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Commentary :: Right Wing : War in Iraq

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Jay Garner as Iraq Head: Only Ken Lay or Ariel Sharon Could have Been Worse

news and notes from inside the Bush Reich
On Easter weekend, as the "revamped" White House lawn Easter Egg hunt got under way with a military theme (Operation Eggy Freedom), Bush-appointed chief of Iraq reconstruction Jay Garner was setting up shop in Baghdad. Welcome to the New World order, where religion and war are comfy bedmates and a major defense contractor scoping out business in a newly conquered nation is billed by the media as a "retired general" on a "humanitarian mission."

Jay Garner may be a "retired general" but he is far from retired as a defense contractor and political player. He is in fact a classic Bush choice for a juicy position. He's a hawkish aging ex-general and a leftover from the Reagan and Bush Administrations. A good pal of Donald Rumsfeld, Garner was Ronald Reagan's top salesman for the ridiculous boondoggle known as Star Wars. This bloated failure of Pentagon physics is part of the Space and Strategic Defense Command - a thinly veiled scheme to put the US in charge of the planet via space-based weaponry. Garner was also assistant deputy chief of staff during the 1991 Gulf War, and directed the Patriot anti-missile system scheme. This quote from a newspaper article made me think of Ken Lay - remember how one of his big covers was his high-profile charity work? Giving thousands to charity while divesting citizens of billions in retirement savings? "His admirers describe him as compassionate and people-oriented, and his role in the resettlement of Kurdish refugees to northern Iraq following the Gulf War has been emphasized." Yeah, I bet they've been emphasized! Just like Ken Lay's donations to cancer and college funds!

Gardner is president of SY Coleman (formerly SY Technology), a division of defense contractor L-3 Communications specializing in missile- defense systems. The division was a Southern California missile-defense contractor, SY Technology, until L-3 acquired it last year for $48 million. Garner, with virtually no private-sector experience, was named president of that firm. That same "retired military guy as figurehead" bit is popular among the masters of war. For example, Admiral William Crowe, Jr. was named as one of the heads and co-owners of BioPort, the company that landed the contract to manufacture all of the anthrax vaccine - though Crowe never put up a dime of his own money, as far as anyone has been able to determine. BioPort cleaned up with the Iraq war, providing vaccine for all those thousands of troops.

SY Technology has made millions off the instability of the Middle East. They not only supplied missile systems for the Bush II war in Iraq, they have also done extensive work for Ariel Sharon's government. Garner does not intend to let a little thing like being "sheriff of Baghdad" get in the way of his financial interests. Garner only plans to take a TEMPORARY LEAVE from his post as President of SY Coleman.This means all of Garner's personal financial interests in his company will be ongoing. Wonder if the next stage in SY Coleman's "business development plan" will be to design missile guidance systems for missiles trained on Iran and Syria?

Garner's track record makes its clear that he's not above making more than his share of the hay while the sun shines. In this respect, he ought to work very well with Bush's other appointee, Ahmed Chalabi, the con artist-turned instant "leader" who cleaned out the Jordanian treasury.

This is from the San Francisco Chronicle:

"During his watch as president of SY Technology, Garner faced allegations from another retired military officer that the company had received $100 million in defense contracts without undergoing competitive bidding.

"Biff Baker, a former lieutenant colonel at Army Space Command, alleged that SY landed the contracts solely because of Garner's Pentagon connections. SY subsequently sued Baker for defamation and causing loss of privacy for Garner. Garner told an interviewer last summer that none of Baker's allegations were true. In any case, the lawsuit was settled out of court last month and, as part of the settlement, neither side can discuss the matter with reporters." [wonder how much Garner settled on Baker as the price of his silence?] "In late January, L-3 said revenue in the most recent quarter had soared to $1.3 billion from $705 million a year ago. The company attributed the windfall to a doubling of military communications and electronics sales. L-3 said last week that it expects sales and earnings this year to rise by 20 percent."

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find that all sorts of "weapons needs" are identified during the interim gov. period that require the services of SY Technology and interlinked companies.

GARNER THE ZIONIST: Why Have all Traces of His Links to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs been Expunged from the Record?

Now, if all this were not disturbing enough, Garner is also a Zionist, a leaning that makes him fit all too well into the Bush religious delusional system. The American press has sat on this story as if waiting for it to hatch or turn to scrambled eggs. But the Arab Middle Eastern News has covered this extremely telling point. From a Lebanese news source:

"More troubling for some are Garner's stated political views in support of Israel and his ties with the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, which have prompted accusations of Zionism from some Arab critics. He has been regularly denounced by the Council on American-Islamic Relations for his views. "

Here's more from another Arab paper, "Kilahfah:" "While the S.F. Chronicle lauds this general turned "humanitarian" the general's past roles as one of the key leaders of JINSA and longtime advocate of using the U.S. military to support Zionism has been removed from the JINSA site.

"The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a cabal of Jewish American military officers who have long advocated putting Israel's security needs before those of the United States, has removed most all links to JINSA positions which may embarrass the Bush administrations drive to appoint General Gardner as the U.S. installed dictator of "liberated" Iraq.

Despite the Zionist's attempt to put General Gardner's past down the memory hole, many Arab sources including Al-Quds al-Arabi and Washington Report on Middle East have revealed General Gardner's close ties to the Israeli Likud party. The established media should realize that they may purge and censor their news to constantly rewrite history, but the truth lives forever on the Internet. There are still many sources on what General Gardner actually believes such as this JINSA statement on Palestinian "violence":


Despite these concerns and despite the glaring - even insulting - conflict of interest posed by Garner's dual role of defense contractor and "reconstructionist", when you tune into the network TV news or pick up a "Washington Post" or "New York Times," you will invariably hear Garner referred to solely as a "retired general" on a "humanitarian mission." So much for a free and honest press.


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