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Bring the war Home and other articles at Frontlines

Visit often the site of Frontlines newspaper as we publish daily news and analysis of interest for antiwar, left wing and labor activists.

Frontlines, the newspaper of the Left

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The two world superpowers: the US Empire and the global antiwar movement Let’s Keep Building Our Resistance

* The war between armies becomes a war of occupation
* The reasons for the US tactical military victory
* The next steps for the left

"As expected, Anglo-American forces more or less won the first round of the new Gulf War. They secured 600 oil sites in the first three days of the war and with the surrender of Kirkuk on April 10, the road was opened for the US to control the 900 additional oil sites.

"With this the US had achieved one of the fundamental objectives of the war that was the control of the entire oil industry in Iraq."

Some of the lies of Messrs. Bush, Rumsfeld and Powell - Pro-war US crowd duped by propaganda

The US government initially said that the war was about “disarming Iraq” of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

All the dotted points on the map presented by US Secretary of State Mr. Colin Powell to the UN Security Council in February showing the sites where the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein was allegedly keeping or developing Weapons of Mass Destruction are now under the control of US forces.


Liberators? This is a dirty war of conquest and occupation.

Twenty Days that Horrified the World
By Sebastian Robles
April 10, 2003

"The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy," said Corporal Ryan Dupre. "I am starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin' Iraqi. No, I won't get hold of one. I'll just kill him." --US Marine at al-Nasariyah, as quoted in The Times

"...But besides the rising tide of deaths and injuries, as the war of armies gives way to the war of occupation and fighting becomes even dirtier, murkier and more murderous - yes, that is possible – the US government will also be responsible for making psychopaths out of many GIs."

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