Ali Ismaeel Abbas lies in a Baghdad hospital - an innocent victim of the Iraq war. The 12-year-old lost both arms when a bomb hit his home, killing his family.

The pictures of his maimed and bloodied body moved us to tears.
Ali Ismaeel Abbas lies in a Baghdad hospital - an innocent victim of the Iraq war. The 12-year-old lost both arms when a bomb hit his home, killing his family.
Many readers were so moved they phoned, faxed and emailed the Daily Mirror offering to help the brave lad.
And today we launch an appeal to provide treatment for thousands of child victims of the war like Ali.
You can help child war victims by post or by credit card donation on the number below.
The money raised will be used by Unicef to care for children in Ali's hospital and other children injured in the war.
Send cheques or postal orders made payable to:
The Ali Appeal,
c/o Daily Mirror,
PO Box 6867,
E14 5AN.
You can also make a donation using Visa, Mastercard or Switch cards by calling 0870 902 3185.
If the lines are busy, please try again later.
The Mirror was yesterday inundated with messages of sympathy and offers of cash to help Iraqi bomb victim Ali Ismaeel Abbas rebuild his shattered young life.
Emails, letters and phone calls flooded into our offices from readers moved by the picture of the distraught 12-year-old boy lying in a ward with his arms blown off and his little torso badly burned.
And as Ali was being cared for by overstretched staff at Baghdad's Al-Kindi hospital, the Mirror pledged to help aid agency Unicef raise money for Iraqi children caught up in the war.
You told of your fury and shame at the pain and suffering inflicted on an innocent youngster, who also lost his family when a missile obliterated their home.
Shakoor Ahmed, of, Leeds wrote: "After reading your story on Ali, I cried with anger and despair. I am a grown man and have not shed a tear in years, however this story was too much to bear.
"Please could you start a fund to try to collect the funds to pay for artificial limbs for Ali. I'd be more than happy to donate.
"We could not stop this war but the least we can do is help those our country has bombed and humiliated."
Omar Ocean, of Tunbridge Wells, Kent, added: "How can we explain to this innocent child that it was for his own good his family have been taken away from him and his life destroyed?"
Steve Turner of Staffordshire sent the Mirror £250 after seeing Ali's picture.
He said: "It shocked me. I thought I had to send money. He desperately needs help.
"I lost my father a while ago and so I know what it is like to lose a relative. However, to lose both your arms and your entire family is just terrible."
Mel Jollans added: "Please tell me what I can do to help that boy. I feel nothing but horror and grief for him. Thank you for telling us what we need to know."
Norwegian dad-of-four Vennlig Hilsen said: "I feel ashamed to be an adult. It breaks my heart to see the suffering and despair. We cannot allow this to happen again. Nothing can justify the fate of these poor people."
Former Indian royal Maharani Gayatri Devi was so moved by the image of Ali she offered to pay his medical fees.
The Maharani, wife of an ex-ruler of Jaipur, pledged: "I want to help the boy in getting back his limbs. I will bear the expenses. If the facilities are good in Iraq then he can be operated on there or else anywhere in the world."
Mum-of-two Faith Goodall, 37, from Winchester, told how she burst into tears at the picture.
The 37-year-old, of Winchester, Hants, said: "It is so painful to see him lying there helpless.
"He had a look on his face that my 10-year son would have if he was in pain."
Anne Wilson, 66, from Ayrshire, added: "What happened to this boy makes my heart bleed.
"I immediately thought of my own grandchildren of the same age. What kind of existence can he possibly have? He has no family and no arms. I know I will do anything to help him."
Teacher Katherine Chaveli, of Wembley, Middx, said: "I can't get the boy out of my mind. When I saw him I was lost for words.
"What can you say to the boy now? He has lost everything. The least we can do is try to help him get the medical aid he needs."
Concert pianist Gino Marchetti, from Glasgow, added: "He looks in so much pain and distress. I was sickened by what happened."
Betty Ziegler, 75, of Winchester, Hants, said: "I was gutted when I saw the picture. Why hasn't he been flown out of the country so he can receive the care he needs?"
Last night prosthetics experts at the Dorset Orthopaedic Centre in Ringwood, Hants, pledged to give Ali new false limbs.
Managing director Bob Watts said: "We will do everything we can to help."
When western aid starts to flow, Unicef will deliver vital equipment and drugs to children like Ali all across Iraq.
It will also keep power and water supplies up and running.