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The Week in Review: July 28-August 4

Week in Review

The agony of ongoing economic uncertainty; "Just say no to gay marriages" say Bush and the Pope; more good reasons to be truly vegetarian; remember Afghanistan? and This Week in History...

Right here

This is a recovery? While Shrub in one of his infrequent press conferences declared that the economy has turned around, there were 9.1 million unemployed in July–an "official" rate of 6.2 %.  Since January over 500,000 jobs have been lost through business closings or overseas migration.  While the administration line points to an increase in the Gross Domestic Product of 2.25%, this is deliberately misleading.  Seventy percent of the increase is in military spending. (Various sources)

Fish Story The FBI finished dredging a Frederick-area pond in their continuing search for clues to the anthrax-contaminated mail and relentless pursuit of evidence to connect the anthrax to their prime suspect.  The pond yielded nothing (but cost 250,000 dollars) and the suspect, Dr.  Steven Hatfill, is said to be preparing to sue the Feds for harassment. (Baltimore Sun)

Anatomy is matrimony (or was it destiny?) "I am mindful that we are all sinners," Shrub said in his sermon on the press conference.  The sin, in case you missed it, is homosexuality.  Speaking to his conservative constituency, the President alluded to a constitutional amendment to  ban gay marriage. The day following Shrub's pronouncement, the Pope reiterated God's opposition to homosexuality.  He instructed Catholic legislators to oppose gay marriage. (New York Times)

How are you going to keep them down on the farm? The Environmental Working Group released a report showing that farm-fed salmon contained as much as 16 times more Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) than wild salmon.  PCBs have been banned since 1976 because of their carcinogenic property.  (Washington Post)

All bets are off You can put your money away, folks. John M. Poindexter, rear admiral and former National Security Advisor to Ronald Reagan, announced that he is stepping down in the aftermath of a scandal surrounding his latest brilliant idea -- a terrorism futures market. According to the New York Times, "[t]he plan was to create in essence an online betting parlor that would have rewarded investors who forecast terrorist attacks, assassinations and coups."

Over there

Remember Afghanistan? As a consequence of US colonial policy, the northern and southern regions of Afghanistan are controlled by warlords as is 80% of the "elected" loya jirga.  And the big cash crop remains opium poppies.

This Week in History

The US Socialist Party, the party with the involvement of Eugene Debs, founded (1901); United Farm Workers' five year strike ends with contract signed by the grape growers (1970); US air traffic controllers (PATCO) strike, primarily over working conditions, begins with the Reagan administration responding to break the union (1981).

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