(these stories were also shared with Democrats.com, in case you go up to that site and think you are having deja vu)
Chirac and Putin Point out the Elephants in the Living Room: US Has No Business Governing Iraq, UN Not Responsible for US Mistake
"The United States should move "without delay" to transfer political power to the Iraqi people under the mandate of the United Nations, French President Jacques Chirac said yesterday.
"In the face of the risk of chaos, an approach based on security is necessary, but not sufficient," Chirac said in a speech to a gathering of French ambassadors. "The response should be first political. The transfer of power and sovereignty to Iraqis themselves constitutes the only realistic option."
The Bush administration is trying to build support for a possible U.N. resolution that would transform the U.S.-led force in Iraq into a multinational force authorized by the United Nations with an American commander.
In Porto Rotondo, Italy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia had prepared a U.N. resolution on postwar Iraq aimed at reinforcing international efforts to rebuild the country.
"The United Nations did not support the war in Iraq and is not responsible for its consequences, but it wants to help the Iraqi people," Putin said. "It is true that the United States is suffering considerable moral and financial losses in Iraq, and there is a need to join forces to find a way out of this crisis."
Bush FDA Allows Tobacco Companies to Peddle Nicotine as Candy (who Needs Joe Camel with a Scheme Like this?) without Regulation
Nicotine is a DRUG. It is a powerful drug. It can, in sufficient doses, kill. Yet the Bush FDA has decided to give the tobacco industry a loophole in its quest to addict consumers - and keep them addicted - to nicotine. This week the FDA ruled that tobacco pellets sold in drugstores and supermarkets as an alternative to cigarettes cannot be regulated under current laws. Worse yet, this drug is sold in the form of a tasty mint candy - who needs Joe Camel with hooks like this?! Bet crack dealers eager to target kids are wishing they'd thought of that, themselves! The candy-like drug is now sold in 46 states under the deceptively inocuous name "Ariva." What's next? Allowing booze companies to sell Jack Daniels gumdrops at the candy counter?
Hans Blix was Bullied By Bush to Trump Up Bioweapons Evidence; Meanwhile, Nuke Inspector Asserts Bush/Blair Iraq Nuke Claims were Unfounded
"Former chief U.N. arms inspector Hans Blix felt Washington was intimidating him to produce reports that would justify military action in the run-up to the Iraq war, the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog says. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei also said he believed Iraq had not tried to revive its clandestine nuclear weapons programme as the United States and Britain insist. Asked if the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush had tried to intimidate him to produce reports support their case for a war on Iraq, ElBaradei said it had not.
"I think there were probably more efforts to intimidate Hans Blix, because there were more serious concerns about chemical and biological (weapons)," he said.Regarding U.S. and British insistence that Saddam had tried to revive his secret atomic weapons programme, which the IAEA says it destroyed in the 1990s, ElBaradei was certain this allegation is unfounded."I would be very surprised if we were to discover that there was a nuclear weapons programme restarted in Iraq," he said." Financial Times
Alistair Campbell Resigns - Just one More Act in the Blair-Campbell 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' Routine?
"Alastair Campbell has announced he is to leave his Downing Street job in a shock move mid-way through the Hutton inquiry," reports the Guardian. "Despite early indications from the judicial inquiry looking good for Tony Blair's director of communications, it was always suspected he would leave the government after the affair...However, the former political editor of the Daily Mirror has become the centre of criticism about the government's preoccupation with spin and media presentation for at least the past three years.. A hardened political bruiser - and close ally of Neil Kinnock while he was still a journalist - Mr Campbell was often seen as the "dark side" of the more charming Mr Blair in a "good cop/bad cop" routine. He softened his favourite adjective for stories he believed to be inaccurate from "bollocks" to "garbage" for the benefit of the TV cameras."
Mirror, Mirror, on the White House Wall - Who's the Biggest Liar of them All?
A nominating committee of noted journalists and pundits were asked to scan past serious fibs, deceptions, and untruths spoken by each of the four most recent presidents. The top six lies for each was chosen, thenrated on a scale of 1 to 5. The scores were then averaged. Guess who came up the biggest liar of them all? What a surprise: G. W. Bush!
