the spiritual world. My army of God must be formed around the truth that I have revealed to you. This will involve sending you to many parts of the world and you speaking these truths.

Using the Keys to the Kingdom:

My people over the whole earth must hear my everlasting gospel and the kingdom-come message. To every nation, kindred, and tongue. No one will have an excuse. Everyone will have heard you describe the next main event that will be even more spectacular than our Exodus out of Egypt. The second Exodus will be our Exodus out of all worldly governments by way of our seven trumpet judgments.
Jer. 23:5-9

These trumpet judgments will fulfill many prophecies of my prophets of old. This single event will bring Israel and Judah together fulfilling the Out of the north countries. It will cause the fall of Babylon. It will be the destruction of Gog and Magog, and will be culminated by my return to earth with all my saints.

During this time you will see the full mystery of Babylon revealed as it pertains to the seven financial mountains; the restoration of the ancient city and its destruction. This will be done by the stone cut out of the mountain without hands; my kingdom overtaking satan's anti-christ kingdom even before it is established.
Dan. 2:44

Some of my people being led by my spirit are working by faith without a full understanding. They are building properties that will be used for havens of rest in the wilderness and in the mountains. These havens will be established in the nations of the world. These properties will be provided for my people when satan is cast upon the earth. This is the woman that flees into the wilderness, because of the dragon's anger when he realizes my "manchild", my Branch, has been birthed into "overcomers". These will be places of the second pass-over.

Just as my people came out of Egypt with great wealth, my people coming out of the north countries will come with great glory in the form of the silver and gold of their captors. Did I not say the silver and the gold are mine, sayeth the Lord? I will protect my people, and the glory in these places of refuge by a cloud of smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night.

My sons, the four angels that I placed on the four corners of the earth on June 13, 1984 are still holding and restraining the forces of evil. The four winds will blow destruction from the seven trumpet judgments. They will remain there until my special forces, my "overcomers", my "manchild", my Branch is completely sealed. My candlesticks and my two olive branches will clean up any unfinished work during the time of the sounding of trumpets.
Rev. 7:1-4, 11:4, Ez. 9:1-4

These "overcomers", the four beasts in Ezekiel's vision, are going wherever the head looks. I will direct them to all corners of the earth having four wheels full of eyes and letting me direct them through the wheel within the wheel. This is the principle of seven eyes upon one stone or plummet standard. My sons, you are men dressed in linen on the inside and men dressed in sackcloth on the outside, but as you speak to my people they will see and be stirred. You will see many that first appeared meek and lowly rise to the occasion and become heroes in my spiritual army. You will see that the cream surely does rise to the top. My angels will marvel at the wheel, saying, O wheel!
Ez. 101:18

My "overcomers" will bring in multitudes so great that they won't be able to be numbered. They will be stones placed within my temple of all my people, each being a perfect stone in proper position of my living temple.

My prayer warriors upon the earth have filled the golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints. These vials were poured upon my golden altar on April 10, 1985, the day I broke the seventh seal and the beginning of the one half-hour of silence in heaven. The smoke of incense, the sweet aroma of prayer ascended up before my father.
Rev. 5:8, 8:1-4

Soon my sons, the censors will be full, filled with fire, and will be handed to you to be cast upon the earth as my word and work of judgment.

The seven angels with the seven trumpets are waiting for the word to act. But prior to this my sons, judgment must come upon my church. For it is written that judgment begins at the House of God. Judgment must pass through my people. All my people who yearn for righteousness have been noted, and all those covered by the blood of my son are secure. But all those who have not accepted the free gift of my son will be judged, and all my carnally-minded will pass through judgment. I will no longer allow my house to be defiled. My Body, my bride must now be spotless.
Rev. 8:6, Is. 51:4-6

My people will all be judged. and the streets will flow with the blood of the slain. The churches, as well as the whole land, will be full of blood. I shall not spare, nor have pity anymore. This is the day that I must judge my people.
Ez. 9:1-11

Near the end of the half hour of silence in heaven there will be unity in much of my body, the ones making up my army of "overcomers". By July 10, 2007, my International Branch of the Lion of Judah will have fulfilled the great commission. No one alive upon the earth will have any excuse. No one will be able to say he does not understand my free gift of salvation, by the blood of the Lamb of God.

My people will all know the perimeters of the Christ-controlled life and the joys of kingdom living. The wealth of the world will have flown from the unrighteous of the world to the people of my kingdom. Then the entire universe will be waiting for the earth to be cleansed in preparation of the 1000-year kingdom of my son upon earth.

By then all people upon the earth will have been shaken-shaken by great earthquakes, and they will hear voices from heaven with lightning and thunder. The entire world will know that my seven angels with the seven trumpets are about ready to sound.
Rev. 8:5

Even after all this, the leaders of the northern nations refuse to let my people go. Their hearts have been hardened. But even Gog will thrust my people out of his country just as pharaohs did out of Egypt. And Gog's armies will be destroyed near Lebanon, upon the mountains of Israel. This will be the same judgment that the pharaoh received. All the armies of Magog and the armies of all the nations led by Gog will be destroyed.

