Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD

There's a chance to take over Baltimore City Gvt. soon.

Due to some bungling, the City Council primary is particularly vulnerable this time around.
April 9, 2003

Right now, candidates for city offices are scrambling to revise their political plans and raise money after learning they would face the voters not next year - as many had expected - but in September.

"This is totally ludicrous, insane, crazy, unfortunate and embarrassing," said City Councilman Kenneth N. Harris Sr., who is plotting a possible run for City Council president.

I see all this as a golden opportunity for a few thousand Baltimore area progressive liberal democrats to take over the Baltimore City Government and use it as a showcase for what Liberals and Progressives can do.

All we have to do is get 14 of our own to volunteer to run in the Democratic Primary in each of the 14 districts, a 15th to run for council president and a 16th to run for Mayor. Primary elections have a notoriously low turnout. I haven’t had a chance to pull the election data from the last 5 city primaries yet, but I’d guess that about 2000 voters per district could topple the primary our way.

There must be thousands of Progressive Populists, Michael Moore fans and old-fashioned Kennedy Democrats left in Baltimore eager to make their mark. All they’d have to do is show up at the primaries in September to drive out the incumbents.

I say enthusiasm is a great replacement for experience. The Baltimore local government has been a joke at best and a farce at the worst of times. It’s time for optimistic amateurs to take over, and show that hardcore liberals can be effective in government.

I even have a suggestion of a good slogan and policy statement rolled into one; “We know what doesn’t work. Let’s try something else.”

Let’s take advantage of the confusion thrown into the upcoming primary election to drive out the old and bring in the new. Let’s work together to elect people who have no interest in politics as a “career” but who want to serve a single, effective term, make a difference, and get out.

I plan on walking to the downtown office of the Baltimore City Board of Elections at 417 E. Fayette Street, Room #129 , paying my $50.00 and filing for the district two Council Seat and putting my head on the chopping block. I need 15 other volunteers. Who’s with me?

Brian H. Davis

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