News :: Peace
They will never forget it!
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By propaganda of invaders compared to one dead US/UK mercenary 100 iraqi draftee soldiers get killed!
The outcome of this is 4300 killed Iraqis compared to officially 43 killed mercenaries.
During two lachrymose self-righteous nations are snivel about a couple of 'heroical' mercenaries 8600 fathers and mothers in iraq bewail the death of their sons. Which American and British has ever think about?
They cannot celebrate impossibly you as liberators, you kill their children!
Meanwhile iraq women coming to an christian hospice in Bagdad for scrape out their unborn children with spoons because they would not survive the war. These women leave the hospital immediately with their dead kids because they would not die in the hospice (tv report canal 8).
They will kill you anywhere they can as long as American and British are in this country.
And you only could protect you by eradicate this whole nation.
You are maltreat this nation with your sanctions and with your felonious war, you destroy their homeland and coerce this starving and thirsty people by abasing manner to take water and food from the hands of their murderer. You agonize them with bags over heads and take them any human dignity. You are crimes!
They will never forget it!