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Commentary :: International Relations

BTL:War-Weary World Seeking Alternatives to Cycles of Conflict and Violence

Interview with Jonathan Schell, Nation columnist and author of "The Unconquerable World," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
War-Weary World Seeking Alternatives to Cycles of Conflict and Violence

Interview with Jonathan Schell, Nation columnist and author of "The Unconquerable World," conducted by Scott Harris

While President Bush is riding high in U.S. public opinion polls after his invasion of Iraq, the success of his administration's war against terrorism is anything but certain. Recent bombings in Saudi Arabia and Morocco serve as a warning that terrorist groups such as al Qaeda continue to operate beyond the reach of cruise missiles and laser guided bombs. And most of the world -- overwhelmingly opposed to America's war on Iraq -- was not surprised to find that the weapons of mass destruction which the White House used to justify its war on Baghdad, cannot be found.

Still many citizens strongly believe that the only effective means to fight the terrorists who viciously attacked America on Sept. 11 and perceived threats from rogue states, is through war and violence. But, long time Nation magazine columnist Jonathan Schell, author of the new book, "The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence and the Will of the People," argues that history has shown us that there are viable alternatives to endless cycles of violence.

With so much uncertainty about the terrorists' next target and where the next war may be fought, a discussion of alternatives is welcome and goes beyond a mere academic exercise. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jonathan Schell, columnist and author of "The Unconquerable World," who examines the many dangers now facing the world and concludes that war is far from the only answer.

"The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence and the Will of the People," is published by Metropolitan Books. Read Schell's Nation Magazine column online at

Related links

* "Iraq: Why They Don't Want Democracy," by Milton Viorst, The Los Angeles Times, May 25, 2003
* "Next Stop Tehran?"With Iraq beaten, the US is now playing the same dangerous WMD game with Iran, by Simon Tisdall, the Guardian/UK, May 27, 2003
* "Pentagon sets sights on a new Tehran regime," by Julian Borger and Dan De Luce, The Guardian, May 24, 2003
* "Bush is on 'Brink of Catastrophe,'" by Roland Watson, The Times, May 23, 2003
* "U.S. Policy for Dummies," by Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers, April 29, 2003

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