My son on about July 10, 2007, our second act of freeing my people will proceed. My son Moses, at your spoken word, at your spoken command, we will begin the steps to free my people from bondage.

As the first angel sounds his trumpet, hail and fire mingled with blood - the blood of all living creatures including people in the sky covering the one-third of the earth that we judge - will be cast down to the earth. One-third of all green grass and green trees will burn with thick smoke covering the ground.
Rev. 8:7

Then my son, a few weeks later you will speak the command for the second trumpet to be sounded. Then it will appear as if a great mountain has been cast into the sea with such a great explosion that the waves will roar, and the northern and eastern parts of the sea around Russia and China will be turned into blood, and the sea will burn as a great fire. All ships and submarines, as well as every form of life within this area of the sea will die. One-third of the entire sea will be turned into blood. My son, you will see that the weapons created for war against my people are used to cleanse the earth through judgment, by the Lord. And you will see more of this as you order the other trumpets to be blown.

As you order the third trumpet to sound you will see how the star wars technology will be used for my purpose. And I also want to remind you my son, of what the word "wormwood" means in the Russian language. Remember the word "chernoble", the Russian nuclear explosion? The atomic contamination that polluted the water? Now my son, you can see that the great star that falls from heaven burning as a lamp that turns one-third of all the rivers and fountains of waters upon earth bitter. Many people upon the earth will die as a result of these bitter waters. CHERNOBLE

When you order the fourth trumpet to sound, the world will realize they have an environmental problem. Smoke will be pouring from the one-third part of the earth burned and from the one-third of the seal. The air will be contaminated. The atmosphere will be so filled with smoke that only one third of the brightness of the sun will appear through the smoke. The day will only be one third as bright and the moon will only be one third as bright. And one-third of the stars will not be seen at all.

After this my sons, Moses and Elijah, my two witnesses upon the earth will prophesize 1,260 days. You will appear on world-wide TV dressed in sack cloth. The satellite will circle the earth 22,000 miles out in space. This is the angel John described that flies through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth, because even worse judgments are about to fall upon the earth when the next three angels sound their trumpets.
Rev. 11:3, 14:6

My son, remember on November 8, 1989, you heard on TBN Christian television that a hole had been bored more than 10 miles into the earth, and suddenly those doing the drilling heard cries and moans coming from inside the earth? Now you can see that everything is set for the fifth angel to sound his trumpet. But my son, I must reach my people, surely many will yet turn to me.
Rev. 9:1-2

Moses and Elijah, you both will prophesize for 42 months as my two witnesses speaking to my people. During this time many upon the earth will try to slay you, but you will be protected and empowered through my anointing. During this time, I will put myself, the God of heaven and earth, at your command. If anyone tries to hurt you as you speak I will devour your enemies. I have given you the power that you will use to shut up heaven so that no rain will fall upon the earth during the days of your prophecy. And you have power to turn water into blood and smite the earth with plagues just as we did in the old testament times.
Rev. 11:4-6

During this time many upon the earth many people will seek death, but death won't be found as a way of escape.

During this time many upon the earth will seek death but death won't be found as a way of escape.

These locusts will look like horses prepared for battle having faces of men, with gold crowns on their heads. Their hair will be long and their teeth will be as sharp as lion's teeth, their breasts plates will be of iron, they will roar like jets, and will sting with their tails. Their power to torment all mankind who refuse the free gift of salvation will last for five months. The first woe is passed.

The king over these locusts, the angel of the bottomless pit, named "Abaddon" in Hebrew will make war against you, my two anointed ones. He will be allowed after the sixth trumpet judgment to overcome you, and will kill both of you. Your dead bodies will lay in the streets of Jerusalem for three days.
Rev. 9:11

These will be three days of ecstatic celebration on earth. They will be giving gifts to each other, drinking, taking drugs and making merry. They will think that they have finally defeated the power of God. This will be reminiscent of the celebration satan had when he saw me die on the cross. After three days satan and his cronies will again be struck with terror, this time by seeing you, my two anointed ones resurrected by my father to life by sending you back to earth to reclaim your bodies.
Rev. 11:7-14

Then when you have stepped back into your bodies, I will speak from heaven so that the whole earth will hear me say, "Come Up Hither!" and you both will ascend just as I did from the mount of olives in clouds of glory as our enemies watch in shock. Then within the hour I will shake Jerusalem with a great earthquake that will destroy one tenth of the city. This earthquake will kill 7000 people, but then many will turn to me even then. They will be saved, giving the glory to me. Now the second woe is passed and the third and final one will come quickly.

