Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Middle East : Peace

"Palestine is still the issue" - Film - May 15

Palestine is Still the Issue
Fifty years of Palestinian Dispossession

Sponsored by the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
ADC is proud to sponsor this event commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Palestinian Dispossession. The evening will include the extraordinary documentary, Palestine Is Still the Issue, by award winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger.

In a series of fascinating interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis, John Pilger weaves together the issue of Palestine. He speaks to the families of suicide bombers and their victims; he sees the humiliation of Palestinians imposed on them at myriad checkpoints and with a permit system not dissimilar to apartheid South Africa's infamous pass laws. He goes into the refugee camps and meets children who, he says, "no longer dream like other children, or if they do, it is about death."

Continually asking for the solution, John Pilger says it is time to bring justice, as well as peace, to Palestine.

There will be a panel discussion after the film.

TOWSON Branch, Baltimore Co. Library
in the Meeting Room
320 York Road
Thursday, May 15, 2003

No Charge

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