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photos from saddam statue were propaganda: they were false.

photos from baghdad seem to show thousands and thousands of Iraqis tearing down the statue of Saddam. However, BBC photos reveal that there were at most only a couple hundred people there and that includes US troops!

I am appalled by the propaganda coming out of Iraq right now. The photos and news stories make it seem as if millions of Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad to welcome US and UK troops.

This is not the case. Here is a link to a photo, a photo taken form a roof top which show how few people were actually there to "dance" on top of that statue.

This propaganda (half truths) makes me sick. Spread this link far and wide please. The anti-war marches must go on. This photo is from the BBC. this is truly appalling that the US government is comparing these dozens of people to the Berlin Wall and the peaceful demise of that government by thousands and thousands of people.

Again, spread this far and wide. Resist propaganda.


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