From 5:30 until 7:30PM we will station ourselves at Baltimore's central post office.
We call for an end to U.S. tax-funded aid to Israel.
We call for the U.S. government to get its budget
priorities straight and spend money on human need not corporate greed, war, or occupation.
We will hand out SUSTAIN NYC's mock 1040WAR tax form*. This form illustrates how a huge portion of our taxes dollars are used to finance the massive U.S. and Israeli military machines and for repression in Palestine. We want to talk with fellow taxpayers about U.S. budget priorities and our complicity in the horrors perpetrated in our name.
Bring banners and signs, and distribute the mock tax forms. Take advantage of the press, which is always at main post offices on tax day.
Sponsored by SUSTAIN (Stop US TAx Funded Aid to Israel Now!), Baltimore chapter.
For more information:
For a copy of the 1040WAR tax form and more
information, visit, and click on "Tax Day Action" at the top.