Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Opinion: who says progressive activists are a mish-mash?

Progressive activists and supporters have one clear, complete agenda: Trust The People. All power to ordinary folks. This is a massive contrast with the republican slogan of “Distrust the people, trust only a tiny elite, all powers to a tiny elite.”
Opinion: who says progressive activists are a mish-mash?

Progressive activists and supporters have one clear, complete agenda: Trust The People. All power to ordinary folks. This is a massive contrast with the republican slogan of “Distrust the people, trust only a tiny elite, all powers to a tiny elite.”

Progressive activists and supporters believe that American workers know more about conditions in their own workplaces than some shareholder at a yaught club in some other country.

Americans who keep having trash incinerators zones next door to them know mow about the envrionment than someone with an oil tanker named after them who can drink bottled water and vacation in Monte Carlo with their pocket change.

Ordinary women know more about their own bodies than some activist judge who thinks that men have one less rib.

Folks who live in the inner city know more about their own neiborhoods than someone who lives in a trailor park outside citylimits who is unaware that the civil war has recently ended.

Millions of ordinary voters know more about the issues than one corporate campaign contributor who’s just there to buy patronage.

Ordinary folks who volunteer at soup kitchens, pray for help with real problems, and have jobs closer to carpenders than Ceasars, know more about God than some multi-millionaire televangelist who belives that 9/11 can be blamed on lesbians.

Millions of young people who will pay the debt, live with climate change, and fight the terrorists who are today called "freedom fighters" know more about the future than some half-dead politician who, every day for the past 60 years, has believed tabloids promising armageddon "tommorrow".

Ordinary cops and niebours know more about crime policy than some Enron crony whose gated community has a bylaw banning clotheslines.

Couples who love each other and want to marry know more about morals than some priest whose closest encounter with love was with an altar boy.

Veterans, and war refugees know more about war than National Guard draft-dodgers and fortunate sons who "had other priorities" than their nation during wartime.

Immigrants know more about the American dream than some inbred yokel whose ancestors believed that the Irish would end civilization.

Ordinary teachers know more about teaching than some semi-literate savage who couldn’t read beyond the first chapter of the bible and decided to thump it instead.

Women who work know more about their own workplaces than someone who thinks the "glass ceiling" would be a nice addition to the mansion, but worries that the domestic servants might smear it.

Spies and weapons inspectors know more about security than someone whose sole experience in foreign relations is renaming French Toast and asking if there’s any black people in Brazil.

Ordinary people who worked their way through school and university know more about complex, multifaceted issues than some multi-millionaire radio host whos only skill is name-calling.

That’s the agenda of the left, liberals, and the radical middle. TRUST THE PEOPLE!

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