Bush Pals Lose Bid To Win U.S. Funding to Trash Rainforest and Marine Sanctuary
"The Export-Import Bank board voted 2 to 1 to reject a request for about $214 million in loan guarantees for a project to extract as much as 13 trillion cubic feet of gas from a rain forest in the Amazon and pipe it over the Andes to Lima and an export facility near a marine sanctuary. The vote jeopardizes as much as $400 million in other public financing lined up by project sponsors, who have pledged to move ahead even if multilateral development banks decide not to support the project. "(So that's where Bush got his Iraq strategy! "Hunt Oil Co., whose chairman, Ray Hunt, was a top fundraiser for President Bush in 2000, has a major stake in the project with partners Pluspetrol of Argentina, South Korea's SK Corp. and Argentina's Techint Group. Halliburton's Kellogg Brown & Root unit is a top candidate to build a $1 billion liquefied-natural-gas plant on the Peruvian coast if Hunt moves forward on plans to export gas from near Camisea, Peru, to the United States by 2006." These creeps never give up.
Chiron, Connected to British Firm With History of Animal Cruelty, Target of San Francisco Bombing,
Chiron Corp. is the latest target of a loosely associated network of activists who use picketing and pressure tactics to stop what they perceive as animal cruelty. But Chiron is only an incidental focus of a five-year, international campaign to destroy one of the company's onetime contractors, a former British research firm that activists accused of animal cruelty. Huntingdon Life Sciences was the center of a furor in 1998 when a British news program broadcast footage of alleged animal mistreatment at the company's research centers in England. An activist group called Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty formed specifically to fight the firm in 1999. The activists claim credit for hounding Huntingdon out of its home country. Huntingdon shifted its headquarters to New Jersey in 2001 after the group harried its European bankers and other financial partners to withdraw support. Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has relentlessly pursued a similar strategy against the research company in the United States. "We've beaten them financially," said Kevin Jonas, president of the group's U.S. branch. "Huntingdon will close. It's just a matter of time."
US Commander Confesses: Copter Tear-down of Flag in Fatal Incident was Intentional
"The commander of U.S. ground forces in Iraq said today that an American helicopter crew intentionally dislodged a Shiite Muslim banner from a tower in the capital's Sadr City district two weeks ago, an incident that sparked violent protests in which U.S. troops killed an Iraqi boy. In an abrupt reversal of denials issued at the time, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said that as a result of a U.S. military investigation, "I think the aircraft was getting close enough to that tower in order to blow the flag down." Sanchez did not say why the helicopter crewmen might have wanted to knock down the black banner, which was inscribed in white letters with the name of one of Shiite Islam's most revered figures. He said that the soldiers faced punishment and that results of the investigation could be released as early as next week."
Deadly Mosque Bombing: Angry Muslim Leader Says US Was Asked, and Failed to Provide, Protection of Iraq Holy Places
"Up to 20 people have been killed by a car bomb in the holy city of Najaf - among them leading Shia Muslim politician Ayatollah Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim. The bomb blew up near the Tomb of Ali in the central Iraqi city, one of the holiest shrines for Shia Muslims, just as main weekly prayers were ending. A spokesman for the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Sciri) in London, Hamid al-Bayati, told the BBC he suspected that supporters of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein "could be behind this attack". He added that when visiting Baghdad in May and June, he had told the US occupation authorities that protection of holy places and leading clerics should be stepped up. "The allies did not respond to this proposal," Mr Bayati said. "I blame them for negligence in not protecting holy places and holy men."
World Banks Say Bush Deficit Threatens the Global Economy and Tax Cuts Alone No Solution
The International Monetary Fund has warned the United States that while speedy economic recovery there would benefit the whole world economy, the Bush administration should pay more attention to the instability threatened by its huge budget deficit. The Fund warns that while fiscal stimulus - President Bush's tax cuts - has helped the US and global economies to recover, the Bush administration is too optimistic about its budget deficit. The Fund thinks it could balloon to $550bn - that would be more than 5% of economic output, significantly greater than the 3% limit that eurozone countries are required to aim for. " - BBC
Mainstream Media 'Journalists' Are Well-Dressed But Mindless Drone-Clones
"When watching the corporate-dominated media in America, any intelligent
observer suffers inevitable anguish and disgust. All major media are
essentially the same in terms of personnel, format, even timing of subject
matter in each broadcast. Whether male or female, white, black, or of some
other ethic ancestry, media broadcasters are virtual clones of one another.
Personnel are well-dressed and impeccably groomed, handsome in appearance and all trained to use certain gestures, including facial expressions and
nods of the head to imply knowingness and understanding. But once the
tongues start to move and the words are heard, it becomes very clear that
the minds of media broadcasters are so shallow as to be almost comical. " - Stan Moore.
A Few of the Questions I wished Someone in the Mainstream Media had asked last week:
*****Why hasn't Bush attended a single funeral for the US soldiers killed in Iraq so far?
****What is the connection between the Bush and Schwartzenegger family? Bush and Arnold have been "best friends since their youth, yet no one in the media has addressed this fact. Even Barbara Bush refers to the friendship in her 1994 autobiography, complete with photos of Arnold and George sledding together. Was the original Bush-Schwartenegger bond perhaps one forged between between Bush's Nazi--sympathizer grandfather Prescott and Schwartenegger's Nazi father?
*****Why did the American media report that UK spy Chief' John Scarlett's testimony SUPPORTED Blair's claims about WMDs, when in fact, his testimony weakened the case? Scarlett said that the information Blair had said only that Saddam could have traditional mortars and guns deployed in 45 minutes - not WMDs.
****Why has the media devoted more coverage (in minutes, profiles, and news placement) to the few hundred protestors in Alabama (the Ten Commandments flap) in the past month than they have to ALL the protests of Bush policies by TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans over the past three years?
*****Why was a major, multi-million-dollar nationwide "Bible Prophecy Seminar" sponsored by "It Is Written" television (does such a thing exist?) timed to coincide almost exactly with the climax of the Alabama Ten Commandments drama? This "seminar" is a six-evening smorgasbord of the doomsday religious fantasies so favored by the Zionist Christians. Here are some samplings of the topics, laid out in a VERY EXPENSIVE full color, glossy brochure mass mailing: "Revelation's MIDDLE EAST CRISIS and Bible Prophecy (emphasis as written in brochure), "A Vision from Iraq and the NEW WORLD ORDER.," "End Time Signs You Can't Ignore"....and, on Day Six, as the grande finale: "Meet God again for the First Time: Prophecy's Dramatic REvelation of the Creator". This is heavy stuff, because these religious wingnuts have an agenda - using religiously-fueled terror and fatalism as a way to further corporate agendas. Read more about how this is playing out:
I would also like to know where this national traveling prophecy roadshow is getting its funding - mass mailings of elaborate brochures....free admii=ssion....free child care. Sure sounds like someone's got quite the "Godly bankroll."
*****And why was the Ten Commandments issue pumped into the foreground just as public sentiment was swinging against the war and Bush? Could it be that a desperate Bush hopes to keep his war schemes and presidency afloat through the militant and fanatical backing of Christian/Zionist fundies who believe that war in the Middle East is part of the "grand scheme" leading up to Armageddon and the "rapture?"
Photos courtesy Yahoo and google images/captions courtesy C. Seal
"Whaddya mean, he's a warmongering mamma's boy? My husband's just as much his own man as Dean!!"
WANTED: White male with triple chin and/or receding hairline, wire-rimmed spectacles, doughy features and no character
Reply with photo to White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Past successful applicants:
Mr. Gusinsky is all smiles after his final, successful interview for the White House job (see WANT AD above). Not only does he fill all the requirements, he brings to the job the added bonus of past experience in media manipulation and fraud perpetration!
Up and coming potential White House staffer. Fills nearly all requirements plus brings special PR skills to the job......
Now, now Ms. Zailaika. Like Rumsfeld keeps telling you people - reconstruction takes time....and those oil pipelines refineries come first!
Campbell's thought: "oh-oh!....when Blair handed me that coffee, I thought it tasted funny....sort of like hemlock."
American biomedical community has always asserted that it considered Pakistan's most valuable resource its people and has every intention of fully tapping into that resource!.
Seeing beauty in the humble...
Digital Millet?