Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: U.S. Government

Jimmy Carter Jumps Ship

ex-Prez and former War critic Jimmy Carter says "support our troops". Glargh.

In yet another blow to anti-war voices, ex-Prez and former Bush critic Jimmy Carter says "support our troops". I wrote him an email at to tell him just how dissapointed I was. Why don't you do the same?

I wrote (in part): "If you do not speak out, who will? The silence of the average American opposed to this war is becoming frightening. My friends and family are afraid to speak their minds because they think they will be harassed or labeled un-patriotic.

Support our troops? Everyone says, "support our troops" even if you are opposed to this war. Why should I support actions I deem immoral, actions I fear many of those who have pledged to defend this country will regret for the rest of their lives? Soldiers always bear the burden of regret, even when war is justified. After history has judged this war, their burden will be magnified untold times.

Please consider that as long as you are opposed to this war and remain silent, as long as you repeat the rhetoric "support our troops", you are setting an example for all Americans opposed to this war - you are telling them that one of the most incredible positive forces in our Country has been cowed into silence, and that they, too, should be hesitant to speak out. No matter what else you say about people's rights to speak their opposition, your self-imposed silence will be a screaming warning in the ears of every American who is already afraid to speak out."


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