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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Three Arrested in July 4th Protest

The First Amendment was cancelled on July 4th, by law enforcement agents working for the government. Three activists are arrested as 80 protest the National Security Agency. (from the press release)
Friday, July 4th, 2003
Contact: Max Obuszewski
410-323-7200, 410-377-7987

On Friday, July 4th, at approximately 1:30 p.m., three activists from the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore were arrested on a road which leads to the National Security Agency (NSA). The Pledge was met in this protest by a student group, members of Baltimore's Jonah House and members of the Catholic Day Worker from Washington, DC. No one was hurt. The three were released shortly after the protest concluded.

About 80 protesters were walking up to the NSA building in Columbia when they were told they could not remain on what they believed to be a public road (near a Shell station) which leads to NSA. (The protesters were also denied access to Shell's bathroom.) About thirty members of a SWAT team, Military MPs, State Troopers and Baltimore County police were on the scene. They informed the protesters that if they stood in the road or failed to leave the scene they would be arrested. The group refused. They were then ordered to remain on a badly-kept grass hill adjacent to Route 32's shoulder.

A stand-off ensued. A man and two women from the Pledge stepped forward to challenge the authorities. They laid Crime Scene Tape on their feet in the middle of the street. The rest sang songs of solidarity. A policeman eventually began to push the male, a Pastor. The man refused to be pushed backwards and they began handcuffing all three.

The Pledge of Resistance decries being denied access to what is believed to be a public road. In addition, the Pledge also maintains that its First Amendment rights were violated in two places. First, the First Amendment guarantees free speech. Second, it guarantees the right for citizens "to petition the government for a redress of grievances." None of the people who were attempting to use their free speech were permitted to. Neither was anyone permitted to petition the NSA for a 'redress of grievances'.

The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore is committed to nonviolent civil disobedience on behalf of the Bill of Rights and US Constitution. It also supports the UN, international law and nonviolent conflict resolution generally.

Iraq Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore
806 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212
Ph: 410-323-7200;
Fax: 410-323-7292;

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