LOCAL News :: Activism
mourning procession spontaneously marches on towson
Yesterday July 23rd was the last of a 3 day Irish wake for one Kevin Gosnell a.k.a. Darkstar. It was filled with crying laughter and Guinness. After the burial and a party at Kevin’s father’s house, people proceeded to go to the streets of Towson; where the police decided that we no longer belong there.
At this point many of us were very emotional and had been doing what Kevin would have wanted (drinking). It all culminated across the streets from the Towson commons theatre we started chanting “Darkstar!” and in one fell swoop poured onto the streets yelling “who’s streets?” “our streets!” we marched down York road ,ending at place Darkstar and other Towson people often meet and after much yelling, and some people speaking we took the streets once more, cheering and yelling.
It made me realize that there are enough of us to organize; there are enough of us to take the streets of Towson. I know because we did it, we out number them and we need to start fighting back. Make Towson a scene again. Make Towson a place where activists are the peace keepers and freedom fighters.
We’re gonna miss you Kevin, and even if some peoples convictions disagree with mine; you were there with us last night