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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Did James Woolsey let the World War IV Cat Out of the Bag

When former CIA Director James Woolsey began talking about World War IV, a war essentially against all so-called Islamists forces that preach hate against America, did he let some of the details of the Bush regime's long term plans and present actions in Iraq out of the bag?
Did James Woolsey let the World War IV Cat Out of the Bag

By Lloyd Hart

When former CIA Director James Woolsey began talking about World War IV, a war essentially against all so-called Islamists forces that preach hate against America, did he let some of the details of the Bush regime's long term plans and present actions in Iraq out of the bag? If you add up all the events of last couple weeks and the seeming incompetence of the Bush regime's handling of the reestablishment of civil authority in Iraq, the looting of hospitals, museums, banks and governments stores to allowing the Shi'ite bubble to grow at breakneck speed coalescing into a giant political force at the weekend as the Shiite celebrate in Karbala at the holiest site for the Shiite population in Iran and Iraq. Karbala being the location of the glorious death of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed and Holy Icon to the Shiite. Has the Bush regime pulled the trigger on a war they knew would lead to a scrap with the Shiite that would give them the excuse they need to go into Iran possibly inciting the Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia to rebel against the Saudi royal family and also bring terrorism from the Wahhabi street in Saudi Arabia against the U.S. giving the Bush regime all the excuse it needs to invade Saudi Arabia as well.

As I sit here watching the news from Karbala of the Shiite coalescing into the most powerful political force in Iraq while the U.S. allows Shiite to cross the border from Iran to join the celebrations in Karbala bringing political incitement with them. I can't help thinking that the Bush regime is as well allowing the Shiite extremists to entrench themselves from which the resulting suicide bombings against U.S. troops will give the Bush regime the U.S. the public support to do to the Shiite exactly what Saddam Hussein did, crush any resistance to U.S. authority in the region. Was the U.S. pressure on Syria just all show giving the Shiite cover and time enough to loot enough money and resources out of Baghdad and the southern Iraqi cities that the Shiite can now use as a foundation to build their most powerful political movement with which they're now beginning to turn and aim at the U.S. occupation. It is of course interesting that the only building that the U.S. troops and tanks did protect during the entire looting process was that as the Iraq oil ministry. If enough Shiite sponsored terrorism is committed against U.S. troops in southern Iraq and is seemed to be directed from the Shiite leadership in Tehran, the Bush regime will not only have control of Iraqi oil but will have recovered their investment in the Shah of Iran having all the evil doer evidence they need to invade Iran.

There is however something that has been bothering me for little while now. If the Bush regime miscalculated so badly in Venezuela thinking the majority, impoverished under white rule, Indian population would not rise up to save their, river to his people, Indian President Hugo Chavez, could they have simply miscalculated the reaction of the Shiite to the U.S. occupation in Iraq? I have to say yes, it is possible that they were not expecting the Shiite to turn on the U.S. occupation which could be exactly why the U.S. military is beginning to put the Sunni populated Baath Party back in charge of the civil society in Baghdad. The police on the streets of Baghdad are Baathists, the teachers in the schools are Baathists, the engineers restoring power and water to Baghdad are all Baathists. Its almost like an instant replay of Germany after World War Two when the Americans prosecuted a couple of key thugs but generally allowed most of the Nazi party to morph into the Christian Democratic Party which the U.S.-backed into power and still backs to this day. Not that the Baathists are comparable to the Nazis but only that the U.S. pattern seems to be the same. However considering everything we've heard and read about Wolfowitz and his psychotic plan to topple the entire Middle East whose spoils will exclusively come through U.S. controlled hands, the Bush regime may be indeed looking for any excuse, just as they did to justify the invasion of Iraq, to follow through on taking control of the entire strategic oil supply and therefore the global economy. And who knows, the Bush regime emboldened by its perceived victory in Iraq may revisit the Venezuela issue via Colombia via the war on drugs the Bush regime has conveniently morphed into the war on terrorism.

It could be that James Woolsey is simply breaking the ice on an idea of a total regime toppling war with all the Islamic populated nations from Saudi Arabia to Morocco to Indonesia. Getting the American public used to the idea that war with these nations is the only way to protect America from the extremists and terrorists that these nations support and harbor or at least as the rhetoric goes. And as long as the Bush regime continues to censor the U.S. press and kill foreign journalists they just might get away with it. Of course, by the time we actually do figured it all out, muster the courage and move to impeach Bush's sorry ass, (who will simply resign as a Nixon did avoiding prosecution) regimes will have been toppled, the strategic oil supply privatized into U.S. corporate hands and George W. Bush will have made himself, his family and all of his colleagues extraordinarily wealthy, subsidized by the blood and dead bodies of America's youth and thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians caught under the toppling regimes.

I still can't make up my mind. Are the scum bags that make up the Bush regime really stupid one-dimensional thinkers or are they crazy like serial killers, sinister in entrenched psychotic genius or are they both. Of course all the cocaine and booze could have something to do with it. When sober really really really stupid walking into walls and when coked and swilled, sinister entrenched psychotic genius. That could explain why I always get seasick when attempting to analyze the thinking of these crazy white men. Regardless of these crazy white men and their plans, compared to all the teachers that lovingly aided in the nurturing of the children my wife and I have raised into peace loving adults here in Massachusetts, the Bush regime might as well be spawn of Satan and should be in jail for all crimes committed fighting World War III. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly Canadian from a land where if the Prime Minister of Canada dropped the ball as bad as Bush did leading up to and on September 11, 2001 he would have had to resign the very next day instead of launching a global war for oil, water and food.

Economic Sanctions Against the U.S.

Dead and Wounded Iraqi Civilians

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