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Announcement :: Globalization

Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity

Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity
Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity

Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity

The opposition of the revolutionary immanence to the religious transcendence, victory of the Justice all her human on the revealed dogmas: here is the vertex of the work, the facto line that radically separates two systems opposite. The applications will flow in all the domains: in morals, in economy, in politics national or international.
Then it results that for your doctrine of the Justice, Proudhon is the firmest defender than it was named in your time the independent morals, and than it is named nowadays in school terms the morals laic, and that is necessary to call in the sense of Proudhon the rationalistic morals or humanist. He is not satisfied of defending, but it thoroughly invests against your rival. “The intervention of an authority external, natural or supernatural, in the order of the justice and as sanction of the justice, it is destructive of the own justice. In other terms the justice is affirmed and he defends alone, or she is not.” nothing else than of a metaphysics or of a theodicy it doesn't depend on another science. We cannot deduce her nor of the hygiene, nor of the economy, nor than nowadays we called the science of the habits. It doesn't depend that of the conscience and than Proudhon, in terms that we will define, calls “the social essence” if the Justice is relative and progressive in your historical expressions, while supreme reality is absolute.
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Proudhon and the Condemnation of the Charity
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