Gog and Magog:

Gog and all his armies take this opportunity, after you two have been raised to heaven, to bring all of his armies together to make a final effort to defeat all the powers of my father by destroying all my people who we released and brought back to the land of Israel after the fifth trumpet sounded. He expects to take a great spoil of the wealth brought from all countries by my people, Israel, returning to be one again with Judah.

My sons, when the sixth angel sounds you will order the sixth angel to loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. These angels are prepared for this year, this month, this day, and this very hour to slay one third of the men.
Rev. 9:13-21

The armies of Russia, Germany, Libya, Ethiopia, Iran, and Turkey come together with a force of two hundred million soldiers equipped with modern weapons, motorized, but appearing to John as horses. One third of mankind will be killed by fire, smoke and brimstone from modern weapons.
Ez. 38,39, Rev. 9:16-18

Gog, the leader of all these nations, will be the one who raised himself to power by defeating Egypt and taking advantage of America's failures in Kosovo. This man, Gog, is none other than Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the king of Babylon. As my people return and begin rebuilding Jerusalem after the fifth trumpet sounded, satan, at the same time, centers his power in the ancient city of Babylon that Saddam started rebuilding in the 1960s.

This same man now known as Gog will lead this invasion gathering all of his forces within only a few miles of Jerusalem, and will shake his fist at my Holy Mountain. My fury will then rise up, and I will cause a great earthquake in the land of Israel. And I will cause every man's weapon to be turned against his brother. There will be mass confusion and panic until they totally destroy themselves.
Is. 10:34, Jer.23:9

The armies shall fall with Lebanon on the mountains of Israel. After I have re-gathered the whole house of Israel out of their enemies hands. Then shall they know me as THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS who delivered his people out of the north country.

As the seventh trumpet sounds, it will be the last trumpet of God and many on earth will be raptured, but the father has chosen to leave many "overcomers" on the earth and the thunders are their encouragement.

Even after this, many people will not repent and turn from worshipping devils and idols of gold. They will continue to murder, steal and practice perverted sex acts. Satan still has them under control by the deception of drugs.

Then my son, I will send another mighty angel from my throne to the earth with our little book. This will be the knowledge of kingdom living. My angel will speak seven messages to my people on earth. Many people will not understand, but those that I want to understand will understand what I want each one to understand. The seven thunders are the seven promises to my "overcomers". When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet there will be the great voice of many voices, all the hosts of heaven will be speaking together as one voice: THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE TO BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD, AND OF HIS CHRIST AND HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER AND EVER.

Then the great thunders sound.

The First Thunder sounds:

To him that over-cometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

The Second Thunder sounds:

He that over-cometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

The Third Thunder Sounds:

To him that over-cometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone, a new name written, which no man knoweth except he that receiveth it.

The Fourth sounds:

And he that over-cometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my father.

The Fifth Thunder sounds:

He that over-cometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels.

The Sixth Thunder sounds:

Him that over-cometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and I will write upon him my new name.

The Seventh Thunder sounds:

To him that over-cometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his Throne.

Then the heavenly hosts will break out singing and worshipping the Lord, saying, We give thee thanks, O God Almighty, which art and wast and at to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

And after these things there will be a great voice again of many people in heaven saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God. For true and righteous are his judgments, for he has judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
Rev. 19:1,2

My sons, I have revealed much to you. The great whore controls my people of all nations, and all the kings of the earth have committed fornication and have become drunk with the wine of her adultery.

Over Mystery Babylon sits Spiritual Babylon.


In the spiritual realm, Babylon, the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls, and having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations controls the physical.

Mystery Babylon controls the powers of the world by controlling the finances of the world. There is a small number of individuals from less than a dozen families that that control the seven mountains that the woman sits upon. The seven mountains are the seven central banks of the world that control everything else.

The cause and effect of every aspect of life on earth is directed by the supply of finances. The powers of every kingdom are moved by the powers of finance to travel the road desired. Over this central power sits satan as the invisible president and chairman of the board of directors.

Satan is the beast that controls mystery Babylon and he is striving to put his house in order, by setting up his king, the anti-christ as the head of Babylon. His goal is to have Babylon the world center for his king and false prophet, and put down the kingdom of God on earth.

But my sons, we will meet satan and fight, and my people will overcome and set up the kingdom of God. My Branch has been planted and it will grow into my manchild that overcomes.

Everything is in perfect order as the father has directed and everything has its time. The time is to now bring forth the Kingdom of God. Everything written about the anti-christ standing as the abomination of desolation is for a time. But not of this generation and time. We are going to have our rest. We are going to have the kingdom on earth for one day, our 1000 year day and then satan will again be allowed to bring forth his anti-christ. He will not be successful even then. We will defeat him again with the seven bowl judgments upon the earth. Then will be the day of anti-christ, and Armageddon and the rapture of all saints upon the earth. All to the glory of God.

The mission and the work of this Generation:

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