Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism

Arkies the new losers

Arkies get a life
Anarchy Just A Hypocrisy

Anarchy is a blatant form of Hypocrisy. It’s ideology is the proof of the fact.
Anarchy or simply life without rules regulations and government, the people that believe in this ideology have apparently never lived under it, if they had they would realize the foolishness of it all.

If “Arkies” were true to their convictions, one would think they would have already experienced it, after all there are so many places on this earth that are already living examples of their way of life. The fact that they have not all left for these destinations of perfection is further proof of anarchy’s failure as a reality.

[ “Arkies“- pronounced; ark-ees (n) def; (1) A person / persons that ideologize anarchism or a life of kaos.
def; (2) A mental disorder- The suffering Person is Delusional, ignorant of fact, has Immature tendencies. and a Restless frustration. ]

But Arkies are not really about anarchy, they are about ranting and acting up.
Even in an anarchist world there would have to be some kind of rule or government to prevent utter kaos from breaking out constantly. but then again that is some what of an oxymoron isn’t it. Anarchy is kaos.

The fact that two people can think in similar ways but not always exactly the same is indeed a fine recipe for Kaos and anarchy among itself, let alone the fact that times a majority of persons involved in an anarchy may disagree on certain subject matter, then what? who rules, who decides, and what do you do about the dissenters ? are they not going to be rebellious to the anarchy society ?
How long would an unstable Society like this exist. Then to throw more hypocrisy into the mix, the UN would step in to try and control the situation....the same group these anarchists think is so great would now become their enemy.

Many Arkies claim peace as they’re mantra, the sad fact is that Anarchy is a contradiction to peace, and in itself is the opposite of peace.
No matter how you look at an Anarchist Government / way of life there is nothing but failure.
And these people actually believe this is a better way to live....(Ya right and Santa Claus is real too.)

Lets face the fact everybody knows that the average Arkie is a person from the age of 13 to 25, have very little education and lack a maturity level for a person of their respective age groups. This is why there is so much frustration among them. Anarchy is simply a frustrated sense of Ignorance and should actually be listed as a mental disorder and treated as such. People who actually believe in it are not only a danger to society but a danger to themselves as well.

VPC- 8/2003

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