Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: War in Iraq

"Bush Lies, Who Dies?" Stickers Available Now

Raise the volume of protest against the Bush Administration's lies on Iraq with these bold, eye-catching stickers from United for Peace and Justice.
Our "Bush Lies, Who Dies?" stickers are flying out the door: We sold out our first print run of 50,000 in a matter of days. With more than 6000 civilians and over 260 U.S. soldiers killed so far in this illegal and unjustified war, it's time to raise the volume of protest.

We're making these eye-catching stickers available at our cost: $20 per 500 (the minimum order, shipping included) - but we strongly encourage you to include an additional contribution to help support our ongoing work. Visit our website,, to see an image of the sticker.

To order, send a check made payable to "United for Peace and Justice" to P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108, along with your shipping address and the number of stickers you're ordering.

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