Protests planned for Feburary 12th: Former Spokesperson For The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) Subpoenaed To Appear Before A U.S. Congressional Subcommittee On Eco-Terrorism
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Take part in the NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST STATE REPRESSION. A national protest will be held in Washington, D.C. on February 12, 2002. For those who can't make it, please consider organizing local support protests in front of U.S. federal buildings in your city! (For information on solidarity protests in other cities:
Craig Rosebraugh was a spokesperson for the North American Earth Liberation Front (ELF) from 1997-2001. The ELF is comprised of anonymous, autonomous cells committed to causing economic damage to those systematically destroying the earth in pursuit of profits. After years of watching the government become more and more an instrument of big money, the observation was made that, since money is the only thing those in power value, their pocket is where they must be hit. Since 1997 ELF has inflicted more that $40 million in damages to entities profiting from the destruction of the environment. The ELF has never inflicted loss of life, but its actions have persuaded some companies to cease doing business with destroyers of the environment.
On October 31st Craig received a subpoena to testify at a Congressional Subcommittee meeting on "eco-terrorism." Craig is commanded to appear before the Congressional Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health at 3:00 p.m. on February 12, 2002 in Washington D.C.
The latest subpoena is part of a long history of harassment waged in retaliation against Rosebraugh for passing on anonymous information and expressing support for a cause unpopular with the monied factions that own the government. Craig has already faced seven grand jury subpoenas and has had his home and businesses raided twice. Hundreds of items of property valued at thousands of dollars were stolen by federal agents during these raids. Federal agents have followed Rosebraugh and monitored his communications for years. And have never come up with an indictment.
At a Congressional meeting on October 3, 2001, U.S. Rep. Scott McInnis (CO), chairperson of the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, argued that Craig should be subpoenaed to provide them with information on the ELF. When one of the committee members made the reasonable objection that subpoenaing Craig would be a waste of time, he was accused of being "soft on terrorism." The committee member thusly accused had simply pointed out that Craig had been subpoenaed before and had never given any information, that his house had been raided, etc. ... yet he had never been indicted for any crimes.
This pattern of fishing and harassment illustrates the true motive behind these actions: intimidation. What they want from us is SILENCE ... OBEDIENCE. If we won't give up our liberty, the message is they'll have to take it the hard way.
A little information on congressional committee hearings:
A witness subpoenaed to a congressional committee is exposed to many of the same risks as someone called before a grand jury. One does not have the right to remain silent and cannot take the Fifth Amendment unchallenged. If the witness refuses to answer any question, no matter how objectionable, they can potentially be sentenced to prison for an indefinite length of time. Unlike the grand jury process when a judge ultimately decides if the witness is to be held in contempt of court, Congressional members themselves make the decision in Congressional committees and subcommittees. Since there is no judge or third party involved in the process, members of Congress can decide to hold Craig for not talking or for simply not answering in a way they find acceptable. Whatever the outcome, having done nothing but exercise his constitutional right of free speech, Craig will be forced to appear in D.C. and to incur thousands of dollars in legal fees just to be represented at the hearing.
For those who would like to help but can't become actively involved, please consider donating to Craig Rosebraugh's legal defense. Make all checks and money orders out to "RESISTANCE" and send to P.O. BOX 40091, PORTLAND, OREGON 97240.
For more information contact:
P.O. Box 40091
Portland, Oregon 97240
503.972.6764 (pgp messages preferred - public key below)
PGP public key below for
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