Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Media : Military : Protest Activity : Right Wing : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Imagine Not Having a Mouth

"In New York,when the police arrests protestors now, they ask them if they listen to Pacifica Radio!"

---Ryme Katkhouda

Many of us spend most of our waking hours advocating, speaking out, fighting against the oppression of others and supporting their expression.

WPFW (Pacifica In Washington, DC) has helped many of us get the word out on the anti-war movement, give the real story, bring the analysis that was everywhere else prohibited.

Now they need our help. If you don't have funds available, still, please forward this note. And if you can do it, please reach in your pocket to get us some more revolutionary radio!
Support 89.3FM, WPFW’s Programming for Peace Through Justice.

Dear Friends,

According to many of you, Pacifica and WPFW 89.3 FM’s reporting provides “a dose of reality”, “a place for progressive voices”, “the room to fight for peace”.
We have covered community news for national and local broadcasts; we have been broadcasting calendars of pro-peace events, we have been broadcasting and live-streaming entire protests and most important, we are part of the community working towards a “what next” which is based upon peace through justice.

WPFW is becoming known for covering breaking news, local events and highlighting contributions of community groups on the air locally and nationally through Pacifica Network broadcasting.

However, for WPFW to continue to be the Station for the Nation we need your help.

On Friday April 25th 8am-10pm, we will be hosting a fundraising drive to raise $75,000 so that we can continue our coverage of and bring you in. We need to raise $75,000 to help us build a fund for this kind of programming. Please call us or mail in the attached form and pledge your support.

Once your organization and members pledge, you all become voting members of WPFW. You get to elect the Local and National Board members and to participate in various council meetings. Now is the time to strengthen our community radio and help our movement grow.


Ryme Katkhouda, WPFW Senior Producer and media trainer

Through participating in WPFW we add our voices to the National Pacifica Network, truly an independent people’s voice in the midst of corporate control of mass media. Your membership will allow you to participate in Pacifica’s national Radio Network restructuring and elections, helping shape the Network and WPFW locally to best reflect and support our communities efforts and aspirations for democracy, human rights and dignity.

We ask you to become a member of WPFW 89.3FM and invite your membership, constituency and networks to do the same. Please pledge your dollar support.

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