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The Bush Nazi Psyche by B. Meade

How Nazi buffoons rule.
First Edition 4/12/03

My Daddy said that the toppling of Saddam's "tin can statute" in Baghdad as a sign of victory was a made-to-order Hollywood-like scene to help glorify Bush Daddy's kid as a war hero. Those who welcomed the army of Secret Service's dummkopf Nazi puppet ruler looked like Abimael Guzman's sissy wimpy Contra queer boys; thus I wonder if the Iraqi people allowed them to live. Notice how the Nazis employ Creative NonViolence(33468) when they are toppling regimes, accentuating anything that would appear positive. The outspoken Anarchists of the "Serpent" disappear as they revel in the lawlessness that enables the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Media(NAZM) to paint a rosy picture of the social upheaval brought about by the Nazi takeover of a country(52651 & 132033). Keep in mind how the dummkopf Nazi puppet rulers use psychological tactics to get what they want. Hitler used to stomp his feet and throw a tantrum. Bush Daddy behaves like someone has their hand up his dress(218261). Stupidity that is pitiful seems to enable Bush Daddy's kid to get through a day. Secret Service has apparently opted to use a Hollywood-type glorification to elevate Bush Daddy's kid to war hero status. If the Zionism of the dunces and dummkopfs of Bush Daddy Tribe has enabled all of BDT to be gathered(186353 & 208762), would Bush Daddy's kid sacrifice every one of them to keep his picture in the paper? Such is the psyche of the rulers of the Nazis of BDT; i.e. Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots = Nazi.

You wouldn't think that it was possible for the dummkopf Nazis of BDT to take over this country with just a few people(309803 see PS too); thus one has to consider the purpose of the ranking system used by the Nazis(174299). The Nazis of lower rank are the ones who commit the crimes that compel people to hate the Nazis. Although the Nazi leaders may send underlings after perceived enemies, the victims never understand who has sent the underlings. In this way the Nazi leaders sacrifice underlings in order to draw out and eliminate those who would oppose the Nazi leaders. The chemical-mongering stupidity of the Nazis has Nazi underlings throwing chemicals whenever and wherever they can in the strongholds of BDT(47525 & 58159). Preferably these chemical-mongering Nazis are too stupid to understand that it is criminal; otherwise they are told to be too stupid to understand criminality. Whatever the case, when you oppose a chemical-mongering dummkopf Nazi underling, you are dispatched to the grave by another Nazi underling. These underlings afford a "layer of protection" to the Nazi leaders, enabling them to profess ignorance of everything. You will know the Nazi leaders by the people whom they chose to associate with. The professed ignorance of Nazi leaders about the crimes of their Nazi underlings should not prevent them from bringing the "dwelling of violence" down on their own heads(44378, 239878, & 243623). The fall of a Nazi leader usually results in the appearance of another one. Hopefully the gather of Bush Daddy Crop(231491) will result in the folly of all of them being plain to everyone(48513). I could have sworn to myself that the Bear Lord could have sworn to himself that not a one of the dummkopf Nazis of BDT was going to get away(Amos 9).

Nazi Psyche: Nothing is illegal if they haven't been arrested for it. Wherever in hell you live, the Nazis are trying to make it illegal to report on Nazi criminality.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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