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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Myles Hoenig to Lead Woodberry Forest Protest

Wednesday, September 3
5911 York Road
Contact: Myles Hoenig, 410-366-9537

Myles Hoenig to Lead Woodberry Forest Protest

Baltimore, MD—A protest will be held on September 3rd, 5:30 p.m., at Mayor Martin O’Malley’s campaign headquarters at 5911 York Road. Myles Hoenig will kick it off at 5:30 p.m. Protesters want O’Malley to reverse his position on the Loyola College development of the Woodberry Forest and landfills. The public does not want to see Loyola build a 6,000-seat stadium in the middle of the Greater Woodberry community. O’Malley’s re-election campaign slogan of putting “Neighborhoods First” will be a focus of the demonstration.

Hoenig is a Baltimore City Green Party candidate for the 14th City Council district. He is requesting that O’Malley reject the Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) with Loyola College and order his agency heads who sit on the Board of Estimates to do so as well. Hoenig argues that Loyola College can build its planned 71-acre athletic facilities elsewhere. Their plans include a 6000-seat stadium, removing trees and grading 28-acres. In addition, Hoenig points out that the poorly represented community of Woodberry and the surrounding communities are in near total opposition to this development. Finally, Hoenig says that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that community leaders were coerced to sign is not representative of the community’s interests.

Woodberry Woods is a scenic gem that has been nationally recognized as a "Last Chance Landscape" by Scenic America in Washington, DC. It was recently nominated a "Great Public Space" by the Project for Public Spaces of New York.

Myles Hoenig is a long-time activist from the 14th district.

Citizens for Hoenig
605 E. 37th St.

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