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Commentary :: U.S. Government

CHERYL SEAL MONDAY REPORT (with Twisted Photo Section): Dr. Laura No Longer Jewish; Orrin Hatch Musical FlimFlam Operation; Anti-Muslim Hate Crime Update

News, Notes, Nonsense and Images from Inside the Bush Reich
The Secret, Sordid Life of Orrin Hatch: The Mormon Senator Peddles Self-Composed Patriotic CDs by the Truckload to a Hospital Corporation in Exchange for Medicare Favors

Rightwing Republican Orrin Hatch looks more likely to break out in hives than in song, with his perpetually uptight, cheerless expression. But Hatch has a bizarro world flip side - he's a writer of religious and/or patriotic songs in his spare time. This hobby is rumored to have been started at the urging of Newt Gingrich and other crafters of the pseudo-religious corporate political agenda known as the "Neoconservative" movement. Although Hatch's "fan club" consists mostly of Newt Gingrich and other corporazis and Freepers, Hatch has managed to make a tidy sum off his material since 1996, thanks to sweet deals he cuts with pals, who buy his material up by the truckload in exchange for political favors. For example, Monzer Hourani, a contractor for the HealthSouth Corporation bought over a thousand of Hatch's CDs in exchange for Hatch's lobbying Medicare on the company's behalf in 2002.

Hatch's phony sales - very, very, very few of his CD sales are to real consumers - are not unique, but an example of a routine Neocon ploy in which fellow Neocons collude behind the scenes to buy books or CDs (usually books) in bulk to drive the sales up artificially. Why? To land the book on the bestseller list long enough to delude the public into believing that rightwing bilge such as. Anne Coulter's hysterical "Treason" actually sell well. But you can spot the a trumped up "best seller" easily - it rockets very suddenly to the top for a very short time, then is buried. A real best seller, one that the general public is actually reading, not buying by the truck load and using as doorstops or building materials, climbs more gradually to the top (unless it is a blockbuster everyone has been waiting for, like Hillary Clinton's book, or coincides with a major event, as when the Katherine Hepburn book came out shortly after she died). Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" was a REAL best seller - it climbed to the top in fits and starts, as word of mouth spread, then stayed there a year. The book "Bias," which came out around the same time, shot to the top courtesy truckload sales, then disappeared, while Moore's book kept on keepin' on.

Hatch's wheeling dealing is particularly despicable because, in exchange for bulk CD sales, he sold out the best interests of senior citizens by lobbying against those interests to Medicare on HealthSouth's behalf. It's not the first time Hatch has abused his power on Hourani's behalf. Hourani, a fellow "good Christian" and Mormon like Hatch (thou shalt not steal or bear false witness must be optional "suggestions" in Hatch's brand of religion, just as adhering to federal rules are "optional" in the Bush brand of corporate regulation), was able to get special treatment by federal bank regulators, even after defaulting on at least one loan, thanks to Hatch's letter writing campaign on Hourani's behalf. In 1995, Hourani was caught laundering donations to Hatch's reelection campaign through his employees at HealthSouth. Hatch of course claimed he knew NOTHING about such an arrangement. Yeah, right. And Kenneth lay had NO CLUE Enron was bilking tens of thousands of people out of billions of dollars. Gee, you supposed the feds would let us off the hook if we embezzled money from the company where we work, then claimed we had no idea that money wasn't supposed to be ours anyway? Oh, but that's right - there are two sets of rules: one for Gingrich, Bush, Hatch, and the rest of the cast of corporazis in Washington, and one for the rest of us.

You can read the whole sorry tale of Hatch's musical flimflam operation in the August 15 edition of the Wall Street Journal, page A4 of the hard copy edition (the local library should have it). If you want the online story, it will probably cost a couple of bucks.

Bush Planned to Rescind Troop Pay Raise He Used as Carrot to Gain Support for Iraq War before it was ever dispensed to soldiers

This week, it was reported: "The Pentagon wants to cut the pay of its 148,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, who are already contending with guerrilla-style attacks, homesickness and 120- degree-plus heat. Unless Congress and President Bush take quick action when Congress returns after Labor Day, the uniformed Americans in Iraq and the 9,000 in Afghanistan will lose a pay increase approved last April of $75 a month in "imminent danger pay" and $150 a month in "family separation allowances." The Defense Department supports the cuts, saying its budget can't sustain the higher payments amid a host of other priorities. But the proposed cuts have stirred anger among military families and veterans' groups and even prompted an editorial attack in the Army Times, a weekly newspaper for military personnel and their families that is seldom so outspoken. "

The immediate public outcry caused Bush to back-pedal on the proposal - at least for the record. This has to be one of the most despicable things the creep has done yet. First, to make it APPEAR that he will at least take a bit of financial responsibility for the troops on the eve of war, he loudly touts a promised pay raise. Then, as soon as the men and women in uniform are trapped in Iraq in 120-degree heat with no hope of reprieve, he pulls the raise - before it ever took effect!

This is the same game he does with EVERYTHING. Promise Africa $15 billion - then commit it somewhere else later. Promise stronger pollution controls on power plants to get elected - then once elected, WEAKEN pollution controls! Etc., ad nauseum.

MILITARY FAMILIES SPEAK OUT....and their voices are promptly smothered by media

On August 13, representatives from the group "Military Families Speak Out" appeared at a National Press Club luncheon in Washington D.C. Speakers made passionate pleas for the troops in Iraq to be brought home. The group represents a growing number of American's view: that the war was unjustified and that our soliders should not be there, dying and suffering unspeakably under horrendous conditions.

Yet just TRY to find the Press Club event mentioned ANYHWERE in the media. It took me 15 minutes of searching through google, Teoma and the Press Club site before I tracked down the event, then found the Miliatry Families Speak website.

Here is the main website:

Here is a link to a collection of letters from MFSO members on behalf of the troops

Dr. Laura Says She Isn't Doing the Jewish Thing Anymore -It Just Isn't Any Fun

Dr. Laura sets herself up as some sort of Red Neck Goddess, overseeing the morality of her 12 million or so dysfunctional (just listen to the calls!) but dedicated, largely Christian fundamentalist southern followers. It's fortunate for her that her average listener-caller (based on considerable past listening- call it morbid fascination) has the depth of a mud puddle and the intellectual maturity of a hopelessly codependent eight-grader. Because what she expects them to swallow - while still believing her fit to dish out moral advice- is astounding.

First, they are to believe that she puts the safety and emotional well-being of children ABOVE ALL THINGS. Yet, she vigorously supported the war, which has killed, maimed, orphaned, and emotionally and spiritually scarred thousands of helpless, innocent children in Afghanistan and Iraq. Closer to home, she supports Bush with the devotion of a groupie as he slashed programs for children across the board, and seems not at all concerned that more than half of all Americans without access to adequate health care are children.

Dr. Laura's devotees are to believe that liberalism is the worst evil on God's green Earth short of a personal appearance by Old Nick himself. Yet, prior to becoming Miz Morals, Schlessinger was a swinger who posed nude for a few bucks and a thrill, who slept her way into her current prominence, and who drank and doped with the best of them. Yet being a liberal - even a non-drinking, non-sleeping-around liberal would be beneath her dignity. Uh-huh.

The Schlessinger syncohpants were also, until recently, supposed to assume that because the Great One converted to Judaism 10 years, that she is the model of committed spirituality. I don't know how many times she self-righteously browbeat callers over their religious deficiencies, exhorting them to commit to a religion and follow it with total dedication. I recall one show where she went on and on about how noble it was that she could do without cheeseburgers. All for God, of course. Now Schlessinger has announced that the Judaism thing is just a big ole drag and she's quitting. Not a practicing Jew anymore. It's just not "fulfilling" enough. Time to move on.

Maybe it was the lure of cheeseburgers, but I suspect it is because Schlessinger, like all corporazi-cum-moral paragons of virtue, uses her religion as a means to an self-interested end. Ten years ago, being a Jew in the US probably offered her more advantages in certain circles and if nothing else, gave her a more formidable and even exotic "aura" with her simple-minded fundie listeners. A "religious epiphany" also helped her sweep alot of her own past "dirty laundry" under the bed - afterall, we can't invoke her sordid past if she has had a SPIRITUAL CONVERSION, can we?

But now, the tide has turned and, with Israel's current fall from grace in the minds of many, thanks to Sharon's brutal, dictatorial attitude, maybe being Jewish isn't playing as well in Peoria for Schlessinger. Or, quite possibly, maybe her marketing people have found that by becoming Christian fundie instead of a Jew, she would have distinctly greater opportunities for corporate advancement under the Bush administration.

In any case, with Dr. Laura as its "moral model," it is no wonder that those 1 in 20 Americans who describe themselves as extremist rightwingers are so morally deranged. It's just too bad them feel the need to drag the rest of us down with them.

Les Kinsolving: Paragon of Rightwing Virtue....or Defrocked Episcopal Priest?

A reader noted to me that Les Kinsolving, the master of ceremonies for a daily rightwing radio whine and bitch fest, was viciously bashing the Episcopal church last week. Seems Les finds the Episcopalians reprehensible and morally beneath him.
Well, I find that very curious, considering the fact that Kinsolving comes from a 100-year-long line of Episcopal rectors and Bishops in Maryland (as in his father, grandfather and great-grandfather). In fact, this long, proud line of clergy remained unbroken until Les came along. Seems Les didn't make a very good spiritual leader. In fact, he was DEFROCKED. Of course, this bit of personal history was completely missing from his diatribes against the church last week. By the way, Les - just what was it that you did to get yourself defrocked? Please tell us it had nothing to do with choir boys!!!

The Herd Descends on the West: Democratic Candidates Come to Oklahoma

The Democratic candidates are beginning to remind me of teenage girls at the mall: they go everywhere in a big pack, even the ladies' room, bickering and gossiping, al the while trying to attract attention, each one, to themselves. So six of them swarmed into Oklahoma last week to hold forth at a debate. The reception was generally enthusastic, with just one candidate booed: Joseph Lieberman, who is still trying to justify his unjustifiable pro-war stance. This effort at justification says two big things about Mr. Maalox (did you every see anyone who looked more chronically in need of a visit from that laxative-toting lady on the commericals?). First, he was willing to invade another nation without direct provocation, based evidence that amounts to the most hole-ridden pile of material seen in Washington since the last time Swiss Cheese was served at a major Congressional luncheon. Second, it means that Joe cannot admit when he is wrong and will not change his stance, even when presented with overwhelming evidence that he has erred. These two glaring failings alone should exclude Lieberman from consideration for the job of President.

I am hoping fervently that the current cattle show is part of a grander Democratic strategy for election 2004 and not just another episode of "Dueling Dems." It would be cool if at the convention they unveiled a Gore-Dean or Dean-Kuchinich ticket, thereby revealing that the ongoing roadshow of candidates was merely a diversionary tactic.

Some "Patriotic Spirit!" Arnold Schwartzenegger Failed to Vote in 5 of the past 11 Elections!

Yep, the Terminator really "cares" about the Democratic process. In fact, he cares so much he blew off nearly half the past 11 elections (state and national) he was eligible to vote in. This says it all: Arnold "cares" about Democracy when it is convenient or when it can further his own interests. Running for governor isn't too much effort, but carting his steroid-ridden arse off to a polling place once every two years IS!

Bush Booed in Arizona...Hey! Isn't that a "Republican Stronghold?"

HATE CRIME!: Daniel Pipes, Anti-Muslim Bigot and Racist, Appointed to US Institute of Peace over Objections of Congress and Interfaith Groups

From US Newswire: "At a news conference this morning with a number of Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and interfaith groups, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said a recess appointment of Daniel Pipes to the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) would "poison the well" of interfaith relations and harm American interests worldwide. (A recess appointment allows the president to circumvent the normal approval process in the Senate.) In a statement released at today's news conference, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

"A recess appointment of Daniel Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace would be a slap in the face to all those who seek to build bridges of understanding between people of faith. Such a move would poison the well of interfaith relations, harm America's image and interests worldwide and serve to impede the vital mission of the institute. As Senator Tom Harkin noted at the July 23rd committee meeting on Pipes' nomination: 'If (Pipes) is on this board, more of the talk is going to be about him and his views than it will be about the work of the entire institute.'

"Pipes is known for his hostility to Muslims, Arabs and anyone who disagrees with his bigoted views. This is a man who supports the unrestricted profiling of Muslims and Arabs, refuses to condemn the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, suggested that Israel 'raze' Palestinian villages, decries positive portrayals of Islamic history and beliefs in public schools, claims 10 to 15 percent of all Muslims are 'potential killers,' and has spoken against the enfranchisement of American Muslims, saying it poses 'true dangers' to our society. He even opposes both the president's repeated statements that Islam is a religion of peace and the 'road map' to peace in the Middle East."

In short, just the sort of creep you'd expect Bush to appoint. Like making Sylvster the cat a member of the Tweetie Bird Institute.

Bush Spin Is Running In Circles So Small, the Spin Doctors Can't Negotiate the Curves

Spinmeisters are spinning in circles so tight, they are slamming into each other on as they round the curves. On Wednesday, August 13, a "Washington Times" page one headline trumpeted that the Bush approval rating has "stabilized," while same night, a CBS poll report shows the worst public perception of Bush's performance across the board ever since before 9/11!! T


79-Year-old Texan who 'Already Got His' Finds It Easy to Support Bush from Cozy Retirement


I am a 79 year old man that spent three years in the Air Corps during WWII.  Some of the articles you wrote bashing our president are being passed around on the internet.  That makes you stand out with your liberal friends.  One of my cousins who is unable to think for her self, sent me one of your articles.  She likes to make me angry and thinks that all conservatives have no place in our society.  She even thinks that Hillary would make a good president.  In my opinion, one Carter (which I voted for), one LBJ (which I voted for), one Clinton (which I did not vote for) is enough for awhile.  But if Hillary can keep a democrat from winning in 04, then she will have a good shot in 08.  Now don't tell me this sweet little lady would not try to pull this off if she can.  However, don't rule her out for 04 if enough people like you Cheryl, can put out enough venom and have people believe you, she stands a good chance for the White House in 04. 

I noticed on the [News Insider] web page about the author, that you had spent three years in a three room cabin in the wilds, so I guess we can overlook some of your bashing that makes no sense to anyone who can think for themselves.  It is such a bunch of garbage that only the passive would believe it.  I am sure that you could never believe all this stuff you put out about our president.  However, I am sure they pay you well for what you write, the more venom, the better the pay.  I just hope you still have some sense of decency left and that you can still look in the mirror and feel good about what you write.  I really can't believe you stand behind all the things you write about our president.  I know you said he stole the election, but even if that were true, he still fooled a lot of people into voting for him.  Are all those people that did get to vote for him, stupid?  Your articles bashing Bush, for the people who are unable to think for themselves, they really sound good.  So many people, when they read something in print think that it is the gospel and never question if it is true or slanted.  Since it would do no good to dissect all your articles and point to the items that are not correct, or should I say, just a little slanted.

I hope that whomever is sending your articles around on the internet makes sure that we here in Texas get bombarded with them.  If that happens and we get good coverage of your bashing of our president, even the most liberal democrats will be for Bush in 04.  Even though they might not be for him now, but when they hear about someone from the East bashing their native son, that will get their fur up in a hurry.  Your articles might not work to get bush elected in 04 in other states, but in Texas he will be a sure winner.  Cheryl, I really think those years in the three room cabin with four kids got to you.  I think you got cabin fever and really do need help.  But I forget, they pay you to write the articles and one must make money for to keep bread on the table.  I really hope you don't give up your principals!

I am sure you are a nice person and I will not hold it against you, the fact that you are writing the articles for as to make a living.  As it is said in the Bible, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Leroy K. Hurd
Honey Grove, Texas

Dear Leroy,

Thankyou for taking the time to write your letter.

It is you, Leroy, and other of your generation who are sadly out of touch with the reality of 2003. It is easy for you to support self-centered conservatives such as Bush because, afterall, you already "got yours." You were a young working man back in the 40s, 50s and 60s when jobs were plentiful and diverse (not all concentrated either in the service sector at Starbucks, Sears or McDonalds or super high tech areas), and people really could work their way up to decent positions in companies that actually cared about their workers. Today's workers are increasingly more often considered "expendable." Working your way up too far is no longer a likely possibility - once you start making more money and gaining more benefits, you become a "liability" and are the first in line for the axe when "downsizing" (a euphemism for cutting all expenses except executive salaries) occurs. I doubt if you were fired just before you were getting ready to retire - even in retirement, you had it oh so much easier than today's workers.
You raised your family at a time when rent did not eat up half of your monthly pay and health insurance another quarter. You could buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood for a less than the equivalent of a year's pay - even if you didn't make a whole lot more than minimum wage. When you were overdrawn at the bank, you probably got a courtesy call from the bank and a $2 fee (if that) - you weren't charged an automatic $30 by a computer and notified a week or so later - after five or six more items bounced. It must have been nice for you that, throughout your entire working life, your savings interest never dropped below 5%. You were able to go to college if you wanted in exchange for fees that working fulltime could cover, without taking out $100,000 or so in loans you would spend the next 20 years repaying.

Right now you are being supported by military retirement and social security, and perhaps even a pension - all courtesy FDR or some other "liberal loser." Isn't it fortunate for you you weren't trying to retire in the Enron age, where you might now be penniless, thanks to some of Bush's pal's games with YOUR pension funds. And it is very fortunate you aren't going to try to retire in another few years when there may not be any social security or military pensions left, thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Bush administration to bankrupt the federal government.

In short, I guess it is pretty easy to turn a blind eye to evil and corruption of today when you have already reaped the benefits of a more benign era.

By the way, I have not accepted a single penny for any of my political writings. My work is done on a 100% volunteer basis. Unlike you and your conservative idols, Leroy, there ARE people out there who are motivated by ideals, not cash.

Sincerely, Cheryl Seal

P.S. I would appreciate it if you would show this to your cousin - though I doubt you will.


Photos courtesy Yahoo News, captions courtesy C. Seal

The weapon most feared by the Pentagon

Tom Delay Insists He Has a Strong Historical Legal Precedent For His Handling of the Texas Democrats case

Sneak Preview of Bush's new strategy for fighting AIDS in Africa! (To be officially released this December)

Just wind it up and it trashes your house and steals your wallet!! (Comes with complete collection of corporate cash donations)

Tony Blair (behind flag) "Psst! Now tell them "Mr. Blair is a wonderful, honest, and sensitive man who would never, ever in a thousand years have revealed Mr. Kelley's identify.'"

Thought of baby's mother (just to right of Bush): "I'm sorry about this, Micah, but I really needed that hundred bucks that nice White House photographer offered me."

"In the name of the Father G.H., the son G.W. and the holy ghost Cheney, I give you my divine blessing. And One peep out of anyone here and you're courtmartialed!"

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