photos courtesy Yahoo and google images/captions by C. Seal
Bush Bash for the week:
"This here is my model of what a healthy forest should look like: no pesky leaves or branches and all ready to ship to the mill!"
When the Secret Service suggested Bush get a double, his first choice had to be tactfully rejected: "Er, uh sir...we're afraid the resemblance is, well, uh not quite strong enough...."
The White House today revealed the new plaque Bush plans to install over his desk.. It should be ready by the time his robes and crown arrive.
While waiting for the new office and wardrobe to be readied, Bush helped test special new lighting he plans to use during his "Most Holy Press Conferences."
Bush also had a new painting commissioned for the Justice Department, entitled "Ashcroft Presents the Patriot Acts to Congress"
Meanwhile, John Ashcroft unveiled the new dress code for his staff
Gale Norton assured environmentalists that her plans to improve national parks in the American West would include plans similar to those used in that Island Paradise, Hawaii
At the same press conference, Norton said she would work diligently to presenve the most important irrepaceable national monuments in the west
On a Grim Note
Where was the "anti-terrorist" US in 1994?
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