Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Globalization

CALL TO ACTION: 9/12 DC, Oppose the WTO!

The Mobilization for Global Justice has organized a "Tour of Shame" in DC in solidarity with the mobilizations in Cancun in opposition to the WTO.
WHO: You, hundreds of your closest friends, some cool puppets, and
the Mobilization for Global Justice

WHAT: A demonstration and march - standing in solidarity with those
gathered in opposition to the Fifth Ministerial meeting of the World
Trade Organization in CancĂșn, Mexico - which will expose the hidden
forces behind the expanding global economic order based on corporate
greed, not human need.

WHEN: Noon, Friday September 12, 2003

WHERE: McPherson Square, Washington, DC
K and 15th Streets, NW - Metro: McPherson Square

The apostles of "free trade" are at it again: trade ministers from
around the world will be gathering in Cancun, Mexico from September
10-14, 2003 for the Fifth Ministerial meeting of the World Trade
Organization (WTO).

Dancing to the tune called by their corporate masters, these
"representatives" will be convening to promote a militarized and
commodified vision of our world. Their plans will lead to further
environmental degradation, eroded standards of living for workers
(especially people of color and women), and obscene profits for
transnational corporations unconstrained by democratic accountability.

The last time the WTO tried to meet in North America, in Seattle in
late 1999, tens of thousands of union members, environmental activists,
and ordinary citizens converged in the Pacific Northwest to scuttle any
agreement that put profits ahead of people and the environment. A
similar response is already underway for Cancun. For all those who are
unable to make it out to the Yucatan peninsula to voice their concerns,
the Mobilization for Global Justice is organizing a demonstration and
march on September 12 that will expose several of the major players
behind the corporate globalization agenda:
*Bechtel Group
*Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
*Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)
*US Armed Forces Recruiting Station
*McDonald's Corporation
*Archers Daniel Midland

On Saturday, September 13, MGJ will be joining the Parade and Festival
of Resistance to War and Corporate Rule in New York City
( as part of the Worldwide Day of Action
Against Corporate Globalization and War.

Join us because Another World Is Possible!

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