Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

The Northeastern Anarchist: Anti-War Supplementary out now!

In response to US-led imperial conquest currently taking place in Iraq (which, in sick irony has been dubbed "Operation Iraqi Freedom") those of us from the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) have published a special anti-war edition of 'The Northeastern Anarchist'.
The Northeastern Anarchist:
Special Anti-War Supplementary Issue out now!

In response to US-led imperial conquest currently taking place in Iraq (which, in sick irony has been dubbed "Operation Iraqi Freedom") those of us from the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) have published a special anti-war edition of 'The Northeastern Anarchist'.

Included is anarchist analysis of the current war in Iraq * Oil and imperialism * Women and war * Lessons from the first Gulf War * Class struggle and anti-war protest * Anti-recruitment * Anarchist critique of the anti-war movement * and much more...

This issue is NOT available from our usual distributors, and we will not accept bulk orders (sorry). To get a copy, send $2ppd ($3 Canadian) to:

The Northeastern Anarchist
PO Box 230685 Boston, MA 02123, USA


For a general index of class struggle anarchist responses to the war on Iraq (and against militarism in general), visit NEFAC on the web at:

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