Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Labor

McDonalds and other welfare pimps

screw big business
You want to hit back at the oppressive corporate beasts who are globalizing slavery and exploitation and turning us all into beggers? They think that because the economy is bad that the employers have the upper hand. Its an employers market, so the hacks are saying. Well this is a good time to pull out the yin and the yang, the martial arts notion of exploiting the enemy's strength and turning it into a weakness.
Its only the employers market because the government supports it.
Department stores, fast food joints, convenience stores and low brow manufacturers all depend on the government to subsidize their businesses. If their employees actually had to live on that crappy pay they'd all starve and there would be no employees. So the employees work for crappy pay and then turn to the government to supply food and medicine.
Well I have a better idea. Screw big business. Dump McDonalds and Burger King. Dump Walmart and Starvin Marvin. Go into business for yourself.
It does not matter if you make too little to live on. You already make too little to live on. Why should you have a boss who's kicking your butt around his property and getting rich off of you?
You could pick up aluminum cans. You could hire out to the elderly and disabled to do yard work, house work and plumbing. You can "baby sit" for people with bedridden family to care for. You can walk dogs. You can rake leaves.
And I repeat, it doesn't matter that you don't make enough to live on. You already don't make enough to live on and at least you can be your own boss and work for someone who needs the help and you can have the satisfaction of knowing someone else is not getting rich from your impoverished slavery.
And I repeat, screw big business. Because last year I made a discovery. I work for myself. I make almost nothing. But I can provide proof that I have an income and that I have gainful employment and it qualifies me for public assistance just as fast as busting my butt for a corporate slavemaster for nothing. Not only did I qualify for public assistance, I sent in my tax form, with my pitiful little earnings listed, and I got back a check for earned income credit. Now how is that?
So when you sell the aluminum, save the ticket. When you scrub the floor for the elderly bachelor, get a signed statement. If you go out in the woods and gather up hickory nuts and sell them, write it down. Get a 50 cent notebook and write it all down.
You know what will happen then? The corporations will hire more Mexicans and Chinese. But when the Mexicans and Chinese get a taste of corporate slavery, they'll be down at the welfare office too, begging for the food they can't buy with those crappy pay checks. Eventually the government has to raise taxes to pay the welfare bill. The corporations either have to kick in and pay for all that welfare or else there will be food riots in the streets. The revolution will be right around the corner.
So go help somebody that needs it. Work cheap, so they can afford it, and get a written statement in exchange for the work. Go apply for welfare as a self employed person. Because, as I repeat, you already don't get enough to live on, and you already have to beg for food and medicine.
So one last time now. Screw big business. Go do some work that actually has value. As long as you're working for nothing, you can pretty well do what you want